99 research outputs found

    Revisiting Garg's 2-Approximation Algorithm for the k-MST Problem in Graphs

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    This paper revisits the 2-approximation algorithm for kk-MST presented by Garg in light of a recent paper of Paul et al.. In the kk-MST problem, the goal is to return a tree spanning kk vertices of minimum total edge cost. Paul et al. extend Garg's primal-dual subroutine to improve the approximation ratios for the budgeted prize-collecting traveling salesman and minimum spanning tree problems. We follow their algorithm and analysis to provide a cleaner version of Garg's result. Additionally, we introduce the novel concept of a kernel which allows an easier visualization of the stages of the algorithm and a clearer understanding of the pruning phase. Other notable updates include presenting a linear programming formulation of the kk-MST problem, including pseudocode, replacing the coloring scheme used by Garg with the simpler concept of neutral sets, and providing an explicit potential function.Comment: Proceedings of SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA) 202

    Prize-Collecting TSP with a Budget Constraint

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    We consider constrained versions of the prize-collecting traveling salesman and the minimum spanning tree problems. The goal is to maximize the number of vertices in the returned tour/tree subject to a bound on the tour/tree cost. We present a 2-approximation algorithm for these problems based on a primal-dual approach. The algorithm relies on finding a threshold value for the dual variable corresponding to the budget constraint in the primal and then carefully constructing a tour/tree that is just within budget. Thereby, we improve the best-known guarantees from 3+epsilon and 2+epsilon for the tree and the tour version, respectively. Our analysis extends to the setting with weighted vertices, in which we want to maximize the total weight of vertices in the tour/tree subject to the same budget constraint

    Lagrangian Relaxation and Partial Cover

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    Lagrangian relaxation has been used extensively in the design of approximation algorithms. This paper studies its strengths and limitations when applied to Partial Cover.Comment: 20 pages, extended abstract appeared in STACS 200

    Approximation Algorithm for Unrooted Prize-Collecting Forest with Multiple Components and Its Application on Prize-Collecting Sweep Coverage

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    In this paper, we introduce a polynomial-time 2-approximation algorithm for the Unrooted Prize-Collecting Forest with KK Components (URPCFK_K) problem. URPCFK_K aims to find a forest with exactly KK connected components while minimizing both the forest's weight and the penalties incurred by unspanned vertices. Unlike the rooted version RPCFK_K, where a 2-approximation algorithm exists, solving the unrooted version by guessing roots leads to exponential time complexity for non-constant KK. To address this challenge, we propose a rootless growing and rootless pruning algorithm. We also apply this algorithm to improve the approximation ratio for the Prize-Collecting Min-Sensor Sweep Cover problem (PCMinSSC) from 8 to 5. Keywords: approximation algorithm, prize-collecting Steiner forest, sweep cover

    Budgeted Out-Tree Maximization with Submodular Prizes

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    Node-Weighted Prize Collecting Steiner Tree and Applications

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    The Steiner Tree problem has appeared in the Karp's list of the first 21 NP-hard problems and is well known as one of the most fundamental problems in Network Design area. We study the Node-Weighted version of the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree problem. In this problem, we are given a simple graph with a cost and penalty value associated with each node. Our goal is to find a subtree T of the graph minimizing the cost of the nodes in T plus penalty of the nodes not in T. By a reduction from set cover problem it can be easily shown that the problem cannot be approximated in polynomial time within factor of (1-o(1))ln n unless NP has quasi-polynomial time algorithms, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. Moss and Rabani claimed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the problem using a Primal-Dual approach in their STOC'01 paper \cite{moss2001}. We show that their algorithm is incorrect by providing a counter example in which there is an O(n) gap between the dual solution constructed by their algorithm and the optimal solution. Further, evidence is given that their algorithm probably does not have a simple fix. We propose a new algorithm which is more involved and introduces novel ideas in primal dual approach for network design problems. Also, our algorithm is a Lagrangian Multiplier Preserving algorithm and we show how this property can be utilized to design an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the Node-Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem using the Lagrangian Relaxation method. We also show an application of the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem in designing algorithm with better approximation factor for Technology Diffusion problem, a problem proposed by Goldberg and Liu in \cite{goldberg2012} (SODA 2013). In Technology Diffusion, we are given a graph G and a threshold θ(v) associated with each vertex v and we are seeking a set of initial nodes called the seed set. Technology Diffusion is a dynamic process defined over time in which each vertex is either active or inactive. The vertices in the seed set are initially activated and each other vertex v gets activated whenever there are at least θ(v) active nodes connected to v through other active nodes. The Technology Diffusion problem asks to find the minimum seed set activating all nodes. Goldberg and Liu gave an O(rllog n)-approximation algorithm for the problem where r and l are the diameter of G and the number of distinct threshold values, respectively. We improve the approximation factor to O(min{r,l}log n) by establishing a close connection between the problem and the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem

    Probabilistic bounds on the k−k-Traveling Salesman Problem and the Traveling Repairman Problem

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    The k−k-traveling salesman problem (kk-TSP) seeks a tour of minimal length that visits a subset of k≤nk\leq n points. The traveling repairman problem (TRP) seeks a complete tour with minimal latency. This paper provides constant-factor probabilistic approximations of both problems. We first show that the optimal length of the kk-TSP path grows at a rate of Θ(k/n12(1+1k−1))\Theta\left(k/n^{\frac{1}{2}\left(1+\frac{1}{k-1}\right)}\right). The proof provides a constant-factor approximation scheme, which solves a TSP in a high-concentration zone -- leveraging large deviations of local concentrations. Then, we show that the optimal TRP latency grows at a rate of Θ(nn)\Theta(n\sqrt n). This result extends the classical Beardwood-Halton-Hammersley theorem to the TRP. Again, the proof provides a constant-factor approximation scheme, which visits zones by decreasing order of probability density. We discuss practical implications of this result in the design of transportation and logistics systems. Finally, we propose dedicated notions of fairness -- randomized population-based fairness for the kk-TSP and geographical fairness for the TRP -- and give algorithms to balance efficiency and fairness

    Target-based Distributionally Robust Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

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    Due to its broad applications in practice, the minimum spanning tree problem and its all kinds of variations have been studied extensively during the last decades, for which a host of efficient exact and heuristic algorithms have been proposed. Meanwhile, motivated by realistic applications, the minimum spanning tree problem in stochastic network has attracted considerable attention of researchers, with respect to which stochastic and robust spanning tree models and related algorithms have been continuingly developed. However, all of them would be either too restricted by the types of the edge weight random variables or computationally intractable, especially in large-scale networks. In this paper, we introduce a target-based distributionally robust optimization framework to solve the minimum spanning tree problem in stochastic graphs where the probability distribution function of the edge weight is unknown but some statistical information could be utilized to prevent the optimal solution from being too conservative. We propose two exact algorithms to solve it, based on Benders decomposition framework and a modified classical greedy algorithm of MST problem (Prim algorithm),respectively. Compared with the NP-hard stochastic and robust spanning tree problems,The proposed target-based distributionally robust minimum spanning tree problem enjoys more satisfactory algorithmic aspect and robustness, when faced with uncertainty in input data
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