18 research outputs found

    Improving Security Performance in Smart Campuses

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    The idea of a smart campus is to combine devices, apps, and people to achieve enhanced operational and educational efficiency. One of the major aspects of the establishment of smart campuses is the building of a smart security system. This research is an effort to review the security technologies and how to increase the security performance of a smart campus using these technologies. The main objective of this study is to discuss asset security and facility access technologies in a smart campus setting. Universities spend millions of dollars on specialized equipment, yet maintaining track of such assets may be challenging. We discussed how security personnel can monitor the whereabouts of high-value items by installing IoT on them and how Smart locks, intelligent ID, and Geofencing can enable the facilities managers to manage campus access, tracking, and define zones. Finally, we review the optimal mix of other technologies and strategies to produce successful deterrent, preventive, protection, and reaction measures. This study argued that using these technologies smart campuses can alter the education system by improving campus security and by offering students and educators an engaged, creative, and safe environment

    Revisión sistemática del uso de los diferentes protocolos de interconexión para internet de las cosas (IoT)

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl presente documento presenta una revisión sistemática acerca del uso de los diferentes protocolos de interconexión que son más destacados e interoperables para lograr la implementación de internet de las cosas (IoT) dentro de entornos empresariales y el hogar. Para la elaboración de este trabajo se implementó una metodología especializada en revisiones sistemáticas llamada metodología de Bárbara Kitchenham, desarrollada en 2004 por la autora del mismo nombre. Adicionalmente se utilizó un software especial para este tipo de trabajos llamado Start, con el que se ha extraído la información de las bases de datos IEEE y SCOPUS que nos dio como resultado un número de artículos científicos seleccionados minuciosamente bajo unos criterios de elegibilidad y calidad definidos dentro del desarrollo de la metodología.INTRODUCCIÓN JUSTIFICACIÓN 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 2. OBJETIVOS 3. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES 4. MARCO TEÓRICO 5. ESTADO DEL ARTE 6. METODOLOGÍA 7. RESULTADOS CONCLUSIONES RECOMENDACIONES REFERENCIASPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    A heterogeneous short-range communication platform for internet of vehicles

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    The automotive industry is rapidly accelerating toward the development of innovative industry applications that feature management capabilities for data and applications alike in cars. In this regard, more internet of vehicles solutions are emerging through advancements of various wireless medium access-control technologies and the internet of things. In the present work, we develop a short-range communication–based vehicular system to support vehicle communication and remote car control. We present a combined hardware and software testbed that is capable of controlling a vehicle’s start-up, operation and several related functionalities covering various vehicle metric data. The testbed is built from two microcontrollers, Arduino and Raspberry Pi 3, each of which individually controls certain functions to improve the overall vehicle control. The implementation of the heterogeneous communication module is based on the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 and IEEE 802.15 medium access control technologies. Further, a control module on a smartphone was designed and implemented for efficient management. Moreover, we study the system connectivity performance by measuring various important parameters including the coverage distance, signal strength, download speed and latency. This study covers the use of this technology setup in different geographical areas over various time spans

    Advanced IoT Technology and Protocols: Review and Future Perspectives

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a disruptive paradigm, altering how we interact with our surroundings and enabling a plethora of novel applications across multiple sectors. This literature review provides a complete overview of the Internet of Things, including applications, technology, protocols, modeling tools, and future directions. The assessment begins by looking at a wide range of IoT applications, such as smart cities, healthcare, industrial automation, smart homes, and more. It then looks into the underlying technologies that enable IoT deployments, including low-power wireless communication protocols, edge computing, and sensor networks. Protocols and routing methods designed expressly for IoT networks are also described, as well as simulation tools used to simulate and evaluate IoT systems. The discussion focuses on critical insights and consequences for the future of IoT, including challenges and potential in security, interoperability, edge intelligence, and sustainability. By tackling these obstacles and using emerging technologies, IoT can create disruptive change across businesses while also improving quality of life. This review seeks to give scholars, practitioners, and stakeholders a thorough grasp of IoT and its implications for the future

    Self-learning and Self-repairing Technologies to Establish Autonomous Building Maintenance

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    Current maintenance models, applied to the building stock, struggle with the complexity and high costs associated with the necessary interventions to recover the original condition or repair the previous renovation works, related with the workers' experience, site conditions (logistic, climatic and environmental), technical skills, and experts' backgrounds. Thus, circumstances favor the introduction of monitoring by sensors, in active systems (ventilation, acclimatization, surveillance, fire-protection, et cetera), increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs. These goals are aligned with current requirements for passive construction solutions, considering the capacities of sensors and nano-technologies. All supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI), and its ability to learn and react, by monitoring the aging rate and external conditions impact on performance and conditioning the settings of renovation construction materials' and solutions' (future) composition. Nano-Technologies already proved their potential to transform the passive systems infinite structures, in traditional construction materials and solutions. By changing those into a semi-passive condition, able to react and adjust to adverse externalities slowing and/or inverting the performance losses. The research hypothesis an ecosystem to produce autonomous maintenance on buildings, through a digital condition assessment, on the actual system's components, with resort to nano-technology to reset those and trigger self-repairing; to extend properties life-cycle and lifespan, and improve efficiency to maintain high performance, favoring the user's experience

    Serviço de reconfiguração de dispositivos IoT

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    This work presents an optimization model for sending telemetry from IoT devices, using the Twin Device tool present in Microsoft’s cloud server services platform, called Azure. The optimization is done through a server, developed in Python, which interprets the telemetry received, defines the current state of the device and updates the settings of the device and emits it through Twin Device. The result in normal operating states was a drastic decrease in the number of packets and consequently a smaller volume of data trafficked on the network, already in a critical state, the amount of packets increased and consequently a considerably greater volume trafficked through the network.Esse trabalho apresenta um modelo para aprimorar o envio de telemetria de dispositivos IoT (Internet of Things), utilizando a ferramenta de Dispositivo Gêmeo presente na plataforma de serviços de servidores em nuvem da Microsoft, chamada Azure. O aprimoramento é feito através de um servidor, desenvolvido em Python, que interpreta a telemetria recebida, define o estado atual do dispositivo e atualiza as configurações do dispositivo emissor por meio do Dispositivo Gêmeo. O resultado para o dispositivo em seus parâmetros normais de operação foi uma redução de 91% na quantidade de pacotes, consequentemente no volume de dados trafegados na rede. Já fora de seus parâmetros normais, a quantidade de pacotes aumentou 145% e consequentemente o volume de dados trafegados pela rede também