21,382 research outputs found

    Sustainability in the product design: A review of recent development based on LCA

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    In order to achieve sustainable product design process, aspects such of environmental, economic and social should be balanced. This paper discussed on sustainability of product design, conceptual basis of life cycle assessment (LCA), review of LCA at several product design, methodology of proposed framework and discussion on strengths and limitations of LCA. This paper proposed to develop a framework for improving the product design process based on LCA tool. The aims is to calculate potential impact of environment, eco-nomic and social aspects during product design process. For environmental aspects, LCA tool will be used. For economic and social considerations, life cycle costing (LCC) and social life cycle assessment will be applied respectively. At the end, proposed framework are able to help designers to improve product design by considering all sustainability aspects

    The Entrepreneurial President: Proceedings from the Conference “The Entrepreneurial President”

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    [Excerpt] Each year, the Institute for Community College Development offers a leadership program on critical issues for community colleges. In August 2005, the issue was entrepreneurship. The Entrepreneurial College was a great success, but when it ended, the participants agreed that “if entrepreneurship education is going to succeed at community colleges, presidents need to hear this message.” Therefore, we held a similar program for CEOs, The Entrepreneurial President, in February 2006. What follows are highlights of the presentations and small group discussions from the CEO conference, with some additional materials from the August 2005 program. In this time of increased competition for scarce resources, entrepreneurial community colleges will have an edge. We hope you will use the ideas in this publication, generated by your colleagues, to support entrepreneurship on your campus. The possibilities are limitless, from certificate and degree programs, to business incubators, to “Entrepreneurship Halls of Fame.” The rewards include improved economic opportunities for the community, new donors for campus initiatives, and increased enrollment

    volume 14, no. 1 (Spring 2009)

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    The Analysis of Entrepreneurship Education Profile For Educatioanal Institutions of Hihger Education in Yogyakarta

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aims to describe entrepreneurship education profile (EE Profile) of the five LPTKs in DIY. The research based on strategic role of EE in generating creative entrepreneurs who meets 21st century skills. The main target of the study was to describe; (1). Characteristics of lecturers and students, (2) Competencies to be developed, (3). Learning process, (4). Assessment to be used, (5). Needs of improvement. Methods: The study used quantitative approach this type of survey. The populations were lecturers and students participating in the course come from five LPTK. Data was collected by questionnaire and group discussions (FGD). This study used primary and secondary data collected from 48 lecturers of enterpreneurship and 246 students who joined in the entrepreneurship course. Data was analyzed using simple frequency analysis technique for quantitative data and descritive analysis for the qualitative data. Findings: The results revealed that: (1). Lecturers have minimum teaching experience (on average, 3.45 years). Most of the lecturers hold master degree but 33% of the total lecturers said not match to teach entrepreneurship related with their qualification. Only half of them who have had a certificate in entrepreneurship, but the training was less than 33 % of the total lecturers. Majority of the students (78%) has had appropriate background to be trained on entrepreneurship; unfortunately there are only a few who got training seriously. A few of students (19%) hold a certificate on entrepreneurship but most of them felt less adequate (2). Competencies tend to more focused on creativity and innovation, but less concerned to 21st centuryespecially on collaboration and communication. (3). Majority of students felt impressed that the learning occur innovatively, but students said the learning material was still out of date. ICT was not sufficiently integrated in the learning process to enrich learning materials and process. EE was still taught separately between theory and practice in an average composition of about 57% of theory and 43% of practice, (4). Assessments were still dominated by written tests, even used to assess skills as creativity and innovation that were not appropriate (5). Lecturers and students expressed need to learning model that emphasizes the practice more and reduces the theory. Project based learning tended to be developed and raised as alternative model for EE

