10 research outputs found

    Predicting potential Alzheimer medical condition in elderly using IOT sensors - Case study

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    National Development and National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore under the Land and Liveability National Innovation Challenge (L2NIC

    Building Resiliency and Creating Innovation in the Digital Age Through Leadership and Human-Connection

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    A soft skills gap is evident in all business sectors. The future of competition and innovation in America is dependent upon a strong workforce rooted in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to facilitate and connect technology with humanity. The study conducted 27 interviews with STEM employers in the top-growing healthcare industry to identify emerging skills and strategies needed for innovative growth in the future of the healthcare industry. Hearing their voices through semi-constructive interviews, all participants (100%) indicated the demand would only increase for future STEM college graduates. Most respondents (93%) identified leadership starting with self-leadership and the ability to connect with others (89%) on top of their emerging soft skills. They indicated that the key to innovation in the digital age resides in our competencies to unite humanity and technology to facilitate decision-making and effectively deliver results

    IoTility:Architectural Requirements for Enabling Health IoT Ecosystems

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    The increasing ubiquity of the Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to drastically alter the way healthcare systems are utilized at home or in a care environment. Smart things offer new ways to assist in general patient wellness, such as promoting an active and healthy lifestyle and simplifying treatment management. We believe smart health things bring new requirements not typically addressed in traditional IoT systems, and that an architecture targeting these devices must address such requirements to fully utilize their potential and safe usage. We believe such an architecture will help improve adoption and efficacy, closing gaps between the variety of emerging health IoT systems. In this paper, we present a number of requirements we consider integral to the continued expansion of the digital health IoT ecosystem (Health IoT). We consider the current landscape of IoT in relation to these requirements and present solutions that address two pressing requirements: 1) democratizing mobile health apps (giving users control and ownership over their app and data), and 2) making mobile apps act and behave like any other thing in an IoT. We present an implementation and evaluation of these Health IoT requirements to show how health-specific solutions can drive and influence the design of more generalized IoT architectures

    Spectrum Sharing and Interference in Smart Homes

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    Internet of Things networks using Zigbee are very popular in smart homes. However, Zigbee networks are vulnerable to the interference of Wi-Fi networks because they share the same 2.4 GHz Industrial, Scientific, and Medical radio frequency band. Studies have shown that weaker Zigbee signals might be significantly interfered by stronger Wi-Fi signals. This type of interference may cause severe problems when these types of networks coexist in an indoor environment such as in a smart home. In this thesis, the performance of a Zigbee network with and without the presence of a Wi-Fi network has been evaluated in an apartment-based indoor environment mimicking a smart home. The experimental results are obtained and analyzed in terms of received signal strength indicator, packet delay, packet drop rate, and loopback throughput by changing operating channels, distances between Zigbee and Wi-Fi devices, transmission intervals of Zigbee packets, Zigbee transmit power, and Zigbee packet lengths

    IоТ платформа для датчиков лаборатории электроники

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    Работа посвящена разработке платформы для управления и настройки датчиков лаборатории электроники. Платформа должна включать в себя графический интерфейс для настройки отдельных датчиков и конфигурирования их взаимодействия, а так же беспроводные датчики: - датчик влажности в помещении, - датчик температуры в помещении, - датчик СО2 в помещении, - датчик освещенности в помещении, - датчик потребляемой мощности , - датчик тока, - датчик напряжения , - датчик частоты сигнала. Интерфейс предназначен для работы на персональном компьютере с подключением к локальной сети, датчики создаются на основе микроконтроллеров с подключением к беспроводной сети. Взаимодействие между интерфейсом и датчиками должно осуществляться на основе стандартных телекоммуникационных протоколов.The work is devoted to the development of a platform for controlling and configuring sensors of the electronics laboratory. The platform should include a graphical interface for configuring individual sensors and configuring their interaction, as well as wireless sensors: - indoor humidity sensor, - indoor temperature sensor, - indoor CO2 sensor, - indoor light sensor, - power consumption sensor, - current sensor, - voltage sensor, - signal frequency sensor. The interface is designed to work on a personal computer connected to a local network, sensors are created on the basis of microcontrollers connected to a wireless network. The interaction between the interface and the sensors should be based on standard telecommunication protocols

