18 research outputs found

    Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Current Status, Issues, and Future Directions

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    The smart mobile device has emerged as an extension of the self, closely tied to the personal behaviors and preferences. This panel discussion covers the current status, real world cases, adoption, pros/cons, issues (security, privacy), and future direction of the use and adoption of Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD). The panel also covers BYOS (Bring-Your-Own-Service) and BYOA (Bring-Your-Own-Apps)


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    BYOD, which allows employees to bring their own mobile devices to work and connect into the corporation network, has been increasingly implemented by numerous organizations and corporations. Companies expect to save cost as well as increase productivity and employees’ morale through BYOD implementation. Hence, it is critical for companies to understand how BYOD affects organizational performance. Addressing on gift economy and cognitive evaluation theory, this study indicates the gift nature of BYOD and builds up a cross-level research framework which indicates two aspects of BYOD - informational aspect and controlling aspect. When informational aspect is perceived by employees, they will return positive outcomes, thereafter increase productivity and morale. In contrast to controlling aspect, negative outcomes will be returned and then decrease productivity and morale. A two-step mixed method approach will be conducted to test proposed research framework

    Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: What are our students doing?

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    Recent developments in mobile technologies have provided unique opportunities for learning and teaching. This paper reports on recent research undertaken at a regional Australian university in order to understand how higher education students are using mobile devices to support their learning. A survey instrument was developed and deployed and the data collected analysed quantitatively. Upon analysis, these data demonstrate that students are predominantly using laptop computers to support their learning, but their use of smart phones and tablets are also used for a number of specific learning activities. Further analysis indicates that in spite of the limitations in the formal university infrastructure, many students would like to use their mobile devices for formal learning as well as informal learning

    Mobile learning anytime, anywhere: What are our students doing?

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    Recent developments in mobile technologies have provided unique opportunities for learning and teaching. This paper reports on recent research undertaken at a regional Australian university in order to understand how higher education students are using mobile devices to support their learning. A survey instrument was developed and deployed and the data collected analysed quantitatively. Upon analysis, these data demonstrate that students are predominantly using laptop computers to support their learning, but their use of smart phones and tablets are also used for a number of specific learning activities. Further analysis indicates that in spite of the limitations in the formal university infrastructure, many students would like to use their mobile devices for formal learning as well as informal learning

    Entering the World of Individual Routines: The Affordances of Mobile Applications

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    The IS discipline has a long tradition in investigating how new technologies affect work practices, but has mostly focused on the organizational level. With mobile applications, we are facing a new technology wave that is centered on the individual users. Despite their popularity, mobile applications' possibilities to enhance an individual's knowledge, skills, and competence in daily work practices have not been studied in a systematic way. Building on the concept of routines from organizational theory and insights from two field studies, we investigate mobile applications acting as material artifacts and their possibilities of goal-oriented actions in individual routines. Our main contributions are the extension of Pentland & Feldman's generative system model and a set of affordances that mobile applications bring to individual routines. Our findings complement recent studies on routines at the organizational level and contribute to enhance artifact design knowledge for mobile applications beyond "interaction design"

    Call Me BIG PAPA: An Extension of Mason’s Information Ethics Framework to Big Data

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    In 1986, Richard Mason proposed the PAPA framework to address four ethical issues society would likely face in the information age: privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility. In this paper, we propose an extension to the PAPA framework by appending three additional issues relevant to information ethics in the big data era. First, we outline the four components of Mason’s original PAPA. Second, we briefly review the major technological changes that have occurred since Mason proposed his framework. Third, we outline concepts relevant to the big data context. Fourth, we propose and discuss our extension by appending three ethical issues related to behavioral surveillance, interpretation, and governance to Mason’s original PAPA framework, forming BIG PAPA. Lastly, we discuss how these issues impact practice and how they can inform future research

    The impact of bring-your-own-device on work practices in the financial sector

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    Bring-your-own-device (BYOD) refers to the practice of allowing the employees of an organisation to use their own computers, smartphones, or other devices for work purposes. This has brought a tremendous change in today's working environment. Organisations are faced with many technology trends which have the potential to create a competitive advantage in terms of both performance and efficiency. This paper follows a qualitative approach in which 15 interviews were conducted and a survey covering of 87 respondents was distributed. The findings show that the financial sector interpret s BYOD as a strategy that can create a competitive advantage to provide benefits of increased productivity, flexibility in the workforce, more autonomy, and contribute to the cost - efficiency of the business. There was also a disregard of policy formulation for BYOD from management which created a problem as employees became despondent that their personal devices were n o t allowed to access the corporate network. In addition, the findings revealed that work practices have to be re - defined and policies have to be drawn up in order to protect the company's assets and to provide guidelines. To guide the research in this emerging area, a review of several established theories that have not yet been applied to BYOD were used to form part of the proposed framework, which aims to provide a mechanism in the workplace to evaluate the impact of BYOD. This paper used exploratory analysis where six major influences of work practices were identified: 1) Change in behaviour; 2) Impact on workload; 3) Changes in motivation of individuals; 4) Re-definition of work practices; 5) Impact on overall performance; and 6) Approach required for industry. It was possible to associate them to several related constructs in IS literature which exposed possibilities for future theory-building efforts. The main influences on work practices are discussed with respect to the proposed framework