    Inspired: The Burton D. Morgan Foundation 2013 Annual Report

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    The Burton D. Morgan Foundation celebrates 2013 as the year of the mentor. The practice of mentorship across the region has become the critical link that connects experienced talent with entrepreneurially minded people of all ages who seek guidance and networks. Our 2013 annual report focuses on the dynamic relationships that have flourished between mentors and their mentees across Northeast Ohio. We hope their stories will be an inspiration to our readers as we recognize the contributions of mentors and advisors who are devoting their time and energy to help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and simultaneously make our region a better place for all of us

    CPLD based controller for single phase inverters

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    The DC-AC converter, also known as inverter, converts DC power to AC power at desired output voltage and frequency. The DC power input to the inverter is obtained from an existing power supply. Nowadays inverters use high power switching transistors either IGBT's and/or MOSFETs. In addition, the voltage and frequency of the source can be adjustable. These single phase inverters and their operating principles are analyzed in detail. In this project, a full-bridge, single phase inverter that uses a digital Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to control the power switches at 18 kHz was constructed. The concept of PWM with different strategies for inverters is described. A type of filter is used to improve the distortion in the output waveform. A design and implementation of PWM by using complex programmable logic device (CPLD) from Altera MaxPlus II is constructed and programmed. The involved software, hardware, and suitable algorithm to implement and generate the PWM are developed in details. To verify the significant of this single phase inverter, the output voltage will be tested with resistive load and inductive load

    Momentum: The Burton D. Morgan Foundation 2009 Annual Report

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    This annual report gives examples of entrepreneurial activities the Foundation has funded, as well as a list of grants and financial statements for the year 2009. It also includes a letter from the president and a list of board and staff members. As the Foundation navigated the economic storm of 2008-09, we dedicated ourselves to maintaining the momentum of transformative entrepreneurship programs in Northeast Ohio

    Comparative study of selected indoor concentration from selective laser sintering process using virgin and recycled polyamide nylon (pa12)

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) stands out as one of the promising technologies that have huge potential towards manufacturing industry. The study on additive manufacturing impact on the environment and occupational exposure are attracting growing attention recently. However, most of the researcher focus on desktop and fused deposition modelling type and less attention given to the industrial type of AM. Usually, during the selective laser sintering process, recycle powder will be used again to reduce cost and waste. This article compares the PM 2.5, carbon dioxide (CO2) and total volatile organic compound (TVOC) concentration between virgin and recycles powder using polyamide-nylon (PA12) towards indoor concentration. Four phases of sampling involve during air sampling accordingly to the Industry Code of Practice on Indoor Air Quality 2010 by DOSH Malaysia. It was found that PM 2.5 and CO2 concentration are mainly generated during the pre-printing process. The recycle powder tended to appear higher compared to virgin powder in terms of PM 2.5, and CO2. The peak value of PM 2.5 is 1452 ÎĽg/m3 and CO2 is 1218 ppm are obtained during the pre-printing process during 8 hours of sampling. TVOC concentration from recycling powder is slightly higher during the post- printing phase where confirm the influence of the powder cake and PA12 temperature from the printing process. In summary, this work proves that elective laser sintering (SLS) machine operators are exposed to a significant amount of exposure during the SLS printing process. Mitigation strategies and personal protective equipment are suggested to reduce occupational exposure

    Connections: The Burton D. Morgan Foundation 2008 Annual Report

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    This annual report gives examples of entrepreneurial activities the Foundation has funded, as well as a list of grants and financial statements for the year 2008. It also includes a letter from the president and lists of the board and staff members. The year 2008 was marked by notable milestones: a significant increase in youth entrepreneurship grants; a $3 million challenge grant to JumpStart; expanded communications on youth and collegiate entrepreneurship education; frequent convening on entrepreneurship leadership; a redesigned, content-rich website; and membership in the national Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy Group. The five Morgan-Kauffman Northeast Ohio Collegiate Entrepreneurship Program campuses made major strides infusing entrepreneurship into their liberal arts programs. In recognition of our endeavors, the Foundation was honored as the 2008 recipient of the Foundation Leadership Award by the local chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals
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