    Internet of Things : technologies and applications in healthcare management and manufacturing

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    L'Internet des Objets (ou IoT) s'appuie sur des objets connectés dotés de capteurs et technologies capables d'échanger des données entre eux de manière indépendante. Ces nouvelles technologies offrent aux entreprises et à toutes les organisations des moyens pour l’acquisition et le traitement intelligent de l’information (Industrie 4.0) pour demeurer compétitives. Ce mémoire vise à analyser la contribution de l'IoT dans les soins de santé et production, mettant l'accent sur l'Industrie 4.0 et la maintenance prédictive, particulièrement en maintenance, sur la base d’oeuvres littéraires récentes publiées au cours de la dernière décennie. L’objectif principal de ce mémoire est de comprendre l'IoT, d’exposer ses potentiels et sa stratégie de déploiement dans différents domaines d’applications. Même, le but est de comprendre que l'IoT ne se limite pas à l'application de la maintenance des systèmes de production mais aussi du bien-être des patients, c'est pourquoi j'ai choisi ces deux domaines importants où l'IoT peut être appliqué (santé et production) pour ce travail de recherche. Cette thèse aidera à explorer comment l'IoT transforme le système de santé. J'explique comment l'IoT offre de grandes avancées dans ce système. Je donne quelques exemples où ses concepts souhaiteraient être implémentés pour améliorer la qualité des soins des patients et quelques études récentes. Outre, je clarifie l'impact de l’Industrie 4.0 sur la production, notamment en maintenance, en lien avec la maintenance prédictive rendue possible par l’IoT. Je fournis une vue d'ensemble de l'Industrie 4.0 et de la maintenance prédictive. J’aborde les fonctionnalités de l'Industrie 4.0 et présente ses technologies de pilotage susceptibles d'améliorer les domaines de processus de production, tels que la réduction des temps d'immobilisation, les coûts de service, etc. J'attire l'attention sur les implications de la maintenance prédictive dans l’Industrie 4.0 en décrivant son fonctionnement et comment les fabricants peuvent l'exécuter efficacement, avec des exemples à l'appui.The Internet of Things (or IoT) relies on connected objects embedded with sensors and other technologies capable of exchanging data with each other independently. These new technologies provide businesses and all organizations with the means to acquire and intelligently process information (Industry 4.0) to remain competitive. This thesis aims to analyze the contribution of IoT in healthcare and manufacturing, with a focus on Industry 4.0 and Predictive Maintenance, specifically in maintenance, based on recent literary works published over the last decade. The main purpose of this thesis is to understand what IoT is, to highlight its potentials and its deployment strategy in various areas of application. Similarly, the goal is to understand that IoT is not limited to the application of the maintenance of production systems but also of patients’ wellbeing which is the reason why I selected these two important areas where IoT can be applied (healthcare and manufacturing) for this research work. This thesis will help explore how IoT is transforming the healthcare system. I explain how IoT offers great advances in the healthcare system. I give some examples of where its concepts would like to be implemented to improve the quality of care of patients and some recent studies. In addition, I clarify the impact of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing especially in maintenance, in connection with predictive maintenance made possible by IoT. I provide an overview of Industry 4.0 and predictive maintenance. I discuss the capabilities of Industry 4.0 and present its driving technologies that can improve all areas of production processes such as reducing downtime, service costs , etc. Moreover, I draw attention to the implications of predictive maintenance in Industry 4.0 by describing how it works and how manufacturers can run it effectively, with supporting examples

