15 research outputs found

    User Acceptance of Mobile Broadband in Nigeria

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    Broadband access has been identified as a fundamental part of any thriving economy because it contributes to GDP.  Besides, mobile broadband has been seen as the means for which developing countries can leapfrog into the post-industrial era. According to the figure released by Nigerian Communications Commission in April, 2014, the number of mobile internet subscribers had dropped from 64.5 to 63 million as at February, 2014 and steadily rose to 87 million in April, 2015. Considering those figures and comparing it with the national population figure of about 178 million, and the mobile telephone subscription figure of about 145 million in Nigeria, the rate of acceptance of mobile broadband is not an appreciable penetration rate to substantially drive the adoption of other e-services like mobile commerce, mobile payment services throughout the entire country, except for few cities. To bridge this gap and foster faster rate of acceptance of mobile internet, this paper sought to investigate the factors that could stimulate the intention of users to use mobile broadband in Nigeria by empirically validating an integrated research model, adopted from the unified theory of acceptance and use technology (UTUAT) model by integrating mobile broadband motivation, government support and perceived price value constructs. Online survey data was collected from 376 respondents and analyzed using partial least square (SmartPLS) technique. Result shows that mobile broadband motivation, government support, perceived price value, social influence’ and facilitating conditions are significant determinants of intention behavior to use mobile broadband in Nigeria. The findings of this research are vital to telecoms and broadband service providers in understanding the factors that stimulate people’s behavior for subscribing to mobile internet and for deploying infrastructures and services; it will also help government and telecoms regulators to streamline their policy towards meeting these factors. To the academia, this integrated research model presents an extended view of the UTAUT model for investigating the determinants of broadband acceptance in developing countries. Keywords: mobile broadband, motivation, government support, Nigeri

    Factors Affecting Malaysian Accountants\u27 Broadband Adoption and Use Behavior

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    The aim of this study was to examine the factors affecting the adoption of broadband Internet in a developing country context by focusing upon Malaysia. The data relating to these factors was collected using a survey approach. The findings of this paper suggest that constructs such as relative advantage, utilitarian outcomes, service quality and primary influence are important factors affecting Malaysian accountants’ broadband adoption and Internet use behaviour. The paper proceeds to outline the research limitations and implications


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    The purpose of this paper is to undertake a meta-analysis of findings reported in existing research on adoption and diffusion of e-government. Usable data relating to e-government adoption research were collected from 112 papers out of 779 research articles identified from the ISI Web of Knowledge database and journals dedicated to electronic government research. The findings indicate that there are some variables such as: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, intention to use, attitude, satisfaction, actual use, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control, which are common and drive the research from citizens as well as from employees’ perspective. The meta-analysis of the existing e-government adoption studies found that the majority of the construct relationships demonstrated the significant range of average summative correlation, and effect size, but the influence of ‘facilitating condition’, and ‘perceived risk’ on ‘intention to use’ and of ‘service quality’ on ‘satisfaction’ was found as non-significant. The broader analysis of the e-government adoption and diffusion research also reflects that although a large number of theories and theoretical constructs were borrowed from the reference disciplines, their utilization by e-government researchers appears to be largely random in approach. The paper also acknowledges the theoretical contributions, limitations and suggests further research directions

    Factors Affecting Household Broadband Adoption in Australia

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    Broadband networking technology has grown in prominence, driven by increasing interest from researchers, organisations, the popular media and the public alike. Using a data set of more than 20,000 households, this study examines residential broadband adoption and growth over time. The study uses classification tree analysis, which allows for simple interpretive descriptions of the relationship between explanatory variables and adoption propensity without the need for strong distributional assumptions, a priori variable transformation or interaction specification. The study finds that broadband adopters typically live in a metropolitan centre and were also cable TV subscribers. Online banking, research and share trading were also significant drivers for uptake

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Broadband Adoption: Telaah pada Calon Pelanggan Layanan Fixed Broadband MyRepublic

