21 research outputs found

    Evolving the Curve

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    Evolutionary algorithms are used to generate personal contact networks, modelling human populations, that are most likely to match a given epidemic profile. The Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) model is used and also expanded upon to allow for an extended period of infection, termed the SIIR model. The networks generated for each of these models are thoroughly evaluated for their ability to match nine different epidemic profiles. The addition of the SIIR model showed that the model of infection has an impact on the networks generated. For the SIR and SIIR models, these differences were relatively minor in most cases.Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Training Physics-Informed Neural Networks via Multi-Task Optimization for Traffic Density Prediction

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    Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are a newly emerging research frontier in machine learning, which incorporate certain physical laws that govern a given data set, e.g., those described by partial differential equations (PDEs), into the training of the neural network (NN) based on such a data set. In PINNs, the NN acts as the solution approximator for the PDE while the PDE acts as the prior knowledge to guide the NN training, leading to the desired generalization performance of the NN when facing the limited availability of training data. However, training PINNs is a non-trivial task largely due to the complexity of the loss composed of both NN and physical law parts. In this work, we propose a new PINN training framework based on the multi-task optimization (MTO) paradigm. Under this framework, multiple auxiliary tasks are created and solved together with the given (main) task, where the useful knowledge from solving one task is transferred in an adaptive mode to assist in solving some other tasks, aiming to uplift the performance of solving the main task. We implement the proposed framework and apply it to train the PINN for addressing the traffic density prediction problem. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed training framework leads to significant performance improvement in comparison to the traditional way of training the PINN.Comment: accepted by the 2023 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2023

    Evolving Self-taught Neural Networks: The Baldwin Effect and the Emergence of Intelligence

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    The so-called Baldwin Effect generally says how learning, as a form of ontogenetic adaptation, can influence the process of phylogenetic adaptation, or evolution. This idea has also been taken into computation in which evolution and learning are used as computational metaphors, including evolving neural networks. This paper presents a technique called evolving self-taught neural networks – neural networks that can teach themselves without external supervision or reward. The self-taught neural network is intrinsically motivated. Moreover, the self-taught neural network is the product of the interplay between evolution and learning. We simulate a multi-agent system in which neural networks are used to control autonomous agents. These agents have to forage for resources and compete for their own survival. Experimental results show that the interaction between evolution and the ability to teach oneself in self-taught neural networks outperform evolution and self-teaching alone. More specifically, the emergence of an intelligent foraging strategy is also demonstrated through that interaction. Indications for future work on evolving neural networks are also presented

    Learning to extrapolate using continued fractions: Predicting the critical temperature of superconductor materials

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    In Artificial Intelligence we often seek to identify an unknown target function of many variables y=f(x)y=f(\mathbf{x}) giving a limited set of instances S={(x(i),y(i))}S=\{(\mathbf{x^{(i)}},y^{(i)})\} with x(i)D\mathbf{x^{(i)}} \in D where DD is a domain of interest. We refer to SS as the training set and the final quest is to identify the mathematical model that approximates this target function for new x\mathbf{x}; with the set T={x(j)}DT=\{ \mathbf{x^{(j)}} \} \subset D with TST \neq S (i.e. thus testing the model generalisation). However, for some applications, the main interest is approximating well the unknown function on a larger domain DD' that contains DD. In cases involving the design of new structures, for instance, we may be interested in maximizing ff; thus, the model derived from SS alone should also generalize well in DD' for samples with values of yy larger than the largest observed in SS. In that sense, the AI system would provide important information that could guide the design process, e.g., using the learned model as a surrogate function to design new lab experiments. We introduce a method for multivariate regression based on iterative fitting of a continued fraction by incorporating additive spline models. We compared it with established methods such as AdaBoost, Kernel Ridge, Linear Regression, Lasso Lars, Linear Support Vector Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptrons, Random Forests, Stochastic Gradient Descent and XGBoost. We tested the performance on the important problem of predicting the critical temperature of superconductors based on physical-chemical characteristics.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence (TAI

    Parallel Exploration via Negatively Correlated Search

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    Effective exploration is a key to successful search. The recently proposed Negatively Correlated Search (NCS) tries to achieve this by parallel exploration, where a set of search processes are driven to be negatively correlated so that different promising areas of the search space can be visited simultaneously. Various applications have verified the advantages of such novel search behaviors. Nevertheless, the mathematical understandings are still lacking as the previous NCS was mostly devised by intuition. In this paper, a more principled NCS is presented, explaining that the parallel exploration is equivalent to the explicit maximization of both the population diversity and the population solution qualities, and can be optimally obtained by partially gradient descending both models with respect to each search process. For empirical assessments, the reinforcement learning tasks that largely demand exploration ability is considered. The new NCS is applied to the popular reinforcement learning problems, i.e., playing Atari games, to directly train a deep convolution network with 1.7 million connection weights in the environments with uncertain and delayed rewards. Empirical results show that the significant advantages of NCS over the compared state-of-the-art methods can be highly owed to the effective parallel exploration ability

    Byzantine-Resilient Learning Beyond Gradients: Distributing Evolutionary Search

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    Modern machine learning (ML) models are capable of impressive performances. However, their prowess is not due only to the improvements in their architecture and training algorithms but also to a drastic increase in computational power used to train them. Such a drastic increase led to a growing interest in distributed ML, which in turn made worker failures and adversarial attacks an increasingly pressing concern. While distributed byzantine resilient algorithms have been proposed in a differentiable setting, none exist in a gradient-free setting. The goal of this work is to address this shortcoming. For that, we introduce a more general definition of byzantine-resilience in ML - the \textit{model-consensus}, that extends the definition of the classical distributed consensus. We then leverage this definition to show that a general class of gradient-free ML algorithms - (1,λ1,\lambda)-Evolutionary Search - can be combined with classical distributed consensus algorithms to generate gradient-free byzantine-resilient distributed learning algorithms. We provide proofs and pseudo-code for two specific cases - the Total Order Broadcast and proof-of-work leader election.Comment: 10 pages, 4 listings, 2 theorem

    Improving land cover classification using genetic programming for feature construction

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    Batista, J. E., Cabral, A. I. R., Vasconcelos, M. J. P., Vanneschi, L., & Silva, S. (2021). Improving land cover classification using genetic programming for feature construction. Remote Sensing, 13(9), [1623]. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13091623Genetic programming (GP) is a powerful machine learning (ML) algorithm that can produce readable white-box models. Although successfully used for solving an array of problems in different scientific areas, GP is still not well known in the field of remote sensing. The M3GP algorithm, a variant of the standard GP algorithm, performs feature construction by evolving hyperfeatures from the original ones. In this work, we use the M3GP algorithm on several sets of satellite images over different countries to create hyperfeatures from satellite bands to improve the classification of land cover types. We add the evolved hyperfeatures to the reference datasets and observe a significant improvement of the performance of three state-of-the-art ML algorithms (decision trees, random forests, and XGBoost) on multiclass classifications and no significant effect on the binary classifications. We show that adding the M3GP hyperfeatures to the reference datasets brings better results than adding the well-known spectral indices NDVI, NDWI, and NBR. We also compare the performance of the M3GP hyperfeatures in the binary classification problems with those created by other feature construction methods such as FFX and EFS.publishersversionpublishe

    Re-parametrising cost matrices for tuning model predictive controllers

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