3 research outputs found

    Program Evaluation of a Laptop Initiative for Student Learning

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    Administrators of a New Jersey school district implemented a 1:1 laptop initiative in Grades 6-8 in 2013 to bolster student achievement. An evaluation had not been conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of the initiative. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the 1:1 laptop initiative on student achievement. The conceptual framework for this study was Stufflebeam\u27s context, input, process, and product evaluation model. The focus of the research question was the differences in New Jersey Assessment of Skills and Knowledge math scores between students involved in the 1:1 laptop initiative for 1 year and students who were not involved. A quantitative post hoc analysis was used to examine data collected from the state assessment database using a convenience sample of only 6th grade students (n = 109). The students\u27 data on the statewide test revealed a mean difference between the 1:1 group (n = 57) which scored 13 points higher than the control group (n = 52). Results of an independent t test were statistically significant at the p = 0.062 level. A position paper based on study findings includes recommendations to the local board of education to continue the initiative and plan professional development for teachers. Further research should be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the initiative. Investments in technology such as this initiative may result in improved teaching and learning as a positive social change outcome. Being involved in a 1:1 laptop initiative at an early age in school may assist students in becoming literate in the use of technology, which may help them meet their future career goals

    Voice User Interface and Democratization of Technology

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    This diploma thesis deals with the accessibility of a voice user interface (VUI) for digitally illiterate people. The first part summarizes the principles of VIU design, the standardized methods of usability evaluation and analyzes empirical studies of the accessibility of VUI. The second part of the thesis describes in detail the proposed experiment which uses the OZ method. It deals with the segmentation of digitally illiterate people and describes their typical representatives. The third part is devoted to the analysis of the research results, the evaluation of the usability of interaction systems and analyzes recorded dialogues between participants and the prototype of the voice user interface. The last part discusses the results of the research and formulates preliminary conclusions on the accessibility of VUI for digitally illiterate persons. In addition to the preliminary conclusions, the product of this work presents new hypotheses concerning this specific area of human-computer interaction. Keywords human computer interaction, voice user interface, digital literacy, accessibility, usability 1Diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou přístupnosti hlasového uživatelského rozhraní (VUI) pro digitálně negramotné osoby. První část práce shrnuje principy návrhu VUI, standardizované metody hodnocení použitelnosti a analyzuje empirické výzkumy přístup- nosti VUI. Druhá část práce detailně popisuje návrh provedeného výzkumu formou ex- perimentu využívajícího OZ metodu. Zabývá se segmentací digitálně negramotných osob a představuje jejich typické zástupce. Třetí část práce se věnuje analýze výsledků vý- zkumu, vyhodnocuje standardizované dotazníky použitelnosti interakčních systémů a ro- zebírá zaznamenané dialogy mezi participanty a prototypem VUI. Poslední část diskutuje výsledky výzkumu a formuluje předběžné závěry o přístupnosti VUI pro digitálně negra- motné osoby. Výstupem práce jsou kromě předběžných závěrů i nové hypotézy, týkající se této specifické oblasti interakce mezi člověkem a počítačem. Klíčová slova interakce člověka s počítačem, hlasové uživatelské rozhraní, digitální gramotnost, přístup- nost, použitelnost 1Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesÚstav informačních studií - studia nových médiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Broadening our concepts of universal access.

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    The universal accessibility movement has focused on solutions for people with physical limitations. While this work has helped bring about positive initiatives for this population, physical disabilities are just one of the many life situations that can complicate people’s ability to fully participate in an information economy and society. Other factors affecting accessibility include poverty, illiteracy, and social isolation. This paper explores how the universal accessibility movement can expand its efforts to reach other diverse populations. We discuss four sets of resources -- physical, digital, human, and social -- that are critical for enabling people to use information and communication technology, and provide some examples of how these resources can help people access, adapt, and create knowledge