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan internet yang pesat membuat aktivitas manusia tidak bisa dipisahkan dengan peran penting internet. Hal ini tercermin dari penggunaan internet di Indonesia yang terus mengalami peningkatan dan pertumbuhan dari tahun ke tahun termasuk penggunaan internet rumah tangga. Oleh karena itu, Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang memiliki peluang besar untuk bisnis fixed broadband. Melihat peluang yang ada, menjadikan para pemain fixed broadband di Indonesia berlomba untuk memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas terbaik kepada pelanggan salah satunya adalah MyRepublic. Namun, jika dilihat dari peta persaingan fixed broadband di Indonesia, MyRepublic berada di posisi kelima dengan jumlah pelanggan yang masih sangat jauh dibandingkan dengan Indihome dan First Media. Hal ini menjadi tantangan bagi MyRepublic untuk bisa meningkatkan dan mengembangkan bisnisnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap broadband adoption. Penelitian ini menggunakan survei online dengan menyebarkan kuesioner untuk mendapatkan responden yang sesuai kriteria. Sebanyak 140 responden didapatkan lalu diuji dengan menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda melalui software SPSS versi 25. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa facilitating conditions, self-efficacy dan prior knowledge memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap broadband adoption, sedangkan relative advantage, utility outcomes dan hedonic outcomes tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap broadband adoption

    The factors that contribute to the continuous usage of broadband technologies among youth in rural areas: A case of northern region of Malaysia

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    Despite the benefits of broadband technology in education and healthcare services, its usage in the rural areas is still low and Malaysia is not excluded. This situation leads to raising the question of long-term usage of the technology. Presently, there are less empirical study on the continuous usage of broadband technology among the youths particularly school children in the rural areas of Malaysia. The objective of this study is to determine the contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas. Therefore, a research model was proposed consisting of eight contributing factors for continuous usage of broadband technology. Moreover, the study used quantitative approach by distributing 450 questionnaires to respondents in the northern region of Malaysia. However, only 393 questionnaires were returned which represent 87.33% response rate. The data collected were analyzed using a Structural Equation Model to investigate the relationship between contributing factors. The results showed that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, compatibility, facilitating condition, service quality, user behavioural intention and user satisfaction are the significant contributing factors that must be in place to ensure the continuous usage of broadband among youth in the rural areas. Hence, this study contributes to the body of knowledge in Community Informatics by providing a framework for achieving long-term use of broadband technology among youths in the rural areas, through the integration of Information System Continuance Post Acceptance and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models. The factors identified may contribute as input to the government policy formulations and service providers to ensure continuous demand for broadband from the evidence extracted from this study. Continuous usage of broadband technology in the rural areas would have positive contributions on the academic performance, literacy among youths, bridging the digital divide in broadband usage, increase home business and national productivity

    A meta-analysis of existing research on citizen adoption of e-government

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    YesThe purpose of this paper is to perform a weight-analysis and to undertake a meta-analysis of findings reported in published research on the adoption and diffusion of e-government. Usable data relating to e-government adoption research were collected from 103 empirical studies. Of those 103 articles, only 63 used a range of different constructs with appropriate correlation values required for performing a weight- and meta-analysis. Diagrammatic representation has been presented using significant as well as non-significant relationships from all 103 publications. A broader analysis of research on adoption and diffusion of e-government also reflects that although a large number of theories and theoretical constructs were borrowed from the reference disciplines, their utilization by e-government researchers appears to be largely random in approach. This paper also acknowledges the theoretical contribution, the limitations of this study, and suggests further research directions for the continued work

    An Integrated Model of the Influence of Personal Psychological Traits and Cognitive Beliefs on Customer Satisfaction and Continuance Intentions in Relation to Internet Banking Usage within the Saudi Arabian Context

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    This thesis examines the effects of Culture, the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and Technology Readiness (TR) on the satisfaction and usage continuance intention of Internet banking customers within the Saudi Arabian context. The aim is to develop and test a new framework for use in determining the factors that affect Internet banking customers’ actual usage behaviours, with a special focus on the role of cognitive processes, and cultural and personal psychological traits. This research uses cross-sectional survey questionnaire methods within a quantitative approach. 261 valid responses were received. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypothesised relationships within the research model in Analysis of Moment Structures (AMOS 20) software. ECT is well established in conventional marketing literature and explains how cognitive beliefs and affects lead to customers’ repurchasing behaviour. It was first adopted for the Information Systems (IS) context and then customised to explain IS continuance intention behaviour. However, previous ECT customisations in the IS context present a significant knowledge gap because technology-based services are sensitive to individuals’ psychological traits, which ECT does not account for. This research integrates psychological traits and culture into the ECT framework to explain customer satisfaction and continuance intentions in the context of Internet banking usage. It combines ECT with the UTAUT in order to expand ECT to include more cognitive beliefs. Then it integrates TR and Culture to account for psychological and sociological traits. The results present a new contribution to the body of knowledge by validating a theoretically backed integration of the above models into one structural model. This model broadens the understanding of the factors that influence IS satisfaction and usage continuance intention. Compared to previous studies, the explanatory power of this model is a major improvement, with an R2 of (0.61) for usage continuance intention