1,309 research outputs found

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Current Status, Issues, and Future Directions

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    The smart mobile device has emerged as an extension of the self, closely tied to the personal behaviors and preferences. This panel discussion covers the current status, real world cases, adoption, pros/cons, issues (security, privacy), and future direction of the use and adoption of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). The panel also covers BYOS (Bring-Your-Own-Service) and BYOA (Bring-Your-Own-Apps)

    The performativity of BYOD

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    Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) is a trend introduced by a large IT corporation in 2009 realised as a consequence of the consumerization of Information Technology. BYOD is described as the phenomenon of using personal mobile devices connected to corporate networks to perform work. This study aims to understand consumerization of IT and BYOD in the Tertiary Education sector, particularly the context of BYOD in universities in both the United Kingdom and Malaysia. The study will commence with a pilot case study in the Computer Science Department of a UK University to explore its current systems and support for staff and students, gathering insights on the consideration of BYOD for the department. As this is a phenomenological study, Actor Network Theory (ANT) is selected as an initial lens. This seeks to create a ‘timeless snapshot’ of phenomena in time, space and social change. This paper aims to set the scene for the study in terms of the performativity of BYOD by reviewing the literatures pertaining to the history of BYOD, and the implementation of BYOD in the commercial and education sectors

    The Influence of BYOD Concept on Development of Learning Process in Universities

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    Education is one of the largest markets promoting implementation of Bring Your Own Device BYOD. The BYOD model was originated in colleges and universities, being stimulated by technologically advanced students, who demanded it, and administrators of educational entities, who agreed that allowance to get access to the network using personal devices was a competitive advantage. Nowadays this concept attracts great attention. People depend on their personal devices and want to have the opportunity to use them anywhere in order to make their life simpler and more efficient. While BYOD implementation increases, teachers determine new methods of integration of mobile devices into learning. The use of personal mobile devices of students for learning seems to be attractive for universities, since these devices would help to reduce expenses and to support teaching and learning. The research objective: to detect the level of influence of BYOD concept on learning process. In the conclsuoins authors confirm that BYOD is the dominant model in universities


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    BYOD, which allows employees to bring their own mobile devices to work and connect into the corporation network, has been increasingly implemented by numerous organizations and corporations. Companies expect to save cost as well as increase productivity and employees’ morale through BYOD implementation. Hence, it is critical for companies to understand how BYOD affects organizational performance. Addressing on gift economy and cognitive evaluation theory, this study indicates the gift nature of BYOD and builds up a cross-level research framework which indicates two aspects of BYOD - informational aspect and controlling aspect. When informational aspect is perceived by employees, they will return positive outcomes, thereafter increase productivity and morale. In contrast to controlling aspect, negative outcomes will be returned and then decrease productivity and morale. A two-step mixed method approach will be conducted to test proposed research framework

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Risks to Adopters and Users

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    Bring your own device (BYOD) policy refers to a set of regulation broadly adopted by organizations that allows employee-owned mobile devices – like as laptops, smartphones, personal digital assistant and tablets – to the office for use and connection to the organizations IT infrastructure. BYOD offers numerous benefits ranging from plummeting organizational logistic cost, access to information at any time and boosting employee’s productivity. On the contrary, this concept presents various safety issues and challenges because of its characteristic security requirements. This study explored diverse literature databases to identify and classify BYOD policy adoption issues, possible control measures and guidelines that could hypothetically inform organizations and users that adopt and implement BYOD policy. The literature domain search yielded 110 articles, 26 of them were deemed to have met the inclusion standards. In this paper, a list of possible threats/vulnerabilities of BYOD adoption were identified. This investigation also identified and classified the impact of the threats/vulnerabilities on BYOD layered components according to security standards of “FIPS Publication 199” for classification. Finally, a checklist of measures that could be applied by organizations & users to mitigate BYOD vulnerabilities using a set layered approach of data, device, applications, and people were recommended

    An Integrated Framework for Managing Information Technology Security Uncertainty

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    Information security to date has been driven a lot of attention in business world. The cyber security standards play significant and crucial role in promoting feasible approaches to organizations while making comprehensive strategical planning. This paper aims at providing a systematic overview of information technology (IT) security management in organizations. Conducted a structured literature from academic database and industry whitepapers, we review a number of the critical issues and challenges facing the industry today and in the future. In line with the fundamental elements of information security, we propose an integrated framework to understand the current situation of IT security management. In particular, we focus on several critical fundamental functions of IT security management: Security and Risk Management, Security Operations, and Security Assessments and Testing. Then, we use the proposed framework as a lens to discuss and solve the security issues in bring your own device (BYOD) in organizations. Keywords: IT security, IT security framework, bring your own device DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-18-01 Publication date:June 30th 202

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) adoption in South African SMEs

