54 research outputs found

    Development Of Generative Computer-Aided Process Planning For Cnc Milling Parts_Pramodkumar S Kataraki

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    The important aspect of computer-aided process planning (CAPP) is to recognize part’s surfaces and features to aid downstream intelligent manufacturing. The automatic recognition of surfaces and features will lead to successful attainment of generative CAPP. Feature recognition works performed so far do not recognize all regular form and freeform volumetric features, and do not generate delta volume (DV) for the recognized features. The works do not address the classification of freeform volumetric features. So there is a need for novel classification of features and approach to auto-recognize features so as to auto-generate DV for each recognized feature for the attainment of generative CAPP. An effort has been made to novel classify the features into regular form and freeform features which are further sub-classified into surface features and volumetric features. The overall delta volume (ODV) is classified into SDVF, SDVT, SDVF filled region, SDV-VF, and SDVR. Algorithm is developed to auto-recognize surfaces of a milling part and auto-generate ODV. The algorithm auto-generates exploded view of ODV, auto-labels the sub-delta volumes (SDVs) and determines the level of complexity to manufacture a part. The generated ODV is validated by percentage error (%) and machining of parts. The algorithm selects the type of machining operation to be performed and auto-allocates each SDV-VF to the face it belongs to. The surface and volumetric features of a part are successfully auto-recognized and estimated DV, results table are auto-generated. The SDVT developed contiguous to SDVF for freeform faces, overcomes the complex DV for roughing process. The DV discontinuity and overlap limitation that occurred in few studies are eliminated. The designation of feature faces and colour coding of faces of SDV-VF expresses the type of feature present in a part. The validation of developed algorithm by percentage error (%) shows error less than 0.1% and the machine selection criteria suggests user the type of milling machine needed to manufacture a part based on level of complexity

    Topological model for machining of parts with complex shapes

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    Complex shapes are widely used to design products in several industries such as aeronautics, automotive and domestic appliances. Several variations of their curvatures and orientations generate difficulties during their manufacturing or the machining of dies used in moulding, injection and forging. Analysis of several parts highlights two levels of difficulties between three types of shapes: prismatic parts with simple geometrical shapes, aeronautic structure parts composed of several shallow pockets and forging dies composed of several deep cavities which often contain protrusions. This paper mainly concerns High Speed Machining (HSM) of these dies which represent the highest complexity level because of the shapes' geometry and their topology. Five axes HSM is generally required for such complex shaped parts but 3 axes machining can be sufficient for dies. Evolutions in HSM CAM software and machine tools lead to an important increase in time for machining preparation. Analysis stages of the CAD model particularly induce this time increase which is required for a wise choice of cutting tools and machining strategies. Assistance modules for prismatic parts machining features identification in CAD models are widely implemented in CAM software. In spite of the last CAM evolutions, these kinds of CAM modules are undeveloped for aeronautical structure parts and forging dies. Development of new CAM modules for the extraction of relevant machining areas as well as the definition of the topological relations between these areas must make it possible for the machining assistant to reduce the machining preparation time. In this paper, a model developed for the description of complex shape parts topology is presented. It is based on machining areas extracted for the construction of geometrical features starting from CAD models of the parts. As topology is described in order to assist machining assistant during machining process generation, the difficulties associated with tasks he carried out are analyzed at first. The topological model presented after is based on the basic geometrical features extracted. Topological relations which represent the framework of the model are defined between the basic geometrical features which are gathered afterwards in macro-features. Approach used for the identification of these macro-features is also presented in this paper. Detailed application on the construction of the topological model of forging dies is presented in the last part of the paper

