8 research outputs found

    Website Ilmu Faraid Disertai Contoh Kasus

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    Islamic inheritance jurisprudence is a science in the teaching of Islam that studies of inheritance in accordance Shari'ah Prophet that have been submitted through the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet and the consensus of the Companions and scholars. Often the problem of inheritance to be the cause of family breakdown because family members do not understand on the rules and provisions of Islamic inheritance law. Along with the development of technology and information, the Internet-based learning into an alternative learning media to convey knowledge. The purpose of making these Islamic inheritance jurisprudence website is to help people, especially Muslims in learning about inheritance appropriate Islamic shar'iah. Design of the Islamic inheritance jurisprudence website is using UML, use-case diagrams and activity diagrams are used to describe the graphical diagrams. This website is designed use PHP and MYSQL database. Islamic inheritance jurisprudence resource materials obtained from books "Seri Fiqih Kehidupan [15] : Mawaris". Case search material obtained from application "i-waris" is released by Mosque Raya Al-Azhar East Jakarta. The results provided by this website is about the Islamic inheritance jurisprudence and case search

    Utilizing the Capabilities Offered by Eye-Tracking to Foster Novices' Comprehension of Business Porcess Models

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    Business process models constitute fundamental artifacts for enterprise architectures as well as for the engineering of processes and information systems. However, less experienced stakeholders (i.e., novices) face a wide range of issues when trying to read and comprehend these models. In particular, process model comprehension not only requires knowledge on process modeling notations, but also skills to visually and correctly interpret the models. In this context, many unresolved issues concerning the factors hindering process model comprehension exist and, hence, the identification of these factors becomes crucial. Using eye-tracking as an instrument, this paper presents the results obtained of a study, in which we analyzed eye-movements of novices and experts, while comprehending process models expressed in terms of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) 2.0. Further, recorded eye-movements are visualized as scan paths to analyze the applied comprehension strategies. We learned that experts comprehend process models more effectively than novices. In addition, we observed particular patterns for eye-movements (e.g., back-and-forth saccade jumps) as well as different strategies of novices and experts in comprehending process models

    Mobile apps for reflection in learning: A design research in K-12 education

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    This study takes a design-based research approach to explore how applications designed for mobile devices could support reflection in learning in K-12 education. Use of mobile devices is increasing in schools. Most of the educational apps support single-person use of interactive learning materials, simulations and learning games. Apps designed to correspond to collaborative learning paradigms, such as collaborative progressive inquiry or project-based learning, are scarce. In these pedagogical approaches, reflection plays an important role. This paper presents a design-based research study of mobile device apps, ReFlex and TeamUp, that are specifically designed for use in student-centred and collaborative school learning, in which continuous reflection is an important part of the learning process. The design of the apps has relied on earlier research on digital tools for reflection and research about mobile devices in classroom learning. The design of the apps was accomplished as part of the qualitative design-based research conducted with a total of 165 teachers in 13 European countries. As a characteristic for a design-based research, the results of the study are twofold: practical and theoretical. The apps designed, ReFlex and TeamUp, are practical results of the qualitative research carried out in schools with teachers and students to understand the design challenges and opportunities in schools, to renew their pedagogical practices and to take new tools in use. To understand better the capacity of the apps to facilitate reflection, we analysed the apps in light of earlier studies concerning the levels of reflection that digital tools may support and categorisations of affordances that mobile device apps may provide for classroom learning. Our research indicates that there is potential for fostering the practice of reflection in classroom learning through the use of apps for audio-visual recordings.Peer reviewe

    Pengembangan Game Monopoli Zat Aditif Dan Tekanan Zat Padat Menggunakan Adobe Flash Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Ipa Kelas VIII

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    Research has been conducted on monopoly game learning media using Adobe Flash using the research and development (R & D) research method using the Plomp model. The sample used for testing monopoly game learning media using Adobe Flash was 21 students of VIII B class of Saniangbaka. The testing instrument was validated by the lecturer at Tadris IPA Concentration in Physics UIN Imam Bonjol Padang. The test results show a good response to the understanding of students’ concept through practicality result of 86 % and the result of of the effectiviness of learning media monopoly game using Adobe Flash obtained 86,19 %. Result this indicates that learning media in the form of monopoly games using Adobe Flash are suitable for use as learning media.

    Sijaintiperusteisen oppimispelin yhteisöllinen suunnittelu : Tapaustutkimus yhteisöllisen suunnittelun prosessista uskonnonopetuksen kontekstissa