    IoT requirements and architecture for personal health

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    Personal health devices and wearables have the potential to drastically change the current landscape of wellness and care delivery. As these devices become commonplace, more and more patients are gaining access to new forms of simplified health monitoring and data collection, empowering them to engage in their own health and well-being in unprecedented ways. Cheap and easy-to-use health IoT devices are leading the transformation towards a continuum-of-care health system—focused on detection and prevention—where health issues can be caught before hospital care or professional intervention is needed. However, this vision is set to outpace the expectations and capabilities of today’s connected health devices, challenging existing ecosystems with unique requirements on functionality, connectivity, and usability. This thesis presents a set of health IoT requirements that are especially relevant to the design of a connected device’s low-level software features: its thing architecture. These requirements represent shared concerns in health-related IoT scenarios that can be solved with the features and capabilities of smart things. The thesis presents an architectural design and implementation of concrete features influenced by some of these requirements—leading to the Atlas Health IoT Architecture—which explores the role of safe and meaningful interactions between devices and users, referred to as IoTility. The thesis also considers the IoTility of smartphone applications in health scenarios, called Mobile Apps As Things (MAAT), resulting in a programming enabler that more closely integrates app features with those of physical thing devices. Alongside these implementations, this thesis presents a set of experimental evaluations investigating the feasibility of both MAAT and the architectural requirements as a whole

    Advanced characterisation of novel III-nitride semiconductor based photonics and electronics on polar and non-polar substrates

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    Advanced characterisation has been carried out on a number of novel III-nitride based photonics and electronics, including micro-LED arrays achieved by a direct epitaxy approach, high performance c-plane HEMTs structure achieved by a novel growth method and non-polar GaN/AlGaN HEMTs. In this work, a systematic study has been conducted to understand the electrical properties of these novel devices, demonstrating their excellent properties. Furthermore, the electrical properties are directly related to epitaxial growth, which provides useful information for further improving device performance, such as 2D growth mode for GaN on a large lattice-mismatched substrate which plays an important in obtaining high breakdown and minimised leakage current for HEMTs. Micro-LEDs are the key elements for a microdisplay system, where electrical properties are extremely important. Potentially, any leakage current can trigger to turn on any neighbouring microLEDs which are supposed to be off. Instead of using conventional fabrication methods which normally enhances leakage current, our team developed a direct epitaxy approach to achieving microLED arrays. In this work, detailed I-V characteristic and capacitance measurements have been conducted on these novel microLED devices, demonstrating leakage currents as low as 14.1 nA per LED and a smooth negative capacitance curve instead of odd positive capacitance performances. Furthermore, a comparison study between our microLEDs and the microLEDs prepared using the conventional method indicates our device shows a large reduction of size-dependent inefficiency while such a behaviour is never observed on the microLEDs fabricated by the conventional methods. Unlike the classic two-step method for GaN growth on large lattice-matched sapphire, our team developed a high-temperature AlN buffer technology, where a 2D growth mode, instead of an initial 2D and then 3D growth mode that typically happens for the growth of conventional GaN growth, takes place through the whole growth process. This method allows us to achieve a breakdown electric field strength of 2.5 MV/cm, a leakage current of as low as 41.7 pA at 20 V and saturation current densities as high as 1.1 A/mm. In this work a systematic study has conducted in order to establish a relationship between the excellent device performance and material properties, where a very low screw dislocation density plays a critical role, while our 2D growth method can provide an excellent opportunity for achieving such a low screw dislocation density. This demonstrates the major advantage over the classic two-step method in the growth of power and RF devices. In our case, we have obtained an unintentional doping as low as 2×10^14 cm-3 and screw dislocation densities of 2.3×10^7 cm-2. Compared with c-plane GaN based HEMTs due to its intrinsic polarisation, non-polar GaN/AlGaN HEMTs on r-plane sapphire yields potential advantages in terms of the fabrication of normal-off devices which are particularly important for practical applications. However, it is a great challenge to achieve high quality non-polar GaN on sapphire. Some initial work has been conducted, where the detailed characterisation indicates an electron mobility of 43 cm2 V-1 s-1 has been initially obtained. Furthermore, instead of using an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with a modulation doping, we deliberately use a quantum well structure as an electron channel, leading to a mobility of 76 cm2 V-1 s-1. Our simulations as well as measurements also provide a guideline for optimising the general epitaxial structure

    Building Caring Healthcare Systems in the Internet of Things

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