129 research outputs found

    Predicting your next OLAP query based on recent analytical sessions

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    International audienceIn Business Intelligence systems, users interact with data warehouses by formulating OLAP queries aimed at exploring multidimensional data cubes. Being able to predict the most likely next queries would provide a way to recommend interesting queries to users on the one hand, and could improve the efficiency of OLAP sessions on the other. In particular, query recommendation would proactively guide users in data exploration and improve the quality of their interactive experience. In this paper, we propose a framework to predict the most likely next query and recommend this to the user. Our framework relies on a probabilistic user behavior model built by analyzing previous OLAP sessions and exploiting a query similarity metric. To gain insight in the recommendation precision and on what parameters it depends, we evaluate our approach using different quality assessments

    An economic energy approach for queries on data centers

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    Energy consumption is an issue that involves all of us, both as individuals and as members of a society, and covers all our areas of activity. It is something so broad that its impact has important reflections on our social, cultural and financial structures. The domain of software, and in particular database systems, is not an exception. Although it seems to be a little bit strange to study the energy consumption of just one query, when we consider the execution of a a few thousand queries per second, quickly we see the importance of the querying consumption in the monthly account of any company that has a conventional data center. To demonstrate the energy consumption of queries in data centers, we idealized a small dashboard for monitoring and analyzing the sales of a company, and implemented all the queries needed for populating it and ensuring its operation. The queries were organized into two groups, oriented especially to two distinct database management systems: one relational (MySQL) and one non relational (Neo4J). The goal is to evaluate the energy consumption of different types of queries, and at the same time compare it in terms of relational and non-relational database approaches. This paper relates the process we implemented to set up the energy consumption application scenario, measure the energy consumption of each query, and present our first preliminary results

    Performance Characterization of NVMe Flash Devices with Zoned Namespaces (ZNS)

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    The recent emergence of NVMe flash devices with Zoned Namespace support, ZNS SSDs, represents a significant new advancement in flash storage. ZNS SSDs introduce a new storage abstraction of append-only zones with a set of new I/O (i.e., append) and management (zone state machine transition) commands. With the new abstraction and commands, ZNS SSDs offer more control to the host software stack than a non-zoned SSD for flash management, which is known to be complex (because of garbage collection, scheduling, block allocation, parallelism management, overprovisioning). ZNS SSDs are, consequently, gaining adoption in a variety of applications (e.g., file systems, key-value stores, and databases), particularly latency-sensitive big-data applications. Despite this enthusiasm, there has yet to be a systematic characterization of ZNS SSD performance with its zoned storage model abstractions and I/O operations. This work addresses this crucial shortcoming. We report on the performance features of a commercially available ZNS SSD (13 key observations), explain how these features can be incorporated into publicly available state-of-the-art ZNS emulators, and recommend guidelines for ZNS SSD application developers. All artifacts (code and data sets) of this study are publicly available at https://github.com/stonet-research/NVMeBenchmarks.Comment: Paper to appear in the https://clustercomp.org/2023/program

    GekkoFS: A temporary distributed file system for HPC applications

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    We present GekkoFS, a temporary, highly-scalable burst buffer file system which has been specifically optimized for new access patterns of data-intensive High-Performance Computing (HPC) applications. The file system provides relaxed POSIX semantics, only offering features which are actually required by most (not all) applications. It is able to provide scalable I/O performance and reaches millions of metadata operations already for a small number of nodes, significantly outperforming the capabilities of general-purpose parallel file systems.The work has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the ADA-FS project as part of the Priority Programme 1648. It is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2015–65316), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014–SGR–1051), as well as the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (NEXTGenIO, 671951) and the European Comission’s BigStorage project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014-642963). This research was conducted using the supercomputer MOGON II and services offered by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Smart Query Answering for Marine Sensor Data

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    We review existing query answering systems for sensor data. We then propose an extended query answering approach termed smart query, specifically for marine sensor data. The smart query answering system integrates pattern queries and continuous queries. The proposed smart query system considers both streaming data and historical data from marine sensor networks. The smart query also uses query relaxation technique and semantics from domain knowledge as a recommender system. The proposed smart query benefits in building data and information systems for marine sensor networks

    Performance Characterization of NVMe Flash Devices with Zoned Namespaces (ZNS)

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    The recent emergence of NVMe flash devices with Zoned Namespace support, ZNS SSDs, represents a significant new advancement in flash storage. ZNS SSDs introduce a new storage abstraction of append-only zones with a set of new I/O (i.e., append) and management (zone state machine transition) commands. With the new abstraction and commands, ZNS SSDs offer more control to the host software stack than a non-zoned SSD for flash management, which is known to be complex (because of garbage collection, scheduling, block allocation, parallelism management, overprovisioning). ZNS SSDs are, consequently, gaining adoption in a variety of applications (e.g., file systems, key-value stores, and databases), particularly latency-sensitive big-data applications. Despite this enthusiasm, there has yet to be a systematic characterization of ZNS SSD performance with its zoned storage model abstractions and I/O operations. This work addresses this crucial shortcoming. We report on the performance features of a commercially available ZNS SSD (13 key observations), explain how these features can be incorporated into publicly available state-of-the-art ZNS emulators, and recommend guidelines for ZNS SSD application developers. All artifacts (code and data sets) of this study are publicly available at https://github.com/stonet-research/NVMeBenchmarks

    L'intertextualité dans les publications scientifiques

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    La base de données bibliographiques de l'IEEE contient un certain nombre de duplications avérées avec indication des originaux copiés. Ce corpus est utilisé pour tester une méthode d'attribution d'auteur. La combinaison de la distance intertextuelle avec la fenêtre glissante et diverses techniques de classification permet d'identifier ces duplications avec un risque d'erreur très faible. Cette expérience montre également que plusieurs facteurs brouillent l'identité de l'auteur scientifique, notamment des collectifs de chercheurs à géométrie variable et une forte dose d'intertextualité acceptée voire recherchée