    Study of Security Aspects of the BYOD Trends in the Corporate Environment

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    U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje pojma korištenja vlastitog uređaja u korporativnom okruženju (BYOD). Korištenje vlastitih terminalnih uređaja varira ovisno o korporaciji, no vrlo je važno podići svijest zaposlenika o mogućim sigurnosnim prijetnjama koje izviru iz navedenog. BYOD predstavlja rizik za poslovanje, najčešće prisutan kao rizik od krađe podataka, neovlaštenog pristupa aplikacijama i sustavima korporacije, od gubitka reputacije i slično. BYOD, kao i svaki drugi sustav, treba sistematski planirati, implementirati, nadzirati i poboljšavati. Za potrebe diplomskog rada analizirana su dosadašnja istraživanja o trendovima korištenja vlastitih uređaja u korporativnom okruženju, modeli vlasništva navedenih uređaja te sigurnosne prijetnje uzrokovane korištenjem vlastitih uređaja. Kroz anketno istraživanje ispitana je zastupljenost korištenja vlastitih terminalnih uređaja na radnom mjestu te svjesnost zaposlenika o sigurnosnim prijetnjama koje dolaze kao posljedica korištenja vlastitih uređaja. Predložene su preporuke za povećanje svjesnosti korisnika o sigurnosnim prijetnjama te metode zaštite koje bi povećale sigurnost informacija u korporativnom okruženju.The aim of this Master's Thesis was to conduct research on trends of employees bringing their own devices into the corporate enviroment (BYOD). Using their own terminal devices varies depending on a corporation, but it is very important to raise awareness of employees about possible security threats that BYOD brings. BYOD poses a risk to business, usually presented as the risk of data theft, unauthorized access to applications and corporation systems and loss of reputation. BYOD, like any other system, needs to be systematically planed, implemented, monitored and improved. This Master's Thesis offers the analysis of previous research on trends of employees bringing their own devices into the corporate enviroment and models of ownership of those devices and security threats caused by using their own devices. The aim of the survey was to examine the presence of employees' own terminal devices in the workplace and their awareness of security threats that come as a result of using their own devices. Recommendations were proposed for raising the awareness of employees about security threats and security methods that would increase the security of information in the corporate environment

    Study of Security Aspects of the BYOD Trends in the Corporate Environment

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    U ovom radu provedeno je istraživanje pojma korištenja vlastitog uređaja u korporativnom okruženju (BYOD). Korištenje vlastitih terminalnih uređaja varira ovisno o korporaciji, no vrlo je važno podići svijest zaposlenika o mogućim sigurnosnim prijetnjama koje izviru iz navedenog. BYOD predstavlja rizik za poslovanje, najčešće prisutan kao rizik od krađe podataka, neovlaštenog pristupa aplikacijama i sustavima korporacije, od gubitka reputacije i slično. BYOD, kao i svaki drugi sustav, treba sistematski planirati, implementirati, nadzirati i poboljšavati. Za potrebe diplomskog rada analizirana su dosadašnja istraživanja o trendovima korištenja vlastitih uređaja u korporativnom okruženju, modeli vlasništva navedenih uređaja te sigurnosne prijetnje uzrokovane korištenjem vlastitih uređaja. Kroz anketno istraživanje ispitana je zastupljenost korištenja vlastitih terminalnih uređaja na radnom mjestu te svjesnost zaposlenika o sigurnosnim prijetnjama koje dolaze kao posljedica korištenja vlastitih uređaja. Predložene su preporuke za povećanje svjesnosti korisnika o sigurnosnim prijetnjama te metode zaštite koje bi povećale sigurnost informacija u korporativnom okruženju.The aim of this Master's Thesis was to conduct research on trends of employees bringing their own devices into the corporate enviroment (BYOD). Using their own terminal devices varies depending on a corporation, but it is very important to raise awareness of employees about possible security threats that BYOD brings. BYOD poses a risk to business, usually presented as the risk of data theft, unauthorized access to applications and corporation systems and loss of reputation. BYOD, like any other system, needs to be systematically planed, implemented, monitored and improved. This Master's Thesis offers the analysis of previous research on trends of employees bringing their own devices into the corporate enviroment and models of ownership of those devices and security threats caused by using their own devices. The aim of the survey was to examine the presence of employees' own terminal devices in the workplace and their awareness of security threats that come as a result of using their own devices. Recommendations were proposed for raising the awareness of employees about security threats and security methods that would increase the security of information in the corporate environment