116 research outputs found

    Visualizing Object Oriented Software in Three Dimensions

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    There is increasing evidence that it is possible to perceive and understand increasingly comple x information systems if they are displayed a s graphical objects in a three dimensional space . Object-oriented software provides an interestin g test case - there is a natural mapping fro m software objects to visual objects . In this paper we explore two areas. 1) Information perception : we are running controlled experiments to determine empirically if our initial premise is valid; how much more (or less) can be understoo d in 3D than in 2D? 2) Layout: our strategy is to combine partially automatic layout with manua l layout. This paper presents a brief overview of the project, the software architecture and some preliminary empirical results

    Models, Techniques, and Metrics for Managing Risk in Software Engineering

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    The field of Software Engineering (SE) is the study of systematic and quantifiable approaches to software development, operation, and maintenance. This thesis presents a set of scalable and easily implemented techniques for quantifying and mitigating risks associated with the SE process. The thesis comprises six papers corresponding to SE knowledge areas such as software requirements, testing, and management. The techniques for risk management are drawn from stochastic modeling and operational research. The first two papers relate to software testing and maintenance. The first paper describes and validates novel iterative-unfolding technique for filtering a set of execution traces relevant to a specific task. The second paper analyzes and validates the applicability of some entropy measures to the trace classification described in the previous paper. The techniques in these two papers can speed up problem determination of defects encountered by customers, leading to improved organizational response and thus increased customer satisfaction and to easing of resource constraints. The third and fourth papers are applicable to maintenance, overall software quality and SE management. The third paper uses Extreme Value Theory and Queuing Theory tools to derive and validate metrics based on defect rediscovery data. The metrics can aid the allocation of resources to service and maintenance teams, highlight gaps in quality assurance processes, and help assess the risk of using a given software product. The fourth paper characterizes and validates a technique for automatic selection and prioritization of a minimal set of customers for profiling. The minimal set is obtained using Binary Integer Programming and prioritized using a greedy heuristic. Profiling the resulting customer set leads to enhanced comprehension of user behaviour, leading to improved test specifications and clearer quality assurance policies, hence reducing risks associated with unsatisfactory product quality. The fifth and sixth papers pertain to software requirements. The fifth paper both models the relation between requirements and their underlying assumptions and measures the risk associated with failure of the assumptions using Boolean networks and stochastic modeling. The sixth paper models the risk associated with injection of requirements late in development cycle with the help of stochastic processes

    On the Definition of Architecture, Design and Implementation

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    The terms architecture, design, and implementation are typically used informally in partitioning software specifications into three coarse strata of abstraction. But these strata are not well-defined in either research or practice and often overlap causing confusion and needless discussion. To remedy this problem we formally define two criteria: the Intension and the Locality Criteria, and show that the intuitive discrimination between the three terms architecture, design, and implementation is qualitative and not merely quantitative. We demonstrate that architectural styles are intensional and non-local; that design patterns are intensional and local; and that implementations are extensional and loca

    The Theory of Software Testing

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    Software testing is the process of testing bugs in lines of code of a program that can be performed by manual or automation testing. The theory of software testing involves problem definitions of testing such as test team, failure after testing, manual testing, uncertainty principle, participation, and incorrect test case selection. This article shows the details of a critical part of software testing, which is how to test the performance of new software and the entire system. The outcome of this article is the whole picture of three phases for software testing as follows: preliminary testing, testing and user acceptance testing

    The La Coulée Formation, a new post-Acadian continental clastic unit bearing groundwater calcretes, Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec

