750 research outputs found

    Activity-Based User Authentication Using Smartwatches

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    Smartwatches, which contain an accelerometer and gyroscope, have recently been used to implement gait and gesture- based biometrics; however, the prior studies have long-established drawbacks. For example, data for both training and evaluation was captured from single sessions (which is not realistic and can lead to overly optimistic performance results), and in cases when the multi-day scenario was considered, the evaluation was often either done improperly or the results are very poor (i.e., greater than 20% of EER). Moreover, limited activities were considered (i.e., gait or gestures), and data captured within a controlled environment which tends to be far less realistic for real world applications. Therefore, this study remedies these past problems by training and evaluating the smartwatch-based biometric system on data from different days, using large dataset that involved the participation of 60 users, and considering different activities (i.e., normal walking (NW), fast walking (FW), typing on a PC keyboard (TypePC), playing mobile game (GameM), and texting on mobile (TypeM)). Unlike the prior art that focussed on simply laboratory controlled data, a more realistic dataset, which was captured within un-constrained environment, is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. Two principal experiments were carried out focusing upon constrained and un-constrained environments. The first experiment included a comprehensive analysis of the aforementioned activities and tested under two different scenarios (i.e., same and cross day). By using all the extracted features (i.e., 88 features) and the same day evaluation, EERs of the acceleration readings were 0.15%, 0.31%, 1.43%, 1.52%, and 1.33% for the NW, FW, TypeM, TypePC, and GameM respectively. The EERs were increased to 0.93%, 3.90%, 5.69%, 6.02%, and 5.61% when the cross-day data was utilized. For comparison, a more selective set of features was used and significantly maximize the system performance under the cross day scenario, at best EERs of 0.29%, 1.31%, 2.66%, 3.83%, and 2.3% for the aforementioned activities respectively. A realistic methodology was used in the second experiment by using data collected within unconstrained environment. A light activity detection approach was developed to divide the raw signals into gait (i.e., NW and FW) and stationary activities. Competitive results were reported with EERs of 0.60%, 0% and 3.37% for the NW, FW, and stationary activities respectively. The findings suggest that the nature of the signals captured are sufficiently discriminative to be useful in performing transparent and continuous user authentication.University of Kuf

    Real-time sensor data integration in vertical transport systems

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    In this project, mobile connectivity and an innovative approach to sensor data gathering and integration have been employed to automate maintenance inspection, performance monitoring and ride quality measurement in vertical transportation systems. An Inertial Navigation System (INS) has been proposed, implemented and tested to track lift car movement profile. The inherent characteristics of vertical motion have been used to minimize errors and obtain higher accuracy in the integration results. The measurement of a correlation between kinematic profiles constructed from lift-car tracking data compared to its nominal values provides key information on the lift condition at any time. A frequency analysis was applied to processing vibrations and noise data, effectively adding another dimension to the lift ride quality measurement. This approach enabled lift performance profiles to be compiled automatically and transmitted in real time, which significantly rationalized and improved the process of maintenance inspection and monitoring. An advanced prototype, AdInspect, has been produced, with the full set of described features. Industry partners are currently evaluating it

    Investigating Gyroscope Sway Features, Normalization, and Personalization in Detecting Intoxication in Smartphone Users

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    Alcohol abuse is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death for individuals in the United States, causing 88,000 deaths each year in the United States from 2006-2010. Existing smartphone applications allow users to manually record their alcohol consumption or take cognitive tests to estimate intoxication levels; however, no smartphone application passively determines one\u27s level of intoxication. After gathering smartphone sensor data from 34 intoxicated subjects, we generated time and frequency domain features such as sway area (gyroscope) and cadence (accelerometer), which were then classified using a supervised machine learning framework. Other novel contributions explored include feature normalization to account for differences in walking styles and automatic outlier elimination to reduce the effect of accidental falls by identifying and removing the top and bottom of a chosen percentage of the data. Various machine learning classifier types such as Random Forest and Bayes Net were compared, and J48 classifier was the most accurate, classifying user gait patterns into BAC ranges of [0.00-0.08), [0.08-0.15), [0.15-0.25), [0.25+) with an accuracy of 89.45%. This best performing classifier was used to build an intelligent smartphone app that will detect the user\u27s intoxication level in real time

    Instrumentation and validation of a robotic cane for transportation and fall prevention in patients with affected mobility

