9 research outputs found


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    Several field trials and laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the impact of the implementation of the activities and processes of the development of the field irrigation systems at ElMahmoudia area, El-Beheira Governorate, Egypt, during the successful growing seasons winter 2016/17 and summer 2017 to investigate the effect of irrigation systems improvement projects on water productivity. The measurements were conducted in a tertiary canal (Mesqa) at the head of Nekla canal (Arafa Mousa Mesqa). Water consumption values for different crops were calcaulated, and water application was calculated through calibrating the capacities of the pumps and recording the operation hours. The most important results were as follows: Applied irrigation water decreased after irrigation improvement. Applied irrigation water for wheat, rice, maize, sweet potatoes and watermelon before irrigation improvement were higher than the corresponding values after irrigation improvement by 9.0%, 15%, 11%, 15% and 10% respectively. The productivity of wheat, rice, maize, sweet potatoes and watermelon increased after irrigation improvement by 7.0%, 4.0%, 3.0%, 8.0% and 9.0% respectively. Water productivity increased after irrigation improvement, and the increase ratios for wheat, rice, maize, sweet potatoes were 14.0%, 16.0%, 13.0%, 20.0%, and 18.0% respectively

    A numerical investigation of the dispersion law of materials by means of multi-length TDR data

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    In this paper, we propose a method for retrieving the dispersion law of a material under test from multi-length TDR measurements in reflection mode, repeated at several frequencies. By replacing the multi-frequency measurements with measurements using multi-length TDR probe, it is possible to retrieve the complex equivalent permittivity of the material in a frequency band of interest. The proposed procedure does not require a priori knowledge of the type of dispersion law of the material, which instead can possibly be inferred from the measured data. The algorithm is validated using numerically simulated data obtained with the commercial code CST Microstudio®.peer-reviewe

    Diseño de un reflectómetro escalar para caracterización de materiales mediante sensores resonantes miniaturizados en tecnología SIW

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    El presente TFG aborda el diseño, fabricación y validación experimental del subsistema de RF de un reflectómetro en la banda de 3 - 4 GHz para un sistema de caracterización de materiales dieléctricos basado en un sensor resonante miniaturizado en tecnología de guía de onda integrada en substrato (SIW). El circuito diseñado deberá ser capaz de separar y evaluar la potencia entregada al sensor, así como la potencia reflejada por éste a las diferentes frecuencias de excitación. De este modo, mediante la realización de un barrido en la banda de frecuencias de medida, es posible determinar la frecuencia de resonancia y a partir de ella la permitividad dieléctrica del material. Para la realización del reflectómetro se emplearán acopladores direccionales, divisores y detectores de potencia preferentemente en tecnología SMD. El objetivo es implementar un módulo compacto en tecnología de circuito impreso (PCB) que será evaluado en laboratorio mediante la utilización de un generador de señal de RF y un sensor resonante implementado en tecnología de materiales cerámicos co-sinterizados a baja temperatura. La validación experimental del circuito diseñado se llevará a cabo mediante la caracterización de soluciones líquidas de diferente permitividad depositadas sobre el sensor. Los resultados se compararán con simulaciones EM del sensor que serán proporcionadas al alumno. El alumno deberá realizar tanto el análisis circuital empleando modelos de los diferentes componentes empleados, como el diseño físico y simulación EM del subsistema desarrollado. Éste será fabricado y caracterizado experimentalmente, para lo que se proporcionará acceso al equipamiento de laboratorio necesario. La realización del trabajo implicará diferentes fases: 1) Documentación y análisis del estado del arte 2) Concepción del subsistema de RF y selección de componentes 3) Análisis mediante simulación circuital de diferentes estructuras: divisor/acoplador, acoplador simple y acoplador doble. 4) Diseño físico en tecnología PCB del subsistema de RF 5) Análisis y optimización mediante simulación EM del subsistema diseñado 6) Fabricación y validación experimental 7) Discusión de los resultadosThe present TFG deals with the design, manufacture and experimental validation of the RF subsystem of a reflectometer in the 3 - 4 GHz band for a system of characterization of dielectric materials based on a miniaturized resonant sensor in waveguide technology integrated in substrate (SIW). The designed circuit must be capable of separating and evaluating the power delivered to the sensor, as well as the power reflected by it at the different excitation frequencies. In this way, by performing a sweep in the measurement frequency band, it is possible to determine the resonance frequency and from it the dielectric permittivity of the material. For the performance of the reflectometer, directional couplers, dividers and power detectors will be used preferably in SMD technology. The objective is to implement a compact module in printed circuit technology (PCB) that will be evaluated in the laboratory using an RF signal generator and a resonant sensor implemented in co-sintered ceramic technology at low temperature. The experimental validation of the designed circuit will be carried out through the characterization of liquid solutions of different permitivity deposited on the sensor. The results will be compared with EM simulations of the sensor.Muñoz Riera, L. (2018). Diseño de un reflectómetro escalar para caracterización de materiales mediante sensores resonantes miniaturizados en tecnología SIW. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/109759TFG

