8 research outputs found

    Selecting the Most Feasible Construction Phasing Plans for Urban Highway Rehabilitation Projects

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    Despite the abundance of research that has aimed to understand the effects of highway work zones, very little definitive information is available concerning the determination of work zone length (WZL). Quantitative studies that holistically model WZL are very rare. To fill this gap, this study identifies critical factors affecting WZL and develops decision support models that determine the optimal WZL in a balanced tradeoff between motorists’ inconvenience due to traffic disruption and their opportunity cost. A high-confidence dataset was created by conducting a series of scheduling and traffic simulations and analyses. The results revealed that traffic loading and work zone duration are critical factors, with traffic loading at approximately 41,000 vehicles-per-day being an important benchmarking point. Based on these findings, a decision support model was developed to determine the most feasible WZL. As the first of its kind, this study will help state transportation agencies devise sounder construction phasing plans by providing a point of reference when establishing WZL in a viable way to minimize traffic disruption during construction

    Determining Major Causes of Highway Work Zone Accidents in Kansas

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    Highway work zones constitute a major safety concern for government agencies, the legislature, the highway industry, and the traveling public. Despite the efforts made by government agencies and the highway industry, there is little indication that work zone crashes are on the decline nationwide. The main reason behind this is that current safety countermeasures are not working effectively in the work zones. Lack of effective countermeasures may be due to the fact that the characteristics of work zone crashes are not well understood. The primary objective of this research was to investigate the characteristics of fatal crashes and risk factors to these crashes in the work zones so that effective countermeasures could be developed and implemented in the near future. The objective was accomplished using a four-step approach. First, literature review on previous work zone crash studies was conducted to establish a solid understanding on this issue. Second, the research team collected the crash data from the KDOT accident database and the original accident reports. A total of 157 fatal crash cases between 1992 and 2004 were examined. Third, based on the collected data, the researchers systematically examined the work zone fatal crashes using statistical analysis methods such as descriptive analyses and regression analyses. At the end of analyses, the unique crash characteristics and risk factors in the work zones were determined. Finally, improvements on work zone safety were recommended

    A Multi-Contextual Approach to Modeling the Impact of Critical Highway Work Zones in Large Urban Corridors

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    Accurate Construction Work Zone (CWZ) impact assessments of unprecedented travel inconvenience to the general public are required for all federally-funded highway infrastructure improvement projects. These assessments are critical, but they are also very difficult to perform. Most existing prediction approaches are project-specific, shortterm, and univariate, thus incapable of benchmarking the potential traffic impact of CWZs for highway construction projects. This study fills these gaps by creating a big-data-based decision-support framework and testing if it can reliably predict the potential impact of a CWZ under arbitrary lane closure scenarios. This study proposes a big-data-based decision-support analytical framework, “Multi-contextual learning for the Impact of Critical Urban highway work Zones” (MICUZ). MICUZ is unique as it models the impact of CWZ operations through a multi-contextual quantitative method utilizing sensored big transportation data. MICUZ was developed through a three-phase modeling process. First, robustness of the collected sensored data was examined through a Wheeler’s repeatability and reproducibility analysis, for the purpose of verifying the homogeneity of the variability of traffic flow data. The analysis results led to a notable conclusion that the proposed framework is feasible due to the relative simplicity and periodicity of highway traffic profiles. Second, a machine-learning algorithm using a Feedforward Neural Networks (FNN) technique was applied to model the multi-contextual aspects of iii long-term traffic flow predictions. The validation study showed that the proposed multi-contextual FNN yields an accurate prediction rate of traffic flow rates and truck percentages. Third, employing these predicted traffic parameters, a curve-fitting modeling technique was implemented to quantify the impact of what-if lane closures on the overall traffic flow. The robustness of the proposed curve-fitting models was then scientifically verified and validated by measuring forecast accuracy. The results of this study convey the fact that MICUZ would recognize how stereotypical regional traffic patterns react to existing CWZs and lane closure tactics, and quantify the probable but reliable travel time delays at CWZs in heavily trafficked urban cores. The proposed framework provides a rigorous theoretical basis for comparatively analyzing what-if construction scenarios, enabling engineers and planners to choose the most efficient transportation management plans much more quickly and accurately

