3 research outputs found

    Using Online Games in Teaching: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This paper aims to study an overview of the using online games in teaching based on the Scopus data source from January 2016 to July 2023. The PRISMA model is used to guide the selection of articles. After selection and consideration, 19 scientific articles were included for analysis. The author analyzes information such as number of research articles, country, author, citations, keywords. The results showed that the number of research articles on the use of online games in teaching is increasing, in which the article “Using online game-based platforms to improve student performance and engagement in histology teaching" of the authors Felszeghy S. et al. (2019) most influential with a citation index of 81. Student, learning, online, games are keywords that often appear in the articles analyzed. Therefore, through systematic review research to help educational researchers, teachers identify important information about the use of online games in teaching so that they can guide future studies

    Learning Models in Educational Game Interactions: A Review

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    Educational games have now been used as innovative media and teaching strategies to achieve more effective learning and have an impact that tends to be very good in the learning process. However, it is important to know and systematically prove that the application of the learning model in the interaction of educational games is indeed feasible to be adopted and has an effect. This paper aims to present empirical evidence of the current situation regarding the application of learning models in the flow of educational game interactions. The method used is a systematic literature review by adopting three main stages, namely: 1) Planning; 2) Implementation; 3) Reporting. Then recommend the ten steps in the systematic literature review process along with the selection process through the test-retest approach. The initial search obtained 1,405,310 papers, then go through the selection stage. The selection process took place at stage B1 with the number of papers that successfully passed 198, at the B2 selection stage there were 102 papers, and we focus 75 papers that have passed a fairly rigorous screening and selection process on the quality assessment process for primary studies, used to answer research objectives and questions. We can confirm and conclude that 75 papers have applied the learning model in educational game interactions. The dominating domain is Education, the type of game that dominates is Educational Game, for the most dominating subjects are Programming, Student Learning Motivation as the most dominating impact, Experimental Design as a trial technique, the most widely used evaluation instruments are Questionnaires and Tests, a population that dominates between 79-2,645 people, and 8 papers to support learning in vocational education

    Pregled literature o empirijskim istraživanjima o utjecaju digitalnih igara na stilove učenja i višestruke inteligencije

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    The paper presents a review of literature resources that studied the effects of digital games on students\u27 learning and intelligence. The research included 5,740 scientific papers from 11 electronic repositories that presented various evidence of multidimensional impact of digital games on students. Categorization and application of multiple qualitative criteria identified 36 representative papers that presented empirical evidence. Various indicators and benchmarks used in papers were analysed, taking into account the methodological limitations. The results confirm the complex relations between digital games andlearning styles and multiple intelligences on which the recommendations and questions for future research are created.U radu se daje pregled literature koja prikazuje rezultate istraživanja o utjecaju digitalnih igara na učenje i inteligencije učenika. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 5740 znanstvenih radova iz 11 elektroničkih repozitorija, a koji su pružili raznolike dokaze o višedimenzionalnom utjecaju digitalnih igara na učenike. Kategorizacijom i primjenom višestrukih kvalitativnih kriterija pronađeno je 36 odgovarajućih radova koji su sadržavali empirijske dokaze. U radovima su analizirani raznovrsni indikatori i referentne točke, uzimajući u obzir metodološka ograničenja. Rezultati potvrđuju kompleksne veze između digitalnih igara i stilova učenja, kao i višestrukih inteligencija, na temelju kojih se stvaraju preporuke i pitanja za buduća istraživanja