1,740 research outputs found

    Diversity gain for DVB-H by using transmitter/receiver cyclic delay diversity

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate different diversity techniques for broadcast networks that will minimize the complexity and improve received SNR of broadcast systems. Resultant digital broadcast networks would require fewer transmitter sites and thus be more cost-effective and have less environmental impact. The techniques can be applied to DVB-T, DVB-H and DAB systems that use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multplexing (OFDM). These are key radio broadcast network technologies, which are expected to complement emerging technologies such as WiMAX and future 4G networks for delivery of broadband content. Transmitter and receiver diversity technologies can increase the frequency and time selectivity of the resulting channel transfer function at the receiver. Diversity exploits the statistical nature of fading due to multipath and reduces the likelihood of deep fading by providing a diversity of transmission signals. Multiple signals are transmitted in such a way as to ensure that several signals reach the receiver each with uncorrelated fading. Transmit diversity is more practical than receive diversity due to the difficulty of locating two receive antennas far enough apart in a small mobile device. The schemes examined here comply with existing DVB standards and can be incorporated into existing systems without change. The diversity techniques introduced in this paper are applied to the DVB-H system. Bit error performance investigations were conducted by simulation for different DVB-H and diversity parameters

    Broadband Microwave Wireless Power Transfer for Weak-Signal and Multipath Environments

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    In this paper, we study the potential benefits of using relatively broadband wireless power transmission WPT strategies in both weak-signal and multipath environments where traditional narrowband strategies can be very inefficient. The paper is primarily a theoretical and analytical treatment of the problem that attempts to derive results that are widely applicable to many different WPT applications, including space solar power SSP

    A Survey of Air-to-Ground Propagation Channel Modeling for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), particularly for small UAVs, due to their affordable prices, ease of availability, and ease of operability. Existing and future applications of UAVs include remote surveillance and monitoring, relief operations, package delivery, and communication backhaul infrastructure. Additionally, UAVs are envisioned as an important component of 5G wireless technology and beyond. The unique application scenarios for UAVs necessitate accurate air-to-ground (AG) propagation channel models for designing and evaluating UAV communication links for control/non-payload as well as payload data transmissions. These AG propagation models have not been investigated in detail when compared to terrestrial propagation models. In this paper, a comprehensive survey is provided on available AG channel measurement campaigns, large and small scale fading channel models, their limitations, and future research directions for UAV communication scenarios

    Experimental analysis of dense multipath components in an industrial environment

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    This work presents an analysis of dense multipath components (DMC) in an industrial workshop. Radio channel sounding was performed with a vector network analyzer and virtual antenna arrays. The specular and dense multipath components were estimated with the RiMAX algorithm. The DMC covariance structure of the RiMAX data model was validated. Two DMC parameters were studied: the distribution of radio channel power between specular and dense multipath, and the DMC reverberation time. The DMC power accounted for 23% to 70% of the total channel power. A significant difference between DMC powers in line-of-sight and nonline-of-sight was observed, which can be largely attributed to the power of the line-of-sight multipath component. In agreement with room electromagnetics theory, the DMC reverberation time was found to be nearly constant. Overall, DMC in the industrial workshop is more important than in office environments: it occupies a fraction of the total channel power that is 4% to 13% larger. The industrial environment absorbs on average 29% of the electromagnetic energy compared to 45%-51% for office environments in literature: this results in a larger reverberation time in the former environment. These findings are explained by the highly cluttered and metallic nature of the workshop

    An Overview of Broadband communication over Power Lines

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    Broadband over power lines are Systems for carrying data on conductors used for electric power transmission. Power line communication technologies can be used for different applications ranging from home automation to internet access. With the spread of broadband technologies in the last few years, there are yet significant areas in the world that do not have access to high speed internet, as compared with the few internet service providers in existence, the additive expenditures of laying cables and building necessary infrastructure to provide DSL in many areas most especially rural areas is too great. But if broadband is served through power lines considering the fact that it exist all over the country, there will be no need to build new infrastructure. Therefore, anywhere there is electricity, there could also be broadband. Broadband over Power line is designed to offer an alternative means to provide high speed internet access, voice over Internet protocol (VOIP) and other broadband services, using medium and low voltage lines to reach customers and businesses by combining the principle of wireless networking, modems and Radio. Researchers and developers have created ways to transmit data over power lines into homes at speeds between 500kilobits and 3 megabits per second which is equivalent to the cable DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) and this is achieved by modifying the present power grids with specialized equipments. With this knowledge, the broadband power line developers could partner with power companies and Internet service providers to bring broadband to everyone with access to electricity