7 research outputs found


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    Explaining the design of organizational processes is a paramount issue because the processes specify the knowledge of how the organization works. For this reason, the need to create capacities for the timely detection, planning and execution of analysis projects and design of processes oriented to innovation is imposed, which is complex to systematize, due to the dynamics of change to which organizations are subjected to. In the scientific literature, 10 principles have been synthesized that impact on the components of the work system for the innovation of organizational processes. The research aims to expose the results of a literature review conducted to assess the compliance with such principles in methodological and technological solutions that are oriented to process innovation. From the study of 3633 bibliographical references it has been verified that no solution is in conformity with the totality of the principles, evidencing deficiencies that impact on the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the design of the organizational processes.Explicitar el diseño de los procesos de la organización posee gran importancia debido a que los procesos especifican el conocimiento de cómo la organización funciona. Por tal motivo, se impone la necesidad de crear capacidades para la detección oportuna, planificación y ejecución de proyectos de análisis y diseño de procesos orientados a la innovación, lo que es complejo de sistematizar, a causa de la dinámica de cambio a la que se ven sometidas las organizaciones. En la literatura científica se han sintetizado 10 principios que impactan en los componentes del sistema de trabajo para la innovación de procesos organizacionales. La investigación tiene como objetivo exponer los resultados de la revisión bibliográfica realizada sobre el grado de cumplimiento de los principios en las soluciones metodológicas y tecnológicas que se orientan a la innovación de procesos. A partir del estudio de 3633 referencias bibliográficas se comprueba que ninguna solución está en conformidad con la totalidad de los principios, evidenciando carencias que impactan en la eficacia, eficiencia y sostenibilidad del diseño de los procesos organizacionales

    Global performance index for integrated management system: GPI-IMS

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    Background: The present work starts from a literature review of the evolution of Integrated Management Systems (IMSs), considering different points of view and standards: quality, environmental, occupational health and safety, sustainability and social issues. Even if the benefits are possible, there is not a common approach and a clear link between the integration of management systems and business performance, in particular considering safety performance. Methods: The present study analyzes the application of Risk Assessment in order to realize the integration of management systems. The main objective is to provide a tool for an integrated evaluation of all company performances, starting from the definition of some Key Performance Indicators—KPIs— proposed for a particular case study, even if their choice is not the core of the paper. The assessment team members on the basis of their knowledge, experience and useful literature, could choose the right KPIs for the specific application, able to take a picture of the current state and to suggest a possible recommended action of improving. The proposed Risk Assessment approach is an integration of modern management techniques: Integrated Management System and Improving Cycle DMAIC. Results: The new method, called the Global Performance Index for Integrated Management System—GPI-IMS, has been applied to a real case study in the logistic field in order to evaluate its goodness and possible generalization. Conclusions: The proposed method allows to define the requirements that any company must have to perform the best. The role of the assessment team is very important to evaluate the global performance of the company and to suggest the corrective actions to be adopted

    Proposal of a new framework for project management in a logistics department of an automotive company, applying Lean Thinking principles

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Industrial Management and EngineeringThe current master thesis was developed at Bosch Portugal Car Multimedia S.A., in Braga, with the main goal of proposing a new framework for project management in a logistics department, using Lean Thinking principles. In complex and dynamic business environments, it is important to become more effective and have more flexibility to changes. For that reason, organizations must adopt a project-based management to be increasingly competitive. This research was developed in a logistics department, which main work is sustained by innovation projects applied to the logistics. In order to maximize the project’s success, this research was carried out, whose output is a framework for the management of projects adapted to the operations of the department. To support this research the author also carried out a systematic literature review. In parallel, the author was integrated in the work environment, adopting an action research methodology to develop the framework and to eliminate the current waste associated to project management. Firstly, the diagnosing phase was performed. At this phase the current framework was analyzed and a round of semi-structured interviews with the project managers were carried out, to identify the problems. The list of identified problems was divided into several groups, but it was possible to highlight the time scheduling problem, the lack of information share between stakeholders and the inexistence of a proper deployment phase. Then, on the action planning phase, the new framework and some auxiliary documents used as standards were proposed to solve the problems identified. The final step was the implementation of the proposal, which is a cycle procedure with several improvements during the implementation. The final framework brought new activities and it is capable to adapt to the context of each specific project, minimizing waste and eliminating the problems that were identified earlier. The main results obtained were mostly related to the applicability of a new framework adapted to the department characteristics, which solved about 83% of the identified problems.A presente tese de mestrado foi desenvolvida na Bosch Portugal Car Multimedia S.A., em Braga, com o objetivo principal de propor uma nova estrutura para a gestão de projetos no departamento de logística, utilizando princípios de Lean Thinking. Em ambientes de negócios complexos e dinâmicos, é importante ser cada vez mais eficaz e ter mais flexibilidade para as rápidas mudanças do mercado. Por essa razão, as organizações devem adotar uma gestão baseada em projetos com o intuito de serem cada vez mais competitivas. Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida num departamento de logística, cujo principal trabalho é sustentado por projetos de inovação aplicados à logística. A fim de maximizar o sucesso destes projetos, esta pesquisa foi realizada, cujo resultado é uma framework para a gestão de projetos adaptada às operações do departamento. Para apoiar esta investigação, o autor realizou uma revisão sistemática da literatura. Em paralelo, o autor foi integrado no ambiente de trabalho, adotando uma metodologia de investigação-ação, para desenvolver a metodologia e eliminar os desperdícios atuais inerentes à gestão de projetos. Primeiramente, foi realizada a fase de diagnóstico. Nesta fase, o estado atual foi analisado e foi realizada uma ronda de entrevistas semiestruturadas com os líderes de projetos, para identificar os problemas. A lista de problemas identificados foi dividida em vários grupos, mas foi possível destacar o problema de cumprimento da calendarização, a falta de partilha de informações entre os interessados e a inexistência de uma fase de implementação adequada. Em seguida, na fase de planeamento de ações, a nova metodologia e alguns documentos auxiliares utilizados como padrão foram propostos para solucionar os problemas identificados. A etapa final foi a implementação da proposta, que é um procedimento em ciclo com várias melhorias durante a implementação. A metodologia final introduziu novas atividades e é capaz de se adaptar ao contexto de cada projeto específico, minimizando o desperdício e eliminando os problemas que foram identificados anteriormente. Os principais resultados obtidos relacionaram-se essencialmente com aplicabilidade da nova metodologia para as características do departamento, que resolveu cerca de 83% dos problemas identificados