    Measuring Work Zone Throughput and User Delays

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    A larger amount of funding and attention are going toward highway infrastructure of Ontario for rehabilitation, maintenance and construction projects. These rehabilitation and maintenance activities on highways involve lane closures, which reduce the traffic throughput and cause delays for the road users. The impact of these activities is very important and has led to research into improvements of work zones in Ontario. To prevent the significant cost that these construction delays have on the general public, contractors are required to keep highway lanes open during the peak traffic hours and work at night. However, working at night may reduce the quality of the work by increasing cold joints and construction joints in the pavement, and may increase the amount of time needed to complete the work. Therefore, finding a balance between the times that the lanes can be closed and the times they should be kept open requires an accurate prediction of the construction work zone throughputs, which can increase the efficiency of the contractor work, save money and reduce the user delay costs. Consequently, this study which has been funded by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) Highway Infrastructure Innovation Funding Program (HIIFP) involves measurement of highway construction work zones throughput of Southern Ontario, to determine the factors affecting the throughput. It has been carried out in partnership with researchers at the University of Toronto. For this study, a manual counting method for collecting throughput data has been employed. This involved data collection of variables such as heavy vehicles which had not been included in previous studies. This provides the visual confirmation of queuing and assists in evaluating the intensity of work activity at the work zones. New generic models for throughput have been developed in this research to better describe current state-of-the practice on Southern Ontario highways. Furthermore, a better functioning highway specific model was developed to calculate the throughput of the MTO Southern Ontario Highway network. In addition to development of these new models, this project involved further development and refinement to a spreadsheet based model SZUDA (Simplified work Zone User Delay Analysis) that uses normal hourly traffic flows to calculate the resulting queue for that entire hour and approximate user delay cost associated with road user delay. Overall, the thesis describes a methodology for collection of data in work zones. This involved collection of data during 2009 and 2010 Ontario construction season. Furthermore, the data were then used to develop more reliable generic and highway specific models for the MTO. These models can be used to determine when and how work zones should be established. Finally the refined SZUDA model and case studies demonstrate the impact of various work zone configurations on the traveling public

    A case-based reasoning approach to construction safety risk assessment

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    BIM and Knowledge Based Risk Management System

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    The use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) for construction project risk management has become a growing research trend. However, it was observed that BIM-based risk management has not been widely used in practice and two important gaps leading to this problem are: 1) very few theories exist that can explain how BIM can be aligned with traditional techniques and integrated into existing processes for project risk management; and 2) current BIM solutions have very limited support on risk communication and information management during the project development process. To overcome these limitations, this research proposes a new approach that two traditional risk management techniques, Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) and Case-based Reasoning (CBR), can be integrated into BIM-based platforms and an active linkage between the risk information and BIM can be established to support the project lifecycle. The core motivations behind the proposed solution are: 1) a tailored RBS could be used as a knowledge-based approach to classify, store and manage the information of a risk database in a proper structure and risk information in RBS could be linked to BIM for review, visualisation and communication; and 2) knowledge and experience stored in past risk reports could contribute to avoiding similar risks in new situations and the most relevant cases can be linked to BIM to support decision making during the project lifecycle. The scope of this research is limited to bridge projects; however, the basic methods and principles could be also applied to other types of projects. This research is in three phases. In the first stage, this research analysed the conceptual separation of BIM and the linkage rules between different types of risk and BIM. Specifically, an integrated bridge information model was divided into four Level of Contents (LOCs) and six technical systems based on the analysis of the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) specification, a critical review of previous studies and the author’s project experience. Then a knowledge-based risk database was developed through an extensive collection of risk data, a process of data mining, and further assessment and translation of the data. Built on the risk database, a tailored RBS was developed to categorise and manage this risk information and a set of linkage rules between the tailored RBS and the four LOCs and six technical systems of BIM was established. Secondly, to further implement the linkage rules, a novel method to link BIM, RBS, and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to be a risk management system was developed. A prototype system was created based on Navisworks and the Microsoft SQL Server to support the implementation of the proposed approach. The system allows not only the storage of risk information in a central database but also to link the related risk information in the BIM model for review, visualisation and simulation. Thirdly, to facilitate the use of previous knowledge and experience for BIM-based risk management, the research proposed an approach of combining the use of two Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, i.e. Vector Space Model (VSM) and semantic query expansion, and outlined a new framework for the risk case retrieval system. A prototype was developed using the Python programming language to support the implementation of the proposed method. Preliminary testing results show that the proposed system is capable of retrieving relevant cases automatically and to return, for example, the top 10 similar cases. The main contribution of this research is the approach of integrating RBS and CBR into BIM through active linkages. The practical significance of this research is that the proposed approach enables the development of BIM-based risk management software to improve the risk identification, analysis, and information management during the project development process. This research provides evidence that traditional techniques can be aligned with BIM for risk management. One significant advantage of the proposed method is to combine the benefits of both traditional techniques and BIM for lifecycle project risk management and have the minimum disruption to the existing working processes