450 research outputs found

    2015-2020 Academic, Research and Service Report of the Aeronautical Department of the National University of Córdoba

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    The Aeronautical Department of the National University of Córdoba has the task of training professionals to develop the activities that correspond to the aerospace field with integrity, suitability and social responsibility while preserving the environment. It also promotes research and development by actively participating in innovative projects, making progress known through publications and scientific dissemination. The Department’ staff also works on establishing multicultural ties through cooperation agreements with national and international institutions. This article aims to report the performance of the Department in the academic, scientific and management fields in the last 5 years.Fil: Schulz, Walkiria. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Aeronáutica; ArgentinaFil: Cid, Guillermo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Aeronáutica; ArgentinaFil: Elaskar, Sergio Amado. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Estudios Avanzados en Ingeniería y Tecnología; Argentin

    Biološke metode s potencijalom za primjenu u proizvodnji namještaja od drva

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    Furniture market is shifting towards green and innovative products. The use of bio-based methods in wooden furniture industry presents a big potential for the development of materials with new characteristics, of unique furniture items, and can reduce the environmental impact. Bio-based methods can be used for wood protection and decoration, fibre board production, and development of new wooden materials, such as wood hybrids and functionalised wood. The bio-based methods, investigated for their potentials in wood industry, include the use of living organisms, natural products, and biomimicry. Despite ongoing developments there are still major drawbacks associated with many of these technologies: unreliability and inadequate efficiency of the methods, inadequate mechanical properties or dimensional stability of the final products, and high costs. Thus, further developments are needed. In this review, we present the existing and arising bio-based methods with potential in wooden furniture production. Furthermore, we shortly present their marketing potential.Tržište namještaja sve se više pomiče prema zelenim i inovativnim proizvodima. Primjena bioloških metoda u proizvodnji namještaja od drva znači velik potencijal za razvoj materijala novih svojstava te za proizvodnju jedinstvenih predmeta namještaja. Osim toga, uvođenje bioloških metoda u industriju namještaja može pridonijeti i smanjenju štetnog utjecaja na okoliš. Biološke se metode mogu primijeniti u zaštiti i dekoraciji drva, u proizvodnji ploča vlaknatica i u razvoju novih drvnih materijala kao što su drvni hibridi i funkcionalizirano drvo. Spomenute metode, čiji se potencijal primjene u proizvodnji namještaja istražuje, uključuju biotehnologiju, uporabu prirodnih proizvoda i biomimikriju. Unatoč stalnom razvoju, još postoje znatni nedostatci povezani s primjenom tih tehnologija. To su složenost ili nepouzdanost metoda, neadekvatna mehanička svojstva ili dimenzijska stabilnost konačnih proizvoda te visoki proizvodni troškovi. Stoga je potrebno i dalje razvijati te metode radi njihove primjene u proizvodnji namještaja. U ovom su radu predstavljene razvijene biološke metode i one koje su u fazi razvoja a imaju potencijala za primjenu u proizvodnji namještaja od drva. Usto je ukratko opisan i njihov marketinški potencijal

    The state of green technologies in South Africa

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    Orally Available Near Infrared Imaging Agents for the Early Detection of Diseases

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    Early detection and treatment of diseases has the potential to dramatically improve patient outcomes. Diseases like cancer have shown remarkably higher survival rates when the cancer is detected early, before it has had a chance to metastasize and migrate to different regions. One way to increase rates of early detection is to implement annual screenings. Current screening methods often focus on blood tests, which gather molecular information from the circulation, or imaging, which provides anatomical details. Molecular imaging has the ability to provide both types of information, but the high cost and radiation risk often preclude its use in population screening. In this thesis, we hypothesized that near-infrared fluorescent imaging agents could be administered orally and yield sufficient contrast for disease diagnosis. The use of NIR fluorescent targeting ligands provides both spatial and molecular information while making the entire process fast, inexpensive, completely non-invasive, and safe with the use of non-ionizing radiation. For proof-of-concept studies to develop this novel technique, we selected integrin of the form αvβ3 as the target, and a high affinity peptidomimetic as the ligand. The major challenge of developing an orally available imaging agent is that orally available drugs are typically small in size and lipophilic in nature, while imaging agents tend to be larger in size and hydrophilic. In spite of these challenges, an IRDye800CW-labeled agent had an oral absorption of 2.3% and was selected for studies in the detection of two diseases: breast cancer and rheumatoid arthritis. Mammography uses x-rays to detect suspicious lesions when screening for breast cancer but only provides anatomical data, which has lead to high false positive rates and an estimated $4 billion in expenditure due to overdiagnosis. The IRDye800CW agent was dosed at 5 mg/kg in an orthotopic tumor xenograft mouse model. Live animal imaging at 6, 24 and 48 hours post administration showed the highest target to background ratio of ~4 at 48 hours and histology showed high uptake of the agent by macrophages and breast cancer cells. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that leads to largely irreversible joint damage over time, but effective treatments are available. Therefore, there is intense interest in early detection of RA to prevent further damage, and some studies have even indicated that the disease could be cured if detected early. However, current methods lack the sensitivity to detect RA at an early stage. Oral delivery of the IRDye800CW agent in a collagen antibody induced arthritis mouse model showed significantly higher uptake in the inflamed joints compared to healthy joints. To scale the expected signal to clinically relevant depths, we developed a 3D COMSOL model for optical simulations of RA detection in the human hand. The simulations showed that for target to background concentration ratios of the imaging agent of 5.5 and 6.5, there was 95% and 98% probability of detection of the inflamed joint. The in vivo mouse model had an estimated target to background concentration ratio of ~20, which makes the detection of RA in humans very promising. This dissertation demonstrates the oral delivery of molecular imaging agents for the detection of breast cancer and RA in relevant mouse models. These studies provide the foundation to develop a range of oral molecular imaging agents for other biomarkers and diseases with the potential for earlier diagnosis to improve patient outcomes.PHDChemical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147662/1/sumitbh_1.pd

    Digitalization and Public Services: critical notes concerning emerging ways of administrating

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    The aim of the present work is to propose a legal perspective of analysis for issues of relationships that are relevant in field of digitalization and delivery of public services, in relation to services quality, protection of citizens and businesses, and risks of destructuring a system, which in Italian law, has been marked by an enduring regulatory instability

    Impacte das alterações climáticas nas necessidades de rega das culturas

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    Conhecidos os valores diários das variáveis meteorológicas evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) e precipitação (P) para a série de controlo e para as séries referentes aos vários cenários das alterações climáticas, pode-se estimar as necessidades de rega relativas a cada um dos cenários referidos através da simulação do balanço hídrico dos solos. Para o efeito, é ainda necessário conhecer os parâmetros hidrológicos dos solos e os parâmetros das culturas. Para a realização do balanço hídrico foi desenvolvido uma ferramenta informática que permite fazer o balanço hídrico sequencial de uma cultura ou de uma rotação de culturas