    Development of a manufacturing feature-based design system

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    Traditional CAD systems are based on the serial approach of the product development cycle: the design process is not integrated with other activities and thus it can not provide information for subsequent phases of product development. In order to eliminate this problem, many modern CAD systems allow the composition of designs from building blocks of higher level of abstraction called features. Although features used in current systems tend to be named after manufacturing processes, they do not, in reality, provide valuable manufacturing data. Apart from the obvious disadvantage that process engineers need to re-evaluate the design and capture the intent of the designer, this approach also prohibits early detection of possible manufacturing problems. This research attempts to bring the design and manufacturing phases together by implementing manufacturing features. A design is composed entirely in a bottom-up manner using manufacturable entities in the same way as they would be produced during the manufacturing phase. Each feature consists of parameterised geometry, manufacturing information (including machine tool, cutting tools, cutting conditions, fixtures, and relative cost information), design limitations, functionality rules, and design-for-manufacture rules. The designer selects features from a hierarchical feature library. Upon insertion of a feature, the system ensures that no functionality or manufacturing rules are violated. If a feature is modified, the system validates the feature by making sure that it remains consistent with its original functionality and design-for-manufacture rules are re-applied. The system also allows analysis of designs, from a manufacturing point of view, that were not composed using features. In order to reduce the complexity of the system, design functionality and design-for manufacture rules are organised into a hierarchical system and are pointed to the appropriate entries of the feature hierarchy. The system makes it possible to avoid costly designs by eliminating possible manufacturing problems early in the product development cycle. It also makes computer-aided process planning feasible. The system is developed as an extension of a commercially available CAD/CAM system (Pro/Engineer), and at its current stage only deals with machining features. However, using the same principles, it can be expanded to cover other kinds of manufacturing processes

    Machinability Analysis for 3-Axis Flat End Milling

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    This paper presents a method for geometric machinability analysis. The implementation of the strategy determines the machinability of a part being processed using a plurality of 3-axis machining operations about a single axis of rotation for setup orientations. Slice file geometry from a stereolithography model is used to map machinable ranges to each of the line segments comprising the polygonal chains of each slice. The slices are taken orthogonal to the axis of rotation, hence, both two- and three- dimensional (2D and 3D) machinability analysis is calculated for perpendicular and oblique tool orientations, respectively. This machinability approach expands upon earlier work on 2D visibility analysis for the rapid manufacturing and prototyping of components using CNC machining

    Automated Core And Cavity Design System For Mould Works Using Generative Method Of Computer Aided Process Planning

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    In recent years, many efforts have been made for core and cavity design system to be fully automated. Three profound limitations in the previous automated core and cavity design systems are (i) the lack in parting direction flexibility, (ii) inability to detect and generate parting direction for both inner and outer undercuts and (iii) no information transfer from automated core and cavity design system to machining system. To overcome these limitations, automated core and cavity design system (ACCDS) is developed. This system acts as a component in computer aided process planning system where it takes information from any 3D CAD model and provides information to the machining system. Generative method is the basis of this system where core and cavity models are generated from scratch. The outputs from the system are (i) the generated core, cavity and side-cores with parting direction and (ii) the information of zero tool-face collision angle range of core and cavity mould pieces. By comparing ACCDS with a recent system proposed by a researcher, improvements such as better core and cavity design and the reduction of system computational time were observed. This shows that ACCDS were able to contribute in the betterment of the core and cavity design system in automatic manner

    Manufacturability analysis for non-feature-based objects

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    This dissertation presents a general methodology for evaluating key manufacturability indicators using an approach that does not require feature recognition, or feature-based design input. The contributions involve methods for computing three manufacturability indicators that can be applied in a hierarchical manner. The analysis begins with the computation of visibility, which determines the potential manufacturability of a part using material removal processes such as CNC machining. This manufacturability indicator is purely based on accessibility, without considering the actual machine setup and tooling. Then, the analysis becomes more specific by analyzing the complexity in setup planning for the part; i.e. how the part geometry can be oriented to a cutting tool in an accessible manner. This indicator establishes if the part geometry is accessible about an axis of rotation, namely, whether it can be manufactured on a 4th-axis indexed machining system. The third indicator is geometric machinability, which is computed for each machining operation to indicate the actual manufacturability when employing a cutting tool with specific shape and size. The three manufacturability indicators presented in this dissertation are usable as steps in a process; however they can be executed alone or hierarchically in order to render manufacturability information. At the end of this dissertation, a Multi-Layered Visibility Map is proposed, which would serve as a re-design mechanism that can guide a part design toward increased manufacturability

    Automated feature recognition system for supporting engineering activities downstream of conceptual design.

