20,026 research outputs found

    Power Systems Monitoring and Control using Telecom Network Management Standards

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    Historically, different solutions have been developed for power systems control and telecommunications network management environments. The former was characterized by proprietary solutions, while the latter has been involved for years in a strong standardization process guided by criteria of openness. Today, power systems control standardization is in progress, but it is at an early stage compared to the telecommunications management area, especially in terms of information modeling. Today, control equipment tends to exhibit more computational power, and communication lines have increased their performance. These trends hint at some conceptual convergence between power systems and telecommunications networks from a management perspective. This convergence leads us to suggest the application of well-established telecommunications management standards for power systems control. This paper shows that this is a real medium-to-long term possibility

    The Raincore API for clusters of networking elements

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    Clustering technology offers a way to increase overall reliability and performance of Internet information flow by strengthening one link in the chain without adding others. We have implemented this technology in a distributed computing architecture for network elements. The architecture, called Raincore, originated in the Reliable Array of Independent Nodes, or RAIN, research collaboration between the California Institute of Technology and the US National Aeronautics and Space Agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The RAIN project focused on developing high-performance, fault-tolerant, portable clustering technology for spaceborne computing . The technology that emerged from this project became the basis for a spinoff company, Rainfinity, which has the exclusive intellectual property rights to the RAIN technology. The authors describe the Raincore conceptual architecture and distributed services, which are designed to make it easy for developers to port their applications to run on top of a cluster of networking elements. We include two applications: a Web server prototype that was part of the original RAIN research project and a commercial firewall cluster product from Rainfinity

    From internet architecture research to standards

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    Many Internet architectural research initiatives have been undertaken over last twenty years. None of them actually reached their intended goal: the evolution of the Internet architecture is still driven by its protocols not by genuine architectural evolutions. As this approach becomes the main limiting factor of Internet growth and application deployment, this paper proposes an alternative research path starting from the root causes (the progressive depletion of the design principles of the Internet) and motivates the need for a common architectural foundation. For this purpose, it proposes a practical methodology to incubate architectural research results as part of the standardization process

    Private philanthropy or policy transfer? The transnational norms of the Open Society Institute

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    The Open Society Institute (OSI) is a private operating and grant-making foundation that serves as the hub of the Soros Foundations Network, a group of autonomous national foundations around the world. OSI is a mechanism for the international diffusion of expertise and ‘best practices’ to post-communist countries and other democratising nations. Focusing on the ‘soft’ ideational and normative policy transfer, the article highlights the engagement in governance that comes with OSI transnational policy partnerships

    Investing in Youth Media: A Guide for Grantmakers

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    Investing in Youth Media is a compilation of success stories, lessons, and guidance for grantmakers interested in being part of the vibrant and growing field of youth media. It is a tool to help funders consider the value of youth media in connection to program areas such as civic engagement, the arts, education, youth development, and journalism.Why are funders becoming interested in youth media? Youth media organizations offer a broad impact that belies their often small sizes and even smaller budgets. They bring together youth development and social justice in a way that is both energizing and authentic. They offer new models for educating young people who have lost interest in school, bring youth voices to public attention, and offer opportunities for artistic exploration and career experiences.Programs are built on the best practices of positive youth development, teaching young people new skills and empowering them to make smart decisions, explore new horizons, and work toward their goals. Program graduates leave with skills in interviewing, researching, and storytelling. They learn how to develop an idea and stick with it until they get the project done. These skills become important for their professional and personal lives.At the same time, youth media organizations can engage young people in social justice issues that are important to them. Whether it's inequity in education, foster care conditions, or the politics of immigration, young people explore the landscape, develop opinions, and share those opinions, along with their personal experiences, through film, radio, and the printed word. Although they are still too young to vote, these young people have found a way to impact the issues that affect their lives.While most funders do not have a defined youth media program, many find that youth media is an effective component of their grantmaking strategy. The case studies that follow introduce youth media programs supported by a variety of small local funders and large international philanthropies. They illustrate the links between youth media and six other program areas: youth development, social change, youth voice, education, journalism, media arts, and field building.The resource list at the end of this publication includes contact information for all of the youth media organizations listed here as well as intermediaries and others who can help you consider, develop, and launch a youth media philanthropy program

    An Overview of Broadband communication over Power Lines

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    Broadband over power lines are Systems for carrying data on conductors used for electric power transmission. Power line communication technologies can be used for different applications ranging from home automation to internet access. With the spread of broadband technologies in the last few years, there are yet significant areas in the world that do not have access to high speed internet, as compared with the few internet service providers in existence, the additive expenditures of laying cables and building necessary infrastructure to provide DSL in many areas most especially rural areas is too great. But if broadband is served through power lines considering the fact that it exist all over the country, there will be no need to build new infrastructure. Therefore, anywhere there is electricity, there could also be broadband. Broadband over Power line is designed to offer an alternative means to provide high speed internet access, voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) and other broadband services, using medium and low voltage lines to reach customers and businesses by combining the principle of wireless networking, modems and Radio. Researchers and developers have created ways to transmit data over power lines into homes at speeds between 500kilobits and 3 megabits per second which is equivalent to the cable DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and this is achieved by modifying the present power grids with specialized equipments. With this knowledge, the broadband power line developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity

    Transnational philanthropy, policy transfer networks and the Open Society Institute

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    The Open Society Institute ( OSI) is a private operating and grant-making foundation that serves as the hub of the Soros foundations network, a group of autonomous national foundations around the world. OSI and the network implement a range of initiatives that aim to promote open societies by shaping national and international policies with knowledge and expertise. The OSI provides an excellent case study of the strategies of transnational activism of private philanthropy. It is an institutional mechanism for the international diffusion of expertise and ‘best practices’ to post communist countries and other democratizing nations. This paper avoids assumptions that civil society is an entirely separate and distinguishable domain from states and emergent forms of transnational authority. Focusing on the ‘soft’ ideational and normative policy transfer undermines notions of clear cut boundaries between an independent philanthropic body in civil society and highlights the intermeshing and mutual engagement that comes with networks, coalitions, joint funding, partnerships and common policy dialogues

    Katakan tidak pada rasuah

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    Isu atau masalah rasuah menjadi topik utama sama ada di peringkat antarabangsa mahupun di peringkat dalam negara. Pertubuhan Bangsa- bangsa Bersatu menegaskan komitmen komuniti antarabangsa bertegas untuk mencegah dan mengawal rasuah melalui buku bertajuk United Nations Convention against Corruption. Hal yang sama berlaku di Malaysia. Melalui pernyataan visi oleh mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamed memberikan indikasi bahawa kerajaan Malaysia komited untuk mencapai aspirasi agar Malaysia dikenali kerana integriti dan bukannya rasuah. Justeru, tujuan penulisan bab ini adalah untuk membincangkan rasuah dari beberapa sudut termasuk perbincangan dari sudut agama Islam, faktor-faktor berlakunya gejala rasuah, dan usaha-usaha yang dijalankan di Malaysia untuk membanteras gejala rasuah. Perkara ini penting bagi mengenalpasti penjawat awam menanamkan keyakinan dalam melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan menghindari diri daripada rasuah agar mereka sentiasa peka mengutamakan kepentingan awam