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Física, (especialização em Dispositivos, Microssistemas e Nanotecnologias)O ato de andar é conhecido por ser a forma primitiva de locomoção do ser humano, sendo que este traz muitos benefícios que motivam um estilo de vida saudável e ativo. No entanto, há condições de saúde que dificultam a realização da marcha, o que por consequência pode resultar num agravamento da saúde, e adicionalmente, levar a um maior risco de quedas. Nesse sentido, o desenvolvimento de um sistema de deteção e prevenção de quedas, integrado num dispositivo auxiliar de marcha, seria essencial para reduzir estes eventos de quedas e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Para ultrapassar estas necessidades e limitações, esta dissertação tem como objetivo validar e instrumentar uma bengala robótica, denominada Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), concebida para incorporar um sistema de deteção de quedas e um mecanismo de atuação que possibilite a prevenção de quedas, ao mesmo tempo que assiste a marcha. Para esse fim, foi realizada uma revisão do estado da arte em bengalas robóticas para adquirir um conhecimento amplo e aprofundado dos componentes, mecanismos e estratégias utilizadas, bem como os protocolos experimentais, principais resultados, limitações e desafios em dispositivos existentes. Numa primeira fase, foi estipulado o objetivo de: (i) adaptar a missão do produto; (ii) estudar as necessidades do consumidor; e (iii) atualizar as especificações alvo da ARCane, continuação do trabalho de equipa, para obter um produto com design e engenharia compatível com o mercado. Foi depois estabelecida a arquitetura de hardware e discutidos os componentes a ser instrumentados na ARCane. Em seguida foram realizados testes de interoperabilidade a fim de validar o funcionamento singular e coletivo dos componentes. Relativamente ao controlo de movimento, foi desenvolvido um sistema inovador, de baixo custo e intuitivo, capaz de detetar a intenção do movimento e de reconhecer as fases da marcha do utilizador. Esta implementação foi validada com seis voluntários saudáveis que realizaram testes de marcha com a ARCane para testar sua operabilidade num ambiente de contexto real. Obteve-se uma precisão de 97% e de 90% em relação à deteção da intenção de movimento e ao reconhecimento da fase da marcha do utilizador. Por fim, foi projetado um método de deteção de quedas e mecanismo de prevenção de quedas para futura implementação na ARCane. Foi ainda proposta uma melhoria do método de deteção de quedas, de modo a superar as limitações associadas, bem como a proposta de dispositivos de deteção a serem implementados na ARCane para obter um sistema completo de deteção de quedas.The act of walking is known to be the primitive form of the human being, and it brings many benefits that motivate a healthy and active lifestyle. However, there are health conditions that make walking difficult, which, consequently, can result in worse health and, in addition, lead to a greater risk of falls. Thus, the development of a fall detection and prevention system integrated with a walking aid would be essential to reduce these fall events and improve people quality of life. To overcome these needs and limitations, this dissertation aims to validate and instrument a cane-type robot, called Anti-fall Robotic Cane (ARCane), designed to incorporate a fall detection system and an actuation mechanism that allow the prevention of falls, while assisting the gait. Therefore, a State-of-the-Art review concerning robotic canes was carried out to acquire a broad and in-depth knowledge of the used components, mechanisms and strategies, as well as the experimental protocols, main results, limitations and challenges on existing devices. On a first stage, it was set an objective to (i) enhance the product's mission statement; (ii) study the consumer needs; and (iii) update the target specifications of the ARCane, extending teamwork, to obtain a product with a market-compatible design and engineering that meets the needs and desires of the ARCane users. It was then established the hardware architecture of the ARCane and discussed the electronic components that will instrument the control, sensory, actuator and power units, being afterwards subjected to interoperability tests to validate the singular and collective functioning of cane components altogether. Regarding the motion control of robotic canes, an innovative, cost-effective and intuitive motion control system was developed, providing user movement intention recognition, and identification of the user's gait phases. This implementation was validated with six healthy volunteers who carried out gait trials with the ARCane, in order to test its operability in a real context environment. An accuracy of 97% was achieved for user motion intention recognition and 90% for user gait phase recognition, using the proposed motion control system. Finally, it was idealized a fall detection method and fall prevention mechanism for a future implementation in the ARCane, based on methods applied to robotic canes in the literature. It was also proposed an improvement of the fall detection method in order to overcome its associated limitations, as well as detection devices to be implemented into the ARCane to achieve a complete fall detection system

    Identifying the time profile of everyday activities in the home using smart meter data