    Process improvement and its impact on product delivery in manufacturing companies: a comprehensive systematic review

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    El presente trabajo realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura para determinar el avance de las investigaciones sobre de la mejora de procesos y su impacto en la entrega de productos en empresas manufactureras desde el año 2016 al 2021. La estrategia de búsqueda identificó 755,729 artículos en bibliotecas digitales tales como ARDI, ERIC, Taylor & Francis Online, IOPScience, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest y ScienceDirect; de las cuales 95 artículos fueron identificados como ideales para la revisión. Los resultados obtenidos en la revisión sistemática acerca de los estudios relacionados a la mejora de Procesos han permitido encontrar metodologías relevantes para aplicarlas en cualquier área de una empresa, en cualquier sector empresarial; del mismo modo se proporciona un mapeo de los estudios que se publicaron en diferentes países por tipo de publicación. Además, ha permitido realizar una exhaustiva revisión bibliométrica de las investigaciones, a fin de determinar los conceptos (tópicos) más utilizados e identificar las palabras clave que con frecuencia presentan concurrencia en las investigaciones. Como conclusiones se presentan las relaciones que existen entre cada uno de los artículos, identificando la comparación por relevancia para sus propios entornos y situaciones en las que se puede aplicar la mejora de procesos.A systematic literature review was conducted in this study, to determine the progress of research on process improvement and its impact on product delivery in manufacturing companies from 2016 to 2021. The search strategy identified 755729 papers in digital libraries such as ARDI, ERIC, Taylor & Francis Online, IOPScience, IEEE Xplore, ProQuest and ScienceDirect of which 95 papers were identified as ideal for the review chosen after applying exclusion criteria. The results obtained in the systematic review have focused on studies related to Process Improvement where relevant methodologies are found to be applied in any area of a manufacturing company, likewise a mapping of the extracted studies published in different countries of the world by type of publication is provided. As conclusions, the relationships that exist between each of the papers are presented, identifying the comparison by relevance to their own environments and situations in which process improvement can be applied

    Building Excellence through the Agile Reengineering Performance Model (ARPM): a Strategic Business Model for Organizations

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    The economic globalization and the emergence of attractiveness of new regions for the location of activities have led many enterprises to review their strategies, in order to optimize their global value chain. Hence, nowadays, it is essential for companies to engage in foreign markets, looking for much more efficient and creative business process management. Companies are achieving these goals of efficiency always more by using the offshoring strategy and new innovative approach. The present research aims to propose a management framework titled Agile Reengineering Performance Model (ARPM) based on the agile project management approach in the context of re-engineering production process and offshoring. The model is applied in a real case study concerning the offshoring and re-design of a water bottling plant production line. The results indicate positive impact on the entire project and its performance

    Promoting rural prosperity in the Americas:management report 2002-2008: IICA's contribution to the sustainable development of agriculture, food security and rural prosperity in the Americas.

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    Posee edición español e inglésContiene: Informe hemisférico, La visión: reposicionando el IICA para enfrentar los retos del siglo XXI,Un nuevo modelo de cooperación técnica basado en la participación, la rendición de cuentas, la consulta y la transparencia, Logros del IICA en la implementación de los mandatos del Proceso de las Cumbres de las Américas y de las reuniones ministeriales sobre agricultura y vida rural, Logros en la provisión de servicios de cooperación técnica: implementación de los planes de mediano plazo para los períodos 2002-2006 y 2006-2010, Fortalecimiento y consolidación de alianzas con socios estratégicos, Modernización institucional, Logros del Centro de Liderazgo en Agricultura, La contribución real de la agricultura al desarrollo, Logros en la promoción de la cooperación técnica horizontal, Logros en la captación de recursos externos y en la ejecución de proyectos de inversión, Informes especiales, Documentación y Publicaciones, La renovación del IICA: Reposicionando el Instituto para enfrentar los retos del Siglo XXI, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Andina La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Caribe, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Central, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Norte, La contribución del IICA al desarrollo de la agricultura y la vida rural en la Región Sur