2 research outputs found

    System design for periodic data production management

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    This research project introduces a new type of information system, the periodic data production management system, and proposes several innovative system design concepts for this application area. Periodic data production systems are common in the information industry for the production of information. These systems process large quantities of data in order to produce statistical reports in predefined intervals. The workflow of such a system is typically distributed world-wide and consists of several semi-computerized production steps which transform data packages. For example, market research companies apply these systems in order to sell marketing information over specified timelines. production of information. These systems process large quantities of data in order to produce statistical reports in predefined intervals. The workflow of such a system is typically distributed world-wide and consists of several semi-computerized production steps which transform data packages. For example, market research companies apply these systems in order to sell marketing information over specified timelines. There has been identified a lack of concepts for IT-aided management in this area. This thesis clearly defines the complex requirements of periodic data production management systems. It is shown that these systems can be defines as IT-support for planning, monitoring and controlling periodic data production processes. Their significant advantages are that information industry will be enabled to increase production performance, and to ease (and speed up) the identification of the production progress as well as the achievable optimisation potential in order to control rationalisation goals. In addition, this thesis provides solutions for he generic problem how to introduce such a management system on top of an unchangeable periodic data production system. Two promising system designs for periodic data production management are derived, analysed and compared in order to gain knowledge about appropriate concepts and this application area. Production planning systems are the metaphor models used for the so-called closely coupled approach. The metaphor model for the loosely coupled approach is project management. The latter approach is prototyped as an application in the market research industry and used as case study. Evaluation results are real-world experiences which demonstrate the extraordinary efficiency of systems based on the loosely coupled approach. Special is a scenario-based evaluation that accurately demonstrates the many improvements achievable with this approach. Main results are that production planning and process quality can vitally be improved. Finally, among other propositions, it is suggested to concentrate future work on the development of product lines for periodic data production management systems in order to increase their reuse

    Building a real data warehouse for market research

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    This paper reflects the results of the evaluation phase of building a data production system for the retail research division of the GfK, Europe's largest market research company. The application specific requirements like end-user needs or data volume are very different from data warehouses discussed in the literature, making it a real data warehouse. In a case study, these requirements are compared with state-of-the-art solutions offered by leading software vendors. Each of the common architectures (MOLAP, ROLAP, HOLAP) was represented by a product. The result of this comparison is that all systems have to be massively tailored to GfK's needs, especially to cope with meta data management or the maintenance of aggregations