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    Activities are a descriptive term for the common ways households spend their time. Examples include cooking, doing laundry, or socialising. Smart meter data can be used to generate time profiles of activities that are meaningful to households’ own lived experience. Activities are therefore a lens through which energy feedback to households can be made salient and understandable. This paper demonstrates a multi-step methodology for inferring hourly time profiles of ten household activities using smart meter data, supplemented by individual appliance plug monitors and environmental sensors. First, household interviews, video ethnography, and technology surveys are used to identify appliances and devices in the home, and their roles in specific activities. Second, ‘ontologies’ are developed to map out the relationships between activities and technologies in the home. One or more technologies may indicate the occurrence of certain activities. Third, data from smart meters, plug monitors and sensor data are collected. Smart meter data measuring aggregate electricity use are disaggregated and processed together with the plug monitor and sensor data to identify when and for how long different activities are occurring. Sensor data are particularly useful for activities that are not always associated with an energy-using device. Fourth, the ontologies are applied to the disaggregated data to make inferences on hourly time profiles of ten everyday activities. These include washing, doing laundry, watching TV (reliably inferred), and cleaning, socialising, working (inferred with uncertainties). Fifth, activity time diaries and structured interviews are used to validate both the ontologies and the inferred activity time profiles. Two case study homes are used to illustrate the methodology using data collected as part of a UK trial of smart home technologies. The methodology is demonstrated to produce reliable time profiles of a range of domestic activities that are meaningful to households. The methodology also emphasises the value of integrating coded interview and video ethnography data into both the development of the activity inference process

    Human Crowds Estimation based on Mobile Sensing

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    University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Upset or Collapse Detection System for ASD Children Using Smart Watch with Machine Learning Algorithm

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    ASD is characterised by severe and violent behavioural issues that are referred to as "meltdowns (upset) or tantrums (collapse)" and can include aggression, hyperactivity, intolerance, unpredictability and self-injury. This research work intends to develop and implement a non-invasive real-time Upset or Collapse Detection System (UCDS) for people with ASD. With a certain model of smart watch, the non-invasive biological indications such as Pulse Rate (PR), Skin Temperature (ST), and Galvanic Skin Reaction (GSR) can be artificially captured.  In order to create the UCDS, deep learning algorithms like CNN, LSTM, and the hybrid of CNN-LSTM are given the physiological signals that are captured to a server. The deep learning algorithm could recognise aberrant upset or collapse states from real-time physiological signs after being trained.  Deep learning algorithms including CNN, LSTM, and CNN-LSTM are used to train and test the proposed UCDS system, and it is discovered that hybrid CNN-LSTM beat them all with an average training and testing accuracy of 96% and a low mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.10 for training and 0.04 for testing.  Furthermore, the suggested UCDS system is supported by 93% of the ASD caretakers


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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 坂村 健, 東京大学教授 越塚 登, 東京大学教授 暦本 純一, 東京大学教授 中尾 彰宏, 東京大学教授 石川 徹University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Exploiting behavioral biometrics for user security enhancements

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    As online business has been very popular in the past decade, the tasks of providing user authentication and verification have become more important than before to protect user sensitive information from malicious hands. The most common approach to user authentication and verification is the use of password. However, the dilemma users facing in traditional passwords becomes more and more evident: users tend to choose easy-to-remember passwords, which are often weak passwords that are easy to crack. Meanwhile, behavioral biometrics have promising potentials in meeting both security and usability demands, since they authenticate users by who you are , instead of what you have . In this dissertation, we first develop two such user verification applications based on behavioral biometrics: the first one is via mouse movements, and the second via tapping behaviors on smartphones; then we focus on modeling user web browsing behaviors by Fitts\u27 Law.;Specifically, we develop a user verification system by exploiting the uniqueness of people\u27s mouse movements. The key feature of our system lies in using much more fine-grained (point-by-point) angle-based metrics of mouse movements for user verification. These new metrics are relatively unique from person to person and independent of the computing platform. We conduct a series of experiments to show that the proposed system can verify a user in an accurate and timely manner, and induced system overhead is minor. Similar to mouse movements, the tapping behaviors of smartphone users on touchscreen also vary from person to person. We propose a non-intrusive user verification mechanism to substantiate whether an authenticating user is the true owner of the smartphone or an impostor who happens to know the passcode. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is validated through real experiments. to further understand user pointing behaviors, we attempt to stress-test Fitts\u27 law in the wild , namely, under natural web browsing environments, instead of restricted laboratory settings in previous studies. Our analysis shows that, while the averaged pointing times follow Fitts\u27 law very well, there is considerable deviations from Fitts\u27 law. We observe that, in natural browsing, a fast movement has a different error model from the other two movements. Therefore, a complete profiling on user pointing performance should be done in more details, for example, constructing different error models for slow and fast movements. as future works, we plan to exploit multiple-finger tappings for smartphone user verification, and evaluate user privacy issues in Amazon wish list