7 research outputs found

    Energie fĂĽr unser Europa

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    ENERGIE FĂśR UNSER EUROPA Energie fĂĽr unser Europa (Rights reserved) ( -

    Rektoratsbericht 2013

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    Rektoratsbericht fĂĽr das Jahr 201

    Vertikaler Netzbetrieb: ein Ansatz zur Koordination von Netzbetriebsinstanzen verschiedener Netzebenen

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    Die in Deutschland zunehmende Abschaltung und Stilllegung konventioneller Kraftwerke resultiert in einem Defizit an regelbarer Erzeugung. Folglich bedarf es zu dessen Ausgleich Verfahren, die sich neuer betrieblicher Freiheitsgrade wie bspw. aktiver Netzanschlussnehmer in den Verteilernetzen bedienen. Die Dissertation widmet sich der Fragestellung, wie genau diese neuen betrieblichen Freiheitsgrade in den Verteilernetzebenen nutzbar gemacht werden können, ohne dass deren Aktivierung einen negativen Einfluss auf deren Anschlussnetze hat. Hierfür wird der „Vertikale Netzbetrieb“ und dessen neuartige Koordinationsschnittstelle zwischen den Netzbetreibern - die PQu(t)-Kapabilität, welche den zulässigen Lösungsraum aller möglichen Arbeitspunkte an einem Netzverknüpfungspunkt beschreibt - vorgeschlagen. Des Weiteren wird eine Methode zur Berechnung der abgangsscharfen Arbeitspunktänderungen entworfen. Die Validierung der Tauglichkeit des Ansatzes und der Methoden erfolgt mittels numerischer Fallstudien.In Germany, more and more power plants are shut down or even decommissioned. Consequently, there is a loss of controllable power generation. Thus, system operation requires new degrees of freedom like controllable loads, decentralized storages or electric vehicles located on the DSOs’ levels. This thesis investigates, how these new distribution system’s operational degrees of freedom can be utilized without a negative impact on whose system. Therefore, an active coordination between system operators of different grid levels is required. Hence, three possible system operation approaches are discussed. Thereby, the proposed approach of the Vertical System Operation is preferred. The realization of this concept requires a new kind of coordination interface between the system operators. Therefore, the PQu(t)-Capability is introduced, which is not limited to the vertical coordination and can also be used for the horizontal connection of power system. In addition, this work presents a method to determine feeder specific operation point adjustments. Thereby, all proposed methods consider the dedicated capability curve of each unit, the PQu(t)-Capability of possible subordinated grids as well as depending on the grid level the N-1 criterion. Based on numerical case studies the permissibility of the proposed approach and its methods are validated. Therefore, different grids and voltage levels have to be analyzed. Thus, existing reference grids are chosen and adapted regarding the requirements for the simulation of the vertical coordination. Besides the distribution and dimensioning of the loads, RES and potentials of operational degrees of freedoms, possible subordinated grids have to be considered. It is shown, that the Vertical System Operation approach is capable to coordinate system operators of different voltage levels. Furthermore, it enables the utilization of the distribution levels’ operational degrees of freedom avoiding the violation of the system security

    Planning the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Cities and Regions

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    Planning the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) is a new challenging task. This book treats all involved aspects: charging technologies and norms, interactions with the electricity system, electrical installation, demand for charging infrastructure, economics of public infrastructure provision, policies in Germany and the EU, external effects, stakeholder cooperation, spatial planning on the regional and street level, operation and maintenance, and long term spatial planning

    Planning the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Cities and Regions

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    Planning the charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs) is a new challenging task. This book treats all involved aspects: charging technologies and norms, interactions with the electricity system, electrical installation, demand for charging infrastructure, economics of public infrastructure provision, policies in Germany and the EU, external effects, stakeholder cooperation, spatial planning on the regional and street level, operation and maintenance, and long term spatial planning