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    Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman ideana on kartoittaa sijaintiperusteisten pelien mahdollisuuksia tukea uskonnonopetusta peruskouluissa. Työssä tarkastellaan peruskouluikäisten oppijoiden kanssa toteutettua sijaintiperusteisen, interaktiivista tarinankerrontaa pääsisältönään hyödyntävän, oppimispelin yhteisöllistä suunnitteluprosessia ja sen tuloksia. Sijaintiperusteisten pelien ja interaktiivisen pedagogisen tarinankerronnan hyödyntäminen vaikuttaa luontevalta uskonnon opetuksen juutalaisuuteen ja kristinuskoon liittyvien sisältöjen kannalta, sillä ne ankkuroituvat menetelmällisesti moderneihin opetussuunnitelmiin, sekä juutalaisiin ja kristillisiin traditioihin. Tutkielman puitteissa käsitteellistetään pelillisiä ja tarinallisia ideoita myöhemmin taustaprojektissa toteutettavaa oppimispeliä varten. Niin ikään kartoitetaan sitä, millaista suunnitteluvuorovaikutusta yhteisöllisessä suunnittelussa syntyy ja etsitään pedagogisia haasteita, jotka tulee ratkaista tällaisissa opetustapahtumissa. Eräs keskeinen näkökulma on, kykeneekö yhteisöllinen suunnittelu tuomaan kontekstia, tässä tapauksessa kohdekulttuuria, läheisemmän tuntuiseksi oppijoille. Keskeisimpinä kontribuutioina tutkielmassa ovat itse suunnitteluprosessin tarkastelu ja sen lopputuloksen arviointi. Tulokset avaavat uusia näkymiä sijaintiperusteisten pelien tarjoamista mahdollisuuksista tukea uskonnonopetusta. Lisäksi itse suunnittelutyö on mahdollista nähdä oppimistilanteena, jossa oppiminen tapahtuu osana luovaa prosessia. Sijaintiperusteisuus nivoutuu osaksi tarinankerrontaa, sillä juutalaisessa ja kristillisessä traditiossa kulkeminen on keskeisessä asemassa. Esimerkiksi, yhä tänäkin päivänä kristityt suorittavat pyhiinvaelluksia. Tutkielman pohjalta nousee jatkotutkimussuuntia liittyen opetuspelin jatkokehitykseen ja yhteissuunnittelun hyödyntämiseen peruskoulutason uskonnonopetuksessa

    The influence of massive open online courses on youth job search behaviour: an explorative case study of Durban youths.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.This study attempts to merge South African job search behaviours with massive open online course (MOOC) literature in an attempt to discover what effects online certification can have on youth outlooks and job search behaviour. This dissertation begins with a literature review of each component, followed by a practical longitudinal study, comprising 15 unemployed youths from a local Durban area, over 16 weeks in a pre and post-study period. The attitudes and world outlooks of these youths is assessed through interview data, with suggestions for local, regional and national programs in South Africa for utilising MOOCs as a tool for addressing youth unemployment and achieving the human capital development necessary for taking advantage of the country’s demographic dividend

    Learning analytics and dashboards, examining course design and students’ behavior:A case study in Saudi Arabian Higher Education

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    The use of Technology in Saudi Arabian Higher education is constantly evolving. With the thousands of students’ transactions recorded in various learning management systems (LMS) in Saudi educational institutions, the need to explore and research learning analytics (LA) in the Middle East and Gulf Cooperation Council region have increased in the recent years. This research is an exploratory case study at the University of Business and Technology (UBT), a private university in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The research aims to examine UBT’s rich learning analytics and discover the knowledge behind it. 900,000 records of Moodle analytical data were collected from two time periods: Fall 2018, and a consecutive 4-year historic data. Romero et al., (2008) educational data mining process was applied on three analytical reports: Students statistics, Activity and Log reports. Statistical and trend analysis were applied to examine and interpret the collected data. A significant positive correlation was found (0.265) between students’ final grades and their LMS movements in the course. The study also highlighted a trace of certain LMS engagement patterns associated with high GPA students such as viewing discussions, viewing profiles, and reviewing quizzes attempts. Additional data mining has also revealed high percentage of Turnitin and Moodle assignments’ usage. These trigger an insight recommendation for what lecturers should incorporate in their course design and what motivates students to engage and perform better. Self-regulated learning (SRL) questionnaires have been used to examine students’ and lecturers’ behavior towards Moodle Learning analytics and the completion progress dashboard. A positive association of self-control and monitoring, SRL behavior elements, to high GPA students was a main questionnaire finding. Recommendations include highlighting the need to build automated data mining tools that facilitate the capture of complex Learning Analytics data and refining it to enable interpreting and predicting the actions needed in higher education learning environments

    Künstliche Intelligenz

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    Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY 4.0 Lizenz. Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) klingt in aktuellen Debatten oft abstrakt und alltagsfremd. Doch die meisten Internetnutzerinnern und -nutzer sind bereits täglich mit ihr konfrontiert – wenn auch unbewusst: sei es bei der Sprachsteuerung des Smartphones, bei Kaufempfehlungen im Online-Shop oder bei der Abfrage von auf Webseiten häufig gestellten Fragen (Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ). KI ist ein Teilaspekt der Digitalisierung, der als Schlagwort immer häufiger in den Medien auftaucht. Das aktuell große Interesse liegt darin begründet, dass es in den vergangenen Jahren verschiedene technologische Fortschritte gab, welche die Nutzung der KI nun auf andere Ebenen heben. Mit diesem Themenband des Instituts für Innovation und Technik (iit) „Künstliche Intelligenz“ erhalten Leserinnen und Leser einen schlaglichtartigen Einblick in die KI hinsichtlich ihrer Technologien, aktuellen und potenziellen Anwendungen sowie Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft