88 research outputs found

    Higher-Order Attribute Semantics of Flat Declarative Languages

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    A technique is described that provides a convenient instrument for implementation of semantics of simple declarative languages called flat languages. Semantics of a specification is defined in the paper as a set of programs derivable for solvable goals. We introduce higher-order attribute models that include more control information than conventional attribute models and explain the algorithm for dynamic evaluation of attributes on these models. A visual tool CoCoViLa is briefly described as an instrument for implementing attribute semantics of flat languages

    Air Force Institute of Technology Contributions to Air Force Research and Development, Calendar Year 1987

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    From the introduction:The primary mission of the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT) is education, but research and consulting are essential integral elements in the process. This report highlights AFIT\u27s contributions to Air Force research and development activities [in 1987]

    Do RoboMemos Dream of Electric Nouns?: A Search for the Soul of Legal Writing

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    Chicago-Kent Magazine - Fall 2013

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    Chicago-Kent Magazine - Fall 2013

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    Innovaatiokompetenssin kehittymistä fasilitoiva monialainen innovaatioturnaus pedagogisena toimintajärjestelmänä

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    Strengthening the contribution of education to innovation requires action across all higher education institutions. This article reports the findings of a study that examined innovation tournament as a multidisciplinary pedagogical activity system for the development of innovation competence in an institutional context that combined vocational secondary (vocational college) and tertiary (university of applied sciences) students. The focus was on the design of the activity system and the solutions found in the design phase concerning the following system components: subject, community, object, rules, tools and division of labour. The research question was: What kind of multidisciplinary pedagogical activity system facilitates the development of innovation competence? The method used was a theory-based qualitative activity system analysis, and the research material consisted of annotated teacher–producer planning meeting videos. The study found tensions and solutions for the learning subject and community formation, as well as for the tournament object formation concerning tasks, ways of working, assessment methods and the challenges from companies. The study also found solutions for tournament rules, division of labour and tools, such as processes, methods of choosing the winners, prizes, assessment criteria and the technical tools. To support the development of innovation competence, the activity system was organised in seven weeks rounds with weekly tasks: the orientation (future orientation, innovation theory), idea, concept, prototype and testing, implementation, entrepreneurship and assessment rounds. The study concludes with a model of a pedagogical innovation tournament activity system for teachers’ pedagogical use in higher and vocational education contexts. Future research in this area should focus on assessment methods for innovation competence.Verkostomainen innovaatiotoiminta yritysten, eri asteisten korkea-asteen- ja ammatillisten oppilaitosten opiskelijoiden ja opettajien yhteistoimintana on tarpeellista uusien innovaatioiden mahdollistamiseksi ja innovaatiokyvykkyyden lisäämiseksi. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, minkälainen innovaatioturnaustoiminta parhaiten tukee innovaatiokompetenssien kehittymistä yritysten ja oppilaitosyhteistyön kontekstissa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu opettajien yhteistoiminnallisten suunnittelukokousten videoinneista kahden monialaisen ja moniasteisen innovaatioturnauspilotin yhteydessä. Toimintajärjestelmän osatekijöitä tarkastellaan keskusteluissa esiintyvien jännitteiden ja niihin löydettyjen ratkaisujen avulla. Tutkimusaineistot analysoitiin teorialähtöisellä toimintajärjestelmän analyysin menetelmällä. Tulosten perusteella turnauksen tavoitteeksi mallintui uudenlainen, markkinoille saakka suunniteltu tuote tai palvelu yritykselle, innovaatioprosessin ja uusien teknologioiden ymmärtäminen sekä tiimissä toimivien yksilöiden innovaatiokompetenssien todennettu kehittyminen prosessin aikana. Turnauksen oppiva subjekti määräytyi opiskelijoista ja heidän verkostostaan muodostuvaksi kokonaisuudeksi. Turnauksen säännöt ja arviointi koostuivat ratkaisun, innovaatiokompetenssien sekä eri alojen opiskelijoiden opetussuunnitelman mukaisista arviointikriteereistä. Työnjakoa määrää turnauksen tuotannon ja pedagogisen työn vaatimukset ja resurssit. Tarpeelliset työkalut ovat turnauskierrokset tehtävineen, esittely- ja valmennustilaisuudet, teoriaopinnot, pisteytysjärjestelmät sekä tekniset välineet. Tuloksista ilmenee, että kompetenssien kehittymistä tukeva pedagoginen innovaatioprosessi sisältää innovaatioteoriaa ja tulevaisuusorientaation harjoittamista, idea-, konseptointi-, prototypointi ja testaus sekä tuotteen implementointi- ja yrityksen koeponnistus- sekä arviointivaiheita. Vaikka sovellettua innovaatiokompetenssien kriteeristöä pidettiin soveltuvana ja kattavana, itsearviointia ei koettu soveltuvaksi arvioinnin välineeksi, koska kyseessä on kilpailu. Valittujen innovaatiokompetenssikriteerien mukainen opettajien viikoittainen havaintopäiväkirja, opiskelijan vahvuuksien ja heikkouksien kehittymistä todentava työpaja 2-3 kertaa turnauksen aikana ja tiimin portfolio osaamisen näkyväksi tekemiseksi koettiin soveltuviksi menetelmiksi. Johtopäätöksenä luotiin pedagogisen innovaatioturnauksen toimintajärjestelmän malli, jota opettajat voivat käyttää ammatillisen ja korkeakoulutuksen konteksteissa

    International Conference on Computer Science

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    UBT Annual International Conference is the 11th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Art and Digital Media Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Architecture and Spatial Planning Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Computer Science and Communication Engineering Dental Sciences Education and Development Energy Efficiency Engineering Integrated Design Information Systems and Security Journalism, Media and Communication Law Language and Culture Management, Business and Economics Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Medicine and Nursing Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Political Science Psychology Sport, Health and Society Security Studies This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBT UBT – Higher Education Institutio

    Prospectus, September 27, 1990

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    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 1997

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology\u27s Graduate School of Engineering and the Graduate School of Logistics and Acquisition Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; list student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedure for contacting either school

    The Winonan

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