446,836 research outputs found


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    In this paper, I argue that it is pertinent to develop positive characters among all students as they are the future assets of a nation. A review of related literature shows that inculcating values and moulding character has been of great concern in the school mathematics curriculum of many countries. There are various categories of intrinsic values embedded in mathematics education. With careful and mindful integration into teaching and learning of mathematics, it is possible to inculcate positive values and thus produce positive characters of our future generation. Some suggestions on how to inculcate these values into mathematics teaching and learning at various school levels were discussed at the end of this paper. Keyword: mathematics teaching and learning; moulding character; values in mathematics educatio

    Title IV. Of Husband and Wife (Art. 86 - 137)

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    Chap. 1. On Marriage (Art. 86 - 89) Chap. 2. How Marriages May Be Contracted or Made (Art. 90 - 97) Chap. 3. Of the Celebration of Marriages (Art. 98 - 109) Chap. 4. Of the Nullity of Marriages (Art. 110 - 118) Chap. 5. Of the Respective Rights and Duties of Married Persons (Art. 119 - 135) Chap. 6. Of the Dissolution of Marriage (Art. 136) Chap. 7. Of Second Marriage (Art. 137)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_i/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Title VII. Of Sale (Art. 2438 - 2659)

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    Chap. 1. Of the Nature and Form of the Contract of Sale (Art. 2438 - 2444) Chap. 2. Of Persons Capable of Buying and Selling (Art. 2445 - 2447) Chap. 3. Of Things Which May Be Sold (Art. 2448 - 2455) Chap. 4. How the Contract of Sale Is to Be Perfected (Art. 2456 - 2466) Chap. 5. At Whose Risk the Thing Is, after the Sale is Completed (Art. 2467 - 2473) Chap. 6. Of the Obligations of the Seller (Art. 2474 - 2548) Chap. 7. of the Obligations of the Buyer (Art. 2549 - 2565) Chap. 8. Of the Resolution and of the Rescission of the Sale (Art. 2566 - 2600) Chap. 9. Of Sales by Auction, or Public Sales (Art. 2601 - 2615) Chap. 10. Of Judicial Sales (Art. 2616 - 2625) Chap. 11. Of the Compulsory Transfer of Property (Art. 2626 - 2641) Chap. 12. Of the Assignment or Transfer of Credits and Other Incorporeal Rights (Art. 2642 - 2654) Chap. 13. Of the Giving in Payment (Art. 2655 - 2659)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_iii/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Title I. Of Successions (Art. 871 - 1466)

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    Chap. 1. Of the Different Sorts of Successions and Heirs (Art. 871 - 885) Chap. 2. Of Legal Successions (Art. 886 - 914) Chap. 3. Of Irregular Successions (Art. 915 - 933) Chap. 4. In What Manner Successions Are Opened (Art. 934 - 949) Chap. 5. Of the Incapacity and Unworthiness of Heirs (Art. 950 - 975) Chap. 6. In What Manner Successions Are Accepted, and How They Are Renounced (Art. 976 - 1074) Chap. 7. Of the Seals, and of Affixing and Raising of the Same (Art. 1075 - 1094) Chap. 8. Of the Administration of Vacant and Intestate Successions (Art. 1095 - 1219) Chap. 9. Of the Successions of Persons Domiciliated Out of State, and of the Tax Due by Foreign Heirs, Legatees, and Donees (Art. 1220 - 1223) Chap. 10. Of Successions Administered by Syndics (Art. 1224 - 1226) Chap. 11. Of Collations (Art. 1227 - 1288) Chap. 12. Of the Partition of Successions (Art. 1289 - 1414) Chap. 13. Of the Payment of the Debts of a Succession (Art. 1415 - 1466)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_iii/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Data-Driven Multi-step Demand Prediction for Ride-Hailing Services Using Convolutional Neural Network

