3,119 research outputs found

    Converting Family Into Fans: How the Comtemporary Jewish Museum Expanded Its Reach

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    The last in a series of 10 case studies explores how The Contemporary Jewish Museum in SanFrancisco worked to attract families of all backgrounds and build the next generation of museum supporters. It describes how the museum convened focus groups to better understand the needs of families with young children, designed programs and exhibitions to meet those needs, offered family discounts and entered into community partnerships to build awareness of the museum's offerings.Although The Contemporary Jewish Museum sought to attract families, it did not want to become a children's museum. It therefore took extra efforts to balance the needs of children and adults. It worked to manage parents' expectations, created spaces for children to work on activities and trained its staff to draw families to areas most appropriate for children.These efforts resulted in a nearly nine-fold increase in family visitors over seven years, the report finds. Authors suggest that the museum's successes relied in part on a nuanced understanding of its target audiences, mutually beneficial partnerships with schools and libraries and careful evaluation and refinement of engagement strategies.

    Optimal association of mobile users to multi-access edge computing resources

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    Multi-access edge computing (MEC) plays a key role in fifth-generation (5G) networks in bringing cloud functionalities at the edge of the radio access network, in close proximity to mobile users. In this paper we focus on mobile-edge computation offloading, a way to transfer heavy demanding, and latency-critical applications from mobile handsets to close-located MEC servers, in order to reduce latency and/or energy consumption. Our goal is to provide an optimal strategy to associate mobile users to access points (AP) and MEC hosts, while contextually optimizing the allocation of radio and computational resources to each user, with the objective of minimizing the overall user transmit power under latency constraints incorporating both communication and computation times. The overall problem is a mixed-binary problem. To overcome its inherent computational complexity, we propose two alternative strategies: i) a method based on successive convex approximation (SCA) techniques, proven to converge to local optimal solutions; ii) an approach hinging on matching theory, based on formulating the assignment problem as a matching game

    Process Mining-Based Customer Journey Analytics

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    Leveraging data to enable business growth through different market channels

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Driven Marketing, specialization in Digital Marketing and AnalyticsThe shift from mechanical and analog technology to digital electronics leading to the "Second Digital Revolution."With the rise of the Data Economy, companies need to redefine their role in this economy by evaluating their engagement. Data has become a valuable asset that can be monetized, and companies are leveraging it to scale their businesses. Schneider Electric, a top energy management company, uses innovative technologies and solutions to drive digital transformation. This project was created to answer challenges faced by Schneider Electric in giving visibility to partners, monetizing data, and sharing data securely. As part of the project deployment, qualitative analysis methods were used, including semi-structured interviews and use case analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with service partners at different project stages to gather insights and requirements. Use case analysis was employed to define user interactions within the system. The interviews revealed service partners' need for tools to record and display inventory, access comprehensive product information, and receive proactive notifications. The use cases were developed based on these insights and aimed to address the partners' pain points while aligning with Schneider Electric's business objectives. Overall, these methods helped gather valuable input for the project and shape the solution design. The project successfully improved the customer journey for all types of customers through the mySchneider portal, providing convenient access to customer information, service maintenance contracts, service visits, and reports. The methodology employed in the project can be applied to other initiatives and future enhancements, aiming to enhance customer satisfaction and increase business revenue. The project also has theoretical implications for marketing and customer relationship management, empowering businesses to develop effective strategies and cultivate stronger customer relationships. Agile project methodology was effective in navigating budget and timeline constraints. The implementation of the project will support Schneider Electric's global offices and their services growth strategies through partnerships


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    Mix method analysis for analyzing user behavior on logistic company mobile pocket software

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    The present study emphasizes mixed-method analysis, integrating the partial least square structural equation model (PLS-SEM) and customer journey for mobile pocket office improvement in logistic XYZ company. The extension of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT 2) model by incorporating perceived risk (PR), personal innovativeness (PI), and trust (TR) variables are used. The sample for this study consisted of 243 res­pondents. Based on the results of the PLS-SEM analysis, two of the eleven tested hypotheses were determined to be rejected. In application usage, the proposed model effectively explained 85.7 per cent of the influence on beha­vioral intention (BI) and 72.1 per cent on use behavior (UB). The customer journey mapping (CJM) investigation's findings show that fluctuations in the use of mobile pocket office technology in the field are generally brought on by a lot of data entry, sluggish internet connections, and overworked field operations. The XYZ company may acquire sugges­tions and knowledge for developing further applications due to this inquiry.Saat ini, perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan inovasi sangat penting bagi perekonomian. Selain itu, hal ini menyebabkan persaingan yang semakin ketat antara perusahaan. Aplikasi mobile pocket office berbasis mobile disediakan oleh perusahaan logistik PT. XYZ dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan khususnya di divisi operasional. Namun karena fluktuasi penggunaan, program mobile pocket office ini tidak dapat bekerja pada level puncaknya. Untuk menguji perilaku pengguna, penelitian ini menggunakan analisis metode campuran, mengintegrasikan PLS-SEM dan Perjalanan Pelanggan. Evaluasi PLS-SEM Penelitian ini menilai variabel yang mempengaruhi penerimaan pengguna terhadap penggunaan aplikasi mobile pocket office dengan membangun model UTAUT 2 yang ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkan variabel persepsi risiko (PR), inovasi pribadi (SINN), dan kepercayaan (TR). Sampel untuk penelitian ini terdiri dari 243 responden. Berdasarkan hasil analisis PLS-SEM, dua dari sebelas hipotesis yang diuji dinyatakan tidak benar. Efek terbesar pada niat perilaku dan perilaku penggunaan masing-masing disebabkan oleh variabel motivasi hedonis (HM) dan variabel kebiasaan (HB) (BI). Dalam konteks penggunaan aplikasi, model yang diusulkan menjelaskan secara efektif pengaruh sebesar 85,7 persen terhadap behavioral intention (BI) dan 72,1 persen terhadap use behavior (UB). Variabel persepsi risiko (PR) dan ekspektasi upaya (EE) diabaikan. Pengguna merasakan banyak usaha, dan tingginya risiko penyalahgunaan membuat mereka kurang tertarik menggunakan program, menurut hasil. Temuan investigasi Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) menunjukkan bahwa fluktuasi penggunaan teknologi mobile pocket office di lapangan umumnya disebabkan oleh banyak entri data, koneksi internet yang lamban, dan operasi lapangan yang terlalu banyak bekerja. PT. Perusahaan XYZ dapat memperoleh saran dan pengetahuan untuk mengembangkan aplikasi lebih lanjut sebagai hasil dari penyelidikan ini.   &nbsp

    International Policies and the Social Work Response: The Example of NAFTA

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    The policies made in the United States can have an important impact on the rest of the world and policy makers must consider the effect of U.S. policies not only on the citizens of the United States, but the global community as well. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is an example of a policy of the United States that has changed the economy of Mexico, and in many ways made Mexico more dependent on the United States. This paper looks at the effect NAFTA has had on the economies, jobs, and workers of both Mexico and the United States. After nearly 15 years in effect, it is important to examine if this free trade agreement is meeting its original goals and yielding positive results in both Mexico and the United States. Additionally, it examines the responsibility of social workers in the United States to be aware of international policies, such as NAFTA and the need for the profession to respond to these policies. If United States citizens are prospering at the expense of the poor and marginalized worldwide, social workers need to advocate on behalf of those throughout the world whose voice is not heard in this country and take action against detrimental policies