353 research outputs found

    Message and time efficient multi-broadcast schemes

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    We consider message and time efficient broadcasting and multi-broadcasting in wireless ad-hoc networks, where a subset of nodes, each with a unique rumor, wish to broadcast their rumors to all destinations while minimizing the total number of transmissions and total time until all rumors arrive to their destination. Under centralized settings, we introduce a novel approximation algorithm that provides almost optimal results with respect to the number of transmissions and total time, separately. Later on, we show how to efficiently implement this algorithm under distributed settings, where the nodes have only local information about their surroundings. In addition, we show multiple approximation techniques based on the network collision detection capabilities and explain how to calibrate the algorithms' parameters to produce optimal results for time and messages.Comment: In Proceedings FOMC 2013, arXiv:1310.459

    Connectivity, Coverage and Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless communication between sensors allows the formation of flexible sensor networks, which can be deployed rapidly over wide or inaccessible areas. However, the need to gather data from all sensors in the network imposes constraints on the distances between sensors. This survey describes the state of the art in techniques for determining the minimum density and optimal locations of relay nodes and ordinary sensors to ensure connectivity, subject to various degrees of uncertainty in the locations of the nodes

    On the Approximability and Hardness of the Minimum Connected Dominating Set with Routing Cost Constraint

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    In the problem of minimum connected dominating set with routing cost constraint, we are given a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), and the goal is to find the smallest connected dominating set DD of GG such that, for any two non-adjacent vertices uu and vv in GG, the number of internal nodes on the shortest path between uu and vv in the subgraph of GG induced by D{u,v}D \cup \{u,v\} is at most α\alpha times that in GG. For general graphs, the only known previous approximability result is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation algorithm (n=Vn=|V|) for α=1\alpha = 1 by Ding et al. For any constant α>1\alpha > 1, we give an O(n11α(logn)1α)O(n^{1-\frac{1}{\alpha}}(\log n)^{\frac{1}{\alpha}})-approximation algorithm. When α5\alpha \geq 5, we give an O(nlogn)O(\sqrt{n}\log n)-approximation algorithm. Finally, we prove that, when α=2\alpha =2, unless NPDTIME(npolylogn)NP \subseteq DTIME(n^{poly\log n}), for any constant ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, the problem admits no polynomial-time 2log1ϵn2^{\log^{1-\epsilon}n}-approximation algorithm, improving upon the Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) bound by Du et al. (albeit under a stronger hardness assumption)

    A hybrid localization approach in 3D wireless sensor network

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    Location information acquisition is crucial for many wireless sensor network (WSN) applications. While existing localization approaches mainly focus on 2D plane, the emerging 3D localization brings WSNs closer to reality with much enhanced accuracy. Two types of 3D localization algorithms are mainly used in localization application: the range-based localization and the range-free localization. The range-based localization algorithm has strict requirements on hardware and therefore is costly to implement in practice. The range-free localization algorithm reduces the hardware cost but at the expense of low localization accuracy. On addressing the shortage of both algorithms, in this paper, we develop a novel hybrid localization scheme, which utilizes the range-based attribute RSSI and the range-free attribute hopsize, to achieve accurate yet low-cost 3D localization. As anchor node deployment strategy plays an important role in improving the localization accuracy, an anchor node configuration scheme is also developed in this work by utilizing the MIS (maximal independent set) of a network. With proper anchor node configuration and propagation model selection, using simulations, we show that our proposed algorithm improves the localization accuracy by 38.9% compared with 3D DV-HOP and 52.7% compared with 3D centroid

    Distributed Computation of Connected Dominating Set for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

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    AbstractIn large wireless multi-hop networks, routing is a main issue as they include many nodes that span over relatively a large area. In such a scenario, finding smallest set of dominant nodes for forwarding packets would be a good approach for better communication. Connected dominating set (CDS) computation is one of the method to find important nodes in the network. As CDS computation is an NP problem, several approximation algorithms are available but these algorithms have high message complexity. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a distributed algorithm to compute connected dominating sets in a wireless network with the help of network spectral properties. Based on local neighborhood, each node in the network finds its ego centric network. To identify dominant nodes, it uses bridge centrality value of ego centric network. A distributed algorithm is proposed to find nodes to connect dominant nodes which approximates CDS. The algorithm has been applied on networks with different network sizes and varying edge probability distributions. The algorithm outputs 40% important nodes in the network to form back haul communication links with an approximation ratio ≤ 0.04 * ∂ + 1, where ∂ is the maximum node degree. The results confirm that the algorithm contributes to a better performance with reduced message complexity