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    Ride-hailing services are growing rapidly and becoming one of the most disruptive technologies in the transportation realm. Accurate prediction of ride-hailing trip demand not only enables cities to better understand people's activity patterns, but also helps ride-hailing companies and drivers make informed decisions to reduce deadheading vehicle miles traveled, traffic congestion, and energy consumption. In this study, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep learning model is proposed for multi-step ride-hailing demand prediction using the trip request data in Chengdu, China, offered by DiDi Chuxing. The CNN model is capable of accurately predicting the ride-hailing pick-up demand at each 1-km by 1-km zone in the city of Chengdu for every 10 minutes. Compared with another deep learning model based on long short-term memory, the CNN model is 30% faster for the training and predicting process. The proposed model can also be easily extended to make multi-step predictions, which would benefit the on-demand shared autonomous vehicles applications and fleet operators in terms of supply-demand rebalancing. The prediction error attenuation analysis shows that the accuracy stays acceptable as the model predicts more steps

    Title IV. Of Conventional Obligations (Art. 1761 - 2291)

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    Chap. 1. General Provisions (Art. 1761 - 1778) Chap. 2. Of the Requisites to the Formation of a Valid Agreement (Art. 1779 - 1900) Chap. 3. Of the Effect of Obligations (Art. 1901 - 1994) Chap. 4. Of the Different Kinds of Obligations (Art. 1995 - 2129) Chap. 5. Of the Manner in Which Obligations May Be Extinguished (Art. 2130 - 2231) Chap. 6. Of the Proof of Obligations and of That of Payment (Art. 2232 - 2291)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_iii/1004/thumbnail.jp

    Preliminary Title. Of the General Definitions of Law and the Promulgation of the Laws (Art. 1 - 23)

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    Chap. 1. Of Law (Art. 1 - 3) Chap. 2. Of the Publication of the Laws (Art. 4 - 7) Chap. 3. Of the Effects of Laws (Art. 8 - 12) Chap. 4. Of the Application and Construction of Laws (Art. 13 - 21) Chap. 5. Of the Repeal of Laws (Art. 22 - 23)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_prelimtitle/1000/thumbnail.jp

    CHAP Enhances Versatility in Colloidal Probe Fabrication

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    A colloidal probe, comprising a colloidal particle attached to an atomic force microscope cantilever, is employed to measure directly interaction forces between the particle and a surface. It is possible to change or even destroy a particle while attaching it to a cantilever, thus limiting the types of systems to which the colloidal probe technique may be applied. Here we present the Controlled Heating and Alignment Platform (CHAP) for fabricating colloidal probes without altering the original characteristics of the attached particle. The CHAP applies heat directly to the atomic force microscope chip to rapidly and precisely control cantilever temperature. This minimizes particle heating and enables control over the viscosity of thermoplastic adhesive, to prevent it from contaminating the particle surface. 3D-printed components made the CHAP compatible with standard optical microscopes and streamlined the fabrication process while increasing the platforms versatility. Using the CHAP with a thermoplastic wax adhesive, colloidal probes were fabricated using polystyrene and silica particles between 0.7 and 40 m in diameter. We characterized the properties and interactions of the adhesive and particles, as well as the properties of the completed probes, to demonstrate the retention of particle features throughout fabrication. Pull-off tests with CHAPs probes measured adhesive force values in the expected ranges and demonstrated that particles were firmly attached to the cantilevers

    Title XXI. Of Privileges (Art. 3182 - 3277)

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    Chap. 1. General Provisions (Art. 3182 - 3185) Chap. 2. Of the Several Kinds of Privileges (Art. 3186 - 3189) Chap. 3. Of Privileges on Movables (Art. 3190 - 3248) Chap. 4. Of Privileges on Immovables (Art. 3249 - 3251) Chap. 5. Of Privileges Which Embrace both Movables and Immovables (Art. 3252 - 3253) Chap. 6. Of the Order in Which Privileged Creditors Are to Be Paid (Art. 3254 - 3270) Chap. 7. How Privileges Are Preserved and Recorded (Art. 3271 - 3276) Chap. 8. Of the Manner in Which Privileges Are Extinguished (Art. 3277)https://digitalcommons.law.lsu.edu/la_civilcode_book_iii/1021/thumbnail.jp