25 research outputs found

    An ontological approach for a recommendation system of a requirement tool: the case of a national standard framework for hospital design

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    There is a need to facilitate cross-project learning in hospital projects. To do this, the Swedish national healthcare project frame and database, PTS (Program for Technical Standard), has been created to provide a framework for Swedish regions when conducting hospital projects. However, the fragmented information currently available and overall structure makes it difficult to embed knowledge and requirements for cross-project learning. In this paper we use an ontological framework to review the current structure of PTS and also propose a conceptual information-structure for machine readable functional and spatial requirements that can be utilized in a recommendation system for hospital room layout

    Effectiveness of Virtual Team for Improving Communication Breakdown in IBS Project Delivery Process

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    Technological innovation and globalization force the organizations collaborate across time, culture, and geographical boundaries. It becomes one of the ordinary practices to the construction sector and has given rise to the concept of global teams known as a virtual team. Virtual team drives by advance technology to solve the communication issues and perceived as an effective, efficient, and creative team structure. Effective communication is an essential process to develop project success in the construction Industrialised Building System (IBS) project. However the implication of the fragmented approach in the IBS project development process was reflected in the lack of communication between multidisciplinary project teams cause various problem such as lower performance and a higher turnover of staff. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the effects of communication, subject to different project stage and to identify the key factors to enhance virtual team communication processes between the practitioners

    Client's presence during design. A study on roles, practice and visual management

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    From earlier studies we know that communication between clients and the design team can be difficult and needs and wishes of the client are not always understood. Studies related to integrated design processes, cooperative work approaches and collocation support a better cooperation between the client and the design team. Furthermore, visualisation is known for being supportive of sharing information and knowledge embedded in practice. The aim of this article is to explore how the physical presence of the client and application of visual means influence practices for sharing information and collaboration toward realizing the client鈥檚 needs and wishes in the final design. The research applies a multiple case study of three qualitative cases in an Integrated Design Team (IDT) setting. All three cases were followed throughout the entire design process, where the design teams were semi-collocated. Based on empirical data we found the following: (1) the physical presence of the client in a IDT environment influences (i) the relationship between the client and the IDT, (ii) and the client's role towards being an active member during the design process. (2) The client applies a traditional way of sharing their information in contrast to the work practice and potential for visualization within the IDT (3) There exists potential for increasing the use of visual means and possibilities of visual management to enable the understanding of the client鈥檚 needs and wishes in an IDT

    Critical success factors of collaborative approach in delivering sustainable construction

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    The essential aspect of sustainability in construction lead the complexities and involvement of multi parties in the construction project as well as its process. Conflicts of interests may appear in the process. Collaborative approach is essential for supporting decision making in delivering sustainable construction. This research identifies the collaboration critical factors. Scatter plot of mean and standard deviation analysis is done to rank the criticality of each collaboration factors in delivering sustainable construction. Eventually, factor analysis is done to identify the similarities between all the factors. There are twelve (12) factors identified from previous studies. Among all the collaboration factors, coordination among project stakeholders is identified as the most critical in delivering sustainable construction and followed by sharing responsibilities and mutual support. Based from factor analysis, five new factors of collaborative approach have been found

    Requirements Management Interface to Building Product Models

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    In current AEC practice client requirements are typically recorded in a building program, which, depending on the building type, covers various aspects from the overall goals, activities and spatial needs to very detailed material and condition requirements. This documentation is used as the starting point of the design process, but as the design progresses, it is usually left aside and changes are made incrementally based on the previous design solution. These incremental small changes can lead to a solution that may no longer meet the original requirements. In addition, design is by nature an iterative process and the proposed solutions often also cause evolution in the client requirements. However, the requirements documentation is usually not updated accordingly. Finding the latest updates and evolution of the requirements from the documentation is very difficult, if not impossible. This process can lead to an end result, which is significantly different from the documented requirements. Some important requirements may not be satisfied, and even if the design process was based on agreed-upon changes in the scope and requirements, differences in the requirements documents and in the completed building can lead to well-justified doubts about the quality of the design and construction process..

    Association of Researchers in Construction Management

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    From earlier studies we know that communication between clients and the design team can be difficult and needs and wishes of the client are not always understood. Studies related to integrated design processes, cooperative work approaches and collocation support a better cooperation between the client and the design team. Furthermore, visualisation is known for being supportive of sharing information and knowledge embedded in practice. The aim of this article is to explore how the physical presence of the client and application of visual means influence practices for sharing information and collaboration toward realizing the client's needs and wishes in the final design. The research applies a multiple case study of three qualitative cases in an Integrated Design Team (IDT) setting. All three cases were followed throughout the entire design process, where the design teams were semi-collocated. Based on empirical data we found the following: (1) the physical presence of the client in a IDT environment influences (i) the relationship between the client and the IDT, (ii) and the client's role towards being an active member during the design process


