15 research outputs found

    Effects of Topology Knowledge and Relay Depth on Asynchronous Appoximate Consensus

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    Consider a point-to-point message-passing network. We are interested in the asynchronous crash-tolerant consensus problem in incomplete networks. We study the feasibility and efficiency of approximate consensus under different restrictions on topology knowledge and the relay depth, i.e., the maximum number of hops any message can be relayed. These two constraints are common in large-scale networks, and are used to avoid memory overload and network congestion respectively. Specifically, for positive integer values k and k\u27, we consider that each node knows all its neighbors of at most k-hop distance (k-hop topology knowledge), and the relay depth is k\u27. We consider both directed and undirected graphs. More concretely, we answer the following question in asynchronous systems: "What is a tight condition on the underlying communication graphs for achieving approximate consensus if each node has only a k-hop topology knowledge and relay depth k\u27?" To prove that the necessary conditions presented in the paper are also sufficient, we have developed algorithms that achieve consensus in graphs satisfying those conditions: - The first class of algorithms requires k-hop topology knowledge and relay depth k. Unlike prior algorithms, these algorithms do not flood the network, and each node does not need the full topology knowledge. We show how the convergence time and the message complexity of those algorithms is affected by k, providing the respective upper bounds. - The second set of algorithms requires only one-hop neighborhood knowledge, i.e., immediate incoming and outgoing neighbors, but needs to flood the network (i.e., relay depth is n, where n is the number of nodes). One result that may be of independent interest is a topology discovery mechanism to learn and "estimate" the topology in asynchronous directed networks with crash faults

    Well-formed Properties of Heterogeneous Quorum Systems

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    Byzantine quorum systems provide higher throughput than proofof-work and incur modest energy consumption. Further, their modern incarnations incorporate personalized and heterogeneous trust. Thus, they are emerging as an appealing candidate for global financial infrastructure. However, since their quorums are not uniform across processes anymore, the properties that they should maintain to support abstractions such as reliable broadcast and consensus are not well-understood. In this paper, we first see a general model of heterogeneous quorum systems where each participant can declare its own quorums, and capture their properties. It has been shown that the two properties quorum intersection and availability are necessary. In this paper, we prove that they are not sufficient. We then define the notion of quorum inclusion, and show that the three conditions together are sufficient: we present reliable broadcast and consensus protocols, and prove their correctness for quorum systems that provide the three properties

    How does blockchain security dictate blockchain implementation?

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    Blockchain protocols come with a variety of security guarantees. For example, BFT-inspired protocols such as Algorand tend to be secure in the partially synchronous setting, while longest chain protocols like Bitcoin will normally require stronger synchronicity to be secure. Another fundamental distinction, directly relevant to scalability solutions such as sharding, is whether or not a single untrusted user is able to point to certificates, which provide incontrovertible proof of block confirmation. Algorand produces such certificates, while Bitcoin does not. Are these properties accidental? Or are they inherent consequences of the paradigm of protocol design? Our aim in this paper is to understand what, fundamentally, governs the nature of security for permissionless blockchain protocols. Using the framework developed in [12], we prove general results showing that these questions relate directly to properties of the user selection process, i.e. the method (such as proof-of-work or proof-of-stake) which is used to select users with the task of updating state. Our results suffice to establish, for example, that the production of certificates is impossible for proof-of-work protocols, but is automatic for standard forms of proof-of-stake protocols. As a byproduct of our work, we also define a number of security notions and identify the equivalences and inequivalences among them

    On synchrony in dynamic distributed systems

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    [EN] Many modern distributed services are deployed in dynamic systems. Cloud services are an example. They are expected to provide service to a potentially huge amount of users and may require a wide geographical deployment in multiple data centres. Their service processes vary in volume in accordance with workload variations, showing an adaptive behaviour in order to minimise economical costs. Dynamic distributed systems may be classifed considering two axes: (a) the number of processes that compose the system, and (b) the diameter of the networking graph that interconnects those processes. Other important features of dynamic systems can be derived from these two characteristics, e.g., their attainable synchrony. We analyse the level of synchrony that may be achieved in each dynamic system class and revise the existing techniques for transforming an initially asynchronous large dynamic system into another one with a higher synchrony level. With this, a larger set of problems may be handled in dynamic distributed systems. This facilitates the implementation and provision of additional services in those systems.Muñoz-Escoí, FD.; Juan Marín, RD. (2018). On synchrony in dynamic distributed systems. Open Computer Science. 8(1):154-164. https://doi.org/10.1515/comp-2018-0014S1541648

    Byzantine generals in the permissionless setting

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    Consensus protocols have traditionally been studied in the permissioned setting, where all participants are known to each other from the start of the protocol execution. What differentiates the most prominent blockchain protocol Bitcoin [N+08] from these previously studied protocols is that it operates in a permissionless setting, i.e. it is a protocol for establishing consensus over an unknown network of participants that anybody can join, with as many identities as they like in any role. The arrival of this new form of protocol brings with it many questions. Beyond Bitcoin and other proof-of-work (PoW) protocols, what can we prove about permissionless protocols in a general sense? How does the recent stream of work on permissionless protocols relate to the well-developed history of research on permissioned protocols? To help answer these questions, we describe a formal framework for the analysis of both permissioned and permissionless systems. Our framework allows for “apples-to-apples” comparisons between different categories of protocols and, in turn, the development of theory to formally discuss their relative merits. A major benefit of the framework is that it facilitates the application of a rich history of proofs and techniques for permissioned systems to problems in blockchain and the study of permissionless systems. Within our framework, we then address the questions above. We consider a programme of research that asks, “Under what adversarial conditions, and for what types of permissionless protocol, is consensus possible?” We prove several results for this programme, our main result being that deterministic consensus is not possible for permissionless protocols