    MOCVD and electrochemical polymeric thin films : elaboration, characterization, properties ans applications

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    Ce mémoire traite de deux types de polymères en films minces: le poly (méthacrylate de méthyle) (PMMA) et le polypyrrole (PPy). Ces films minces ont été déposés par voie sèche et par voie humide. La voie sèche consiste à faire croitre les films polymères par un procédé original de dépôt chimique en phase vapeur assisté par photons (Chemical Vapor Deposition, CVD). La croissance implique l'activation UV des espèces monomères dans la phase gazeuse. Les deux polymères PMMA et PPy ont été obtenus pour la première fois par ce procédé de photo-CVD. La caractérisation des propriétés a mis en évidence des applications possibles en microélectronique, micro-optique et les dispositifs générant de la chaleur. La voie humide mise en œuvre pour déposer des films minces de polymères et d’hybrides organiques/inorganiques est une méthode électrochimique. Des films de PPy (organique) et de TiO2 nanostructuré (inorganique) ont été obtenus et caractérisés par différentes techniques électrochimiques. Des aspects supplémentaires de la croissance de PPy ont été mis en évidence par la résonance des plasmons de surface. ABSTRACT : The thesis deals with two types of polymeric thin films: poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and polypyrrole (PPy). The thin films were grown by a dry and a wet route. The dry route involved the growth of the polymeric films by an original process of Chemical Vapor Deposition, namely Photo-CVD. The growth involves the UV activation of the monomer species in the gas phase. Both PMMA and PPy were obtained for the first time by this Photo-CVD. The characterization highlighted properties with possible applications in microelectronics, micro-optics and as heat generating devices. The wet route involved the growth of polymeric and hybrid organic/inorganic thin films by an electrochemical approach. Organic PPy and inorganic TiO2 nanostructures were obtained and characterized by various electrochemical techniques. The growth aspects of PPy were supplementary highlighted by the Surface Plasmon Resonance

    Broadband Reflectometry for Enhanced Diagnostics and Monitoring Applications

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    Broadband Reflectometry for Enhanced Diagnostics and Monitoring Applications

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    This book is dedicated to the adoption of broadband microwave reflectometry (BMR)-based methods for diagnostics and monitoring applications. This electromagnetic technique has established as a powerful tool for monitoring purposes; in fact, it can balance several contrasting requirements, such as the versatility of the system, low implementation cost, real-time response, possibility of remote control, reliability, and adequate measurement accuracy. Starting from an extensive survey of the state of the art and from a clear and concise overview of the theoretical background, throughout the book, the different approaches of BMR are considered (i.e., time domain reflectometry - TDR, frequency domain reflectometry - FDR, and the TDR/FDR combined approach) and several applications are thoroughly investigated. The applications considered herein are very diverse from each other and cover different fields. In all the described procedures and methods, the ultimate goal is to endow them with a significant performance enhancement in terms of measurement accuracy, low cost, versatility, and practical implementation possibility, so as to unlock the strong potential of BMR