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    A 1 km2 erosional remnant of the La Coulée Formation, a previously unrecognized stratigraphic unit, has been studied in the Percé area of the Gaspé Peninsula. It unconformably overlies folded Cambrian to Devonian rocks and is unconformably overlain by the mid-Carboniferous Bonaventure Formation. The erosional remnant includes the lowest 60 m of this newly identified formation of unknown thickness. Original sedimentary fades are limited to 50 m of breccia debris flows passing stratigraphically upward into 10m of conglomeratic debris flows. Groundwater calcrete formation has partially or completely transformed the lowest 30 m of the sequence. The depositional environment is interpreted as being related to a proximal continental alluvial fan. The nearby presence of a saline body of water is inferred to account for thick and massive groundwater calcrete formation and water-saturated debris flows in a relatively arid climatic context Most of the formation was eroded prior to deposition of the Bonaventure Formation. However, the basal groundwater calcretes were more widely preserved. They underlie the Bonaventure Formation in most of the Percé area and in the Saint-Elzéar area, close to a hundred kilometres to the southwest. Post-sedimentary faulting has affected both the La Coulée and Bonaventure formations. RÉSUMÉ La Formation de La Coulée, une unite stratigraphique nouvellement répertoriée, a été éudiée a I'intérieur d'une masse résiduelle de 1 km2 dans la région de Percé en Gaspésie. La séquence recouvre en discordance des roches plissees du Dévonien Inférieur et elle est recouverte en discordance par la Formation de Bonaventure qui est attribuée au Carbonifere moyen. La masse résiduelle inclue les 60 premiers mètres de cette formation nouvellement identifiée et d'une épaisseur inconnue. Les fades sédimentaires originels sont limités à cinquante mètres de coulees de débris bréchiques, passant à une dizaine de mètres de coulées de débris conglomératiques. La formation d'une calcrete phréatique affecte les premiers 30 mètres de la séquence, lesquels sont en partie ou complètement transformés. L'environnement sédimentaire est interprété comme étant lié à un còne de déjection continental dans sa partie proximale, mais la présence non-lointaine d'un plan d'eau salde est suggerée pour expliquer la formation de calcretes phréatiques épaisses et massives, ainsi que la saturation en eau des coulées de débris dans un contexte climatique relativement aride. La formation a presqu'entierement été érodée avant que ne survienne la sédimentation de la Formation de Bonaventure. Toutefois, la base de calcrete a été plus largement préservée, ce qui fait qu'on la retrouve sous la Formation de Bonaventure preque partout dans la region de Percé ainsi que dans la région de Saint-Elzéar, a presqu'une centaine de kilomètres au sud-ouest. Des failles post-sédimentaires ont affecté à la fois la Formation de La Coulée et la Formation de Bonaventure

    COTS Evaluation

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    This article presents an extensive literature review of the empirical studies carried out in past for evaluation and selection of components during the design phase of Component Based Software Systems (CBSS). In CBSS approach the software systems can be developed by selecting appropriate components which then are assembled to form a complete software system. These Components can be either of the two (a) COTS (Commercial-off-the-Shelf) components or (b) Inhouse built components. These components are selected based on different parameters of cost, reliability, delivery time etc. Therefore, optimal selection of the components plays a vital role in development of CBSS as it saves time and effort. Related articles appearing in the International Journals from 1992 to 2014 are gathered and are critically analyzed. Based on the review it is seen that some of the important issues have not been explored fully. Hence there is scope of improvement which paves the path for future work

    An Approach to Mining Picture Objects Based on Textual Cues

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    Abstract. The task of extracting knowledge from text is an important research problem for information processing and document understanding. Approaches to capture the semantics of picture objects in documents constitute subjects of great interest in the domain of document mining recently. In this paper, we present an approach to extracting information about picture objects in a document using cues from the text written about them. The goal of this work is to mine a document and understand the content of picture objects in the document based on meaning inferred from the texts written about such objects. We apply some Natural Language Processing techniques to extract semantic information about picture objects in a document and process texts written about them. The mining algorithms were developed and implemented as a working system and gone through testing and experimentations. Results and future extensions of the work are discussed in this paper

    Survey of source code metrics for evaluating testability of object oriented systems

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    Software testing is costly in terms of time and funds. Testability is a software characteristic that aims at producing systems easy to test. Several metrics have been proposed to identify the testability weaknesses. But it is sometimes difficult to be convinced that those metrics are really related with testability. This article is a critical survey of the source-code based metrics proposed in the literature for object-oriented software testability. It underlines the necessity to provide testability metrics that are proved to be intuitive and adequate for the testing cost prediction