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    Transfer of information between CAD models and downstream manufacturing process planning software typically involves redundant user interaction. Many existing tools are process-centric and unsuited for selection of a "best process" in the context of existing concurrent engineering design tools. A computer based Feature-Recognition (FR) process is developed to extract critical manufacturing features from engineering product CAD models. FR technology is used for automating the extraction of data from CAD product models and uses wire-frame geometry extracted from an IGES neutral file format. Existing hint-based feature recognition techniques have been extended to encompass a broader range of manufacturing domains than typical in the literature, by utilizing a combination of algorithms, each successful at a limited range of features. Use of wire-frame models simplifies product geometry and has the potential to support rapid manufacturing shape evaluation at the conceptual design stage. Native CAD files are converted to IGES neutral files to provide geometry data marshalling to remove variations in user modelling practice, and to provide a consistent starting point for FR operations. Wire-frame models are investigated to reduce computer resources compared to surface and solid models, and provide a means to recover intellectual property in terms of manufacturing design intent from legacy and contemporary product models. Geometric ambiguity in regard to what is ?solid? and what is not has plagued wire-frame FR development in the past. A new application of crossing number theory (CNT) has been developed to solve the wire-frame ambiguity problem for a range of test parts. The CNT approach works satisfactorily for products where all faces of the product can be recovered and is tested using a variety of mechanical engineering parts. Platform independent tools like Extensible Mark-up Language are used to capture data from the FR application and provide a means to separate FR and decision support applications. Separate applications are composed of reusable software modules that may be combined as required. Combining rule-based and case-based reasoning provides decision support to the manufacturing application as a means of rejecting unsuitable processes on functional and economic grounds while retaining verifiable decision pathways to satisfy industry regulators

    Optimization of Three-Axis Vertical Milling of Sculptured Surfaces

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    A tool path generation method for sculptured surfaces defined by triangular meshes is presented in this thesis along with an algorithm that helps determine the best type of cutter geometry to machine a specific surface. Existing tool path planning methods for sculptured surfaces defined by triangular meshes require extensive computer processing power and result in long processing times mainly since surface topology for triangular meshes is not provided. The method presented in this thesis avoids this problem by offsetting each triangular facet individually. The combination of all the individual offsets make up a cutter location surface. A single triangle offsetting results in many more triangles; many of these are redundant, increasing the time required for data handling in subsequent steps. To avoid the large number of triangles, the proposed method creates a bounding space to which the offset surface is limited. The original surface mesh describes the bounding surface of a solid, thus it is continuous with no gaps. Therefore, the resulting bounding spaces are also continuous and without gaps. Applying the boundary space limits the size of the offset surface resulting in a reduction in the number of triangular surfaces generated. The offset surface generation may result in unwanted intersecting triangles. The tool path planning strategy addresses this issue by applying hidden-surface removal algorithms. The cutter locations from the offset surface are obtained using the depth buffer. The simulation and machining results show that the tool paths generated by this process are correct. Furthermore, the time required to generate tool paths is less than the time required by other methods. The second part of this thesis presents a method for selecting an optimal cutter type. Extensive research has been carried out to determine the best cutter size for a given machining operation. However, cutter type selection has not been studied in-depth. This work presents a method for selecting the best cutter type based on the amount of material removed. By comparing the amount of material removed by two cutters at a given cutter location the best cutter can be selected. The results show that the optimal cutter is highly dependent on the surface geometry. For most complex surfaces it was found that a combination of cutters provides the best results