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    La modelaci贸n de informaci贸n de edificios (BIM) ha emergido como una plataforma digital para proyectos de edificaci贸n, que pretende facilitar la cooperaci贸n entre especialidades. Por otro lado, la colaboraci贸n extrema es una metodolog铆a surgida en la industria aeroespacial y orientada al trabajo conjunto entre profesionales. Este art铆culo presenta una iniciativa experimental con estudiantes de Arquitectura e Ingenier铆a, destinada a evaluar las capacidades de modelaci贸n cooperativa en la ense帽anza de proyectos de edificaci贸n. Lo anterior se llev贸 a cabo mediante el desarrollo intensivo de un pabell贸n de exhibici贸n de autom贸viles por un grupo de alumnos de distintas carreras trabajando en el mismo lugar; elaborando el dise帽o y presentaci贸n de arquitectura, estructura, instalaciones el茅ctricas an谩lisis energ茅tico-ambiental, y presupuesto de construcci贸n. El trabajo fue ejecutado en cuatro sesiones, con una reuni贸n inicial y final; en una sala con un mes贸n central, computadores en red, programas BIM y pantallas perimetrales. Se realizaron cuestionarios de entrada y salida, y entrevistas a los participantes, adem谩s de an谩lisis del proceso con investigadores y expertos. La experiencia demostr贸 alta efectividad en la producci贸n y desarrollo del proyecto, aunque con tensiones grupales y limitaciones de dise帽o. Los estudiantes valoraron el trabajo colaborativo, y sugirieron trabajar de manera desfasada algunas especialidades y designar un encargado de la coordinaci贸n del proceso, as铆 como definir mayormente resultados esperados y operaci贸n conjunta. Por lo que se sugiere aplicar estas condiciones para desarrollar modelaci贸n BIM con colaboraci贸n entre especialistas en los proyectos de edificaci贸n. Palabras Clave: Dise帽o integrado, ense帽anza colaborativa, modelaci贸n de informaci贸n en edifcios.Building information modeling (BIM) has emerged as a digital platform for building projects, which facilitates cooperation between specialties. On the other hand, extreme collaboration is a methodology, arising in the aerospace industry, for joint work among professionals. This article presents an experimental initiative with Architecture and Engineering students to evaluate these capabilities in building projects. This was done by means of an intensive development of a car exhibition pavilion; elaborating the design and presentation of architecture, structure, electrical installations, energy-environmental analysis, and construction budget. The work was carried out in four sessions, with an initial and final meeting; in a room with a central desk, network computers, BIM programs, and perimeter screens. Input and output questionnaires were carried out, as well as interviews with the participants, and analysis of the process with researchers and experts. The experience demonstrated high effectiveness in the production and development of the project, although with group tensions and design limitations. The collaborative work was valued primarily, suggesting the outdated programming of some specialties and coordination of the process, as well as defining mostly expected results and joint operation. Therefore, it is suggested to apply these conditions to integrate BIM modeling with collaboration between building project specialists. Keywords: Integrated design, collaborative teaching, building information modelling

    Un enfoque basado en ontolog铆a para la gesti贸n integrada del medio ambiente y de la seguridad y la salud en obra

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    Un enfoque basado en ontolog铆a para la gesti贸n integrada del medio ambiente y de la seguridad y la salud en obra

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    Article publicat originalment a "Revista ingenier铆a de construcci贸n", vol. 27, n煤m. 3, Desembre 2012, p. 103-127. ISSN 0716 - 2952. http://www.ricuc.cl/index.php/ric/article/view/417/pdfEste art铆culo tiene como objetivo favorecer la implementaci贸n de sistemas integrados de gesti贸n ambiental y de seguridad salud en empresas constructoras, centr谩ndose en el subsistema de control de los impactos ambientales y los riesgos de seguridad y salud en obra. La gran compatibilidad que presentan los requerimientos vinculados al control operacional establecidos en la normas ISO 14001:2004 y OHSAS 18001:2007 as铆 como las interacciones existentes entre impactos ambientales y riesgos de seguridad y salud (Gangolells et al., 2009, Gangolells et al., 2010) han motivado el desarrollo de una ontolog铆a que permite construir un modelo integrado para el control operacional en obras de construcci贸n. La aproximaci贸n desarrollada est谩 fuertemente influenciada por la metodolog铆a de Noy y McGuiness (2001) y modela los conceptos clave y las relaciones del dominio de forma estructurada, extensibe, flexible, reutilizable y compartible. Esta aproximaci贸n basada en ontolog铆as ha sido implementada mediante Prot茅g茅 3.4 beta y correctamente evaluada utilizando cuestiones de competencia, verificaciones internas y entrevistas de validaci贸n con expertos. Este art铆culo desarrolla la primera aproximaci贸n que permite representar, compartir, reutilizar y gestionar el conocimiento relacionado con el control operacional integrado en obra de las incidencias medioambientales y de seguridad y salud y sienta las bases para poder superar la mayor铆a de las barreras que las empresas constructoras deben afrontar durante el proceso de implementaci贸n de un sistema de gesti贸n integrada.Postprint (published version