402 research outputs found

    Scale-wise Convolution for Image Restoration

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    While scale-invariant modeling has substantially boosted the performance of visual recognition tasks, it remains largely under-explored in deep networks based image restoration. Naively applying those scale-invariant techniques (e.g. multi-scale testing, random-scale data augmentation) to image restoration tasks usually leads to inferior performance. In this paper, we show that properly modeling scale-invariance into neural networks can bring significant benefits to image restoration performance. Inspired from spatial-wise convolution for shift-invariance, "scale-wise convolution" is proposed to convolve across multiple scales for scale-invariance. In our scale-wise convolutional network (SCN), we first map the input image to the feature space and then build a feature pyramid representation via bi-linear down-scaling progressively. The feature pyramid is then passed to a residual network with scale-wise convolutions. The proposed scale-wise convolution learns to dynamically activate and aggregate features from different input scales in each residual building block, in order to exploit contextual information on multiple scales. In experiments, we compare the restoration accuracy and parameter efficiency among our model and many different variants of multi-scale neural networks. The proposed network with scale-wise convolution achieves superior performance in multiple image restoration tasks including image super-resolution, image denoising and image compression artifacts removal. Code and models are available at: https://github.com/ychfan/scn_srComment: AAAI 202

    One-Two-One Network for Compression Artifacts Reduction in Remote Sensing

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    Compression artifacts reduction (CAR) is a challenging problem in the field of remote sensing. Most recent deep learning based methods have demonstrated superior performance over the previous hand-crafted methods. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end one-two-one (OTO) network, to combine different deep models, i.e., summation and difference models, to solve the CAR problem. Particularly, the difference model motivated by the Laplacian pyramid is designed to obtain the high frequency information, while the summation model aggregates the low frequency information. We provide an in-depth investigation into our OTO architecture based on the Taylor expansion, which shows that these two kinds of information can be fused in a nonlinear scheme to gain more capacity of handling complicated image compression artifacts, especially the blocking effect in compression. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superior performance of the OTO networks, as compared to the state-of-the-arts on remote sensing datasets and other benchmark datasets. The source code will be available here: https://github.com/bczhangbczhang/

    Improving Dynamic HDR Imaging with Fusion Transformer

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    Reconstructing a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image from several Low Dynamic Range (LDR) images with different exposures is a challenging task, especially in the presence of camera and object motion. Though existing models using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made great progress, challenges still exist, e.g., ghosting artifacts. Transformers, originating from the field of natural language processing, have shown success in computer vision tasks, due to their ability to address a large receptive field even within a single layer. In this paper, we propose a transformer model for HDR imaging. Our pipeline includes three steps: alignment, fusion, and reconstruction. The key component is the HDR transformer module. Through experiments and ablation studies, we demonstrate that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art by large margins on several popular public datasets
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