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    The advancement in technological development is now altering the conventional order in the diffusion of IT innovation from a top-down approach (organisation to employees) to a bottom-up approach (employees to organisation). This change is more notable in developed economies and has led to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) phenomenon which promises increased productivity for employees and their organisations. There have been several studies on the corporate adoption of BYOD but few have investigated the phenomenon from a small and medium enterprise (SME) perspective and from developing countries specifically. This study investigated the BYOD phenomenon in South African SMEs. The goal was to identify contextual factors influencing BYOD adoption with the purpose of understanding how these factors shaped and reshaped by SME actions. The Perceived EReadiness Model (PERM) was adopted to unearth contextual BYOD adoption factors, while the Structuration Theory was adopted as the theoretical lens from which the social construction of the BYOD phenomenon was understood. The study adopted an interpretive stance and was qualitative in nature. Data was collected from SMEs using semi-structured interviews, and analysed using a thematic analysis approach. The findings show that for BYOD to be adopted and institutionalized in an SME there needs to be organisational readiness in terms of awareness, management support, business resources, human resources, employees' pressure, formal governance, and technological readiness. Specifically, business resources, management support and technological readiness were perceived to be of the outmost importance to the success of BYOD. Environmental factors of market forces, support from industry, government readiness and the sociocultural factor are identified. Findings from the structuration analysis reports the presence of rules and resources (structures) which SMEs draw upon in their BYOD actions and interactions. It provides understanding on the guiding structures such as "no training" and "no formal governance" within which BYOD meanings are formed, and actions such as allowing employees to use their devices to access organisational resources without the fear of security breaches and data theft, are enacted. While it is true that the successive adoption of ICTs in organisation depends on the availability of a conducive formal policy, findings in the study show that SMEs used their business resources and management support as guiding structures of domination which were legitimized by internal informal verbal rules, lack of an institutional BYOD specific policy, minimal industry support; and the presences of social pressure

    A Study of the Application of a Bring Your Own Device Strategy in an Elementary School

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    Numerous studies have been published on the efficacy of a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) at the U.S. secondary and postsecondary school levels to increase student access to technology. However, there is a lack of data on the efficacy of a BYOD AUP to increase elementary student technology access. The purpose of this descriptive case study was to determine if a BYOD AUP at the U.S. K-5 level would increase students\u27 access to technology as necessitated by the implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). This study was grounded in social transmission and transformative theories. The phenomenon of a northwest suburban elementary school BYOD implementation was examined by documenting the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs, lived experiences, and practices of administrators and teachers. This study used interview and classroom observation of a purposive selection of 3 elementary educators, the principal, and superintendent. Coding of data according to key words lead to analysis according to nodes and themes. Triangulation of multiple data sources and member checking helped to establish the credibility of data. Study findings documented increased access to technology for elementary students, best practices and steps to implementation. Study recommendations for elementary educators and administrators considering BYOD include consensus building, AUP, technology infrastructure, communications, professional development, classroom management, and lesson design to inform the field on elementary BYOD. Study findings facilitate social change by providing BYOD implementation recommendations, increasing elementary student access to technology at a reduced cost to districts and schools

    A framework for the adoption of bring your own device (BYOD) in the hospital environment

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    The concept of Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) – the use of a personally owned device in a working environment – is all over the place, nobody talks about it but many are using it. To find out the state of the art of BYOD in Swiss hospitals, an intense literature research revealed a research gap in the combination of BYOD and healthcare related topics. Six hospitals in Switzerland were examined, were questioned about their IT organization and services as well as their usage of mobile devices with a special focus on BYOD. As the Swiss hospital system is organized in a federalist way – much alike the Swiss state structure – it was to no surprise that the results among the study sites varied quite a bit. BYOD is used in many ways and for a mature implementation of BYOD, an EMM solution is crucial

    The impact of bring-your-own-device on work practices in the financial sector

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    Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) refers to the practice of allowing the employees of an organisation to use their own computers, smartphones, or other devices for work purposes. This has brought a tremendous change in today's working environment. Organisations are faced with many technology trends which have the potential to create a competitive advantage in terms of both performance and efficiency. This paper follows a qualitative approach in which 15 interviews were conducted and a survey covering of 87 respondents was distributed. The findings show that the financial sector interpret s BYOD as a strategy that can create a competitive advantage to provide benefits of increased productivity, flexibility in the workforce, more autonomy, and contribute to the cost - efficiency of the business. There was also a disregard of policy formulation for BYOD from management which created a problem as employees became despondent that their personal devices were n o t allowed to access the corporate network. In addition, the findings revealed that work practices have to be re - defined and policies have to be drawn up in order to protect the company's assets and to provide guidelines. To guide the research in this emerging area, a review of several established theories that have not yet been applied to BYOD were used to form part of the proposed framework, which aims to provide a mechanism in the workplace to evaluate the impact of BYOD. This paper used exploratory analysis where six major influences of work practices were identified: 1) Change in behaviour; 2) Impact on workload; 3) Changes in motivation of individuals; 4) Re-definition of work practices; 5) Impact on overall performance; and 6) Approach required for industry. It was possible to associate them to several related constructs in IS literature which exposed possibilities for future theory-building efforts. The main influences on work practices are discussed with respect to the proposed framework
