13 research outputs found

    TaCS : une plate-forme collaborative à base de tags pour l'apprentissage

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    Cet article s'intéresse à l'usage des tags en éducation et notamment aux processus d'apprentissage qu'ils peuvent soutenir. Nous étudions les systèmes à base de tags existants pour montrer qu'ils n'exploitent pas toutes leurs possibilités pour favoriser l'apprentissage cognitif et social. Nous appuyant sur cette étude, nous proposons ensuite la plate-forme TaCS support à des activités d'apprentissage collaboratives et explicitons les processus d'apprentissage attendus lors de son utilisation. Nous présentons finalement les premiers résultats d'une expérimentation mettant en application un scénario d'apprentissage articulé avec les fonctionnalités de TaCS. Nous concluons par différentes perspectives d'utilisation des tags pour le développement d'EIAH

    A utilização das TIC dentro e fora da escola: resultados de um estudo envolvendo alunos do concelho de Aveiro

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    "Vários estudos sobre a utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC), indicam que os alunos têm especial apetência pela utilização das TIC e usam-nas frequentemente fora da escola. Também sugerem que esses usos promovem o desenvolvimento de competências diversas. No entanto, devido a factores variados, essas competências parecem ser pouco potenciadas pela escola. Este contributo apresenta resultados de um estudo em que se procurou fazer o levantamento da forma como os alunos de duas escolas de Aveiro, de diferentes níveis de ensino, usam as TIC dentro e fora da escola. Do ponto de vista metodológico, trata-se de um estudo de carácter descritivo, do tipo multicasos. Para recolher os dados foram aplicados dois inquéritos por questionário online. A partir dos resultados conclui-se que a percentagem de alunos do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (CEB) que utilizam TIC em casa é elevada e idêntica à dos do Ensino Secundário (ES). Quanto às actividades desenvolvidas com maior frequência em casa e na escola, os alunos de 2º CEB fazem o mesmo tipo de actividades, que se prendem com tarefas de aprendizagem formal, e estas actividades diferem para os alunos do ES. Estes últimos, fora da escola, usam frequentemente ferramentas da Web 2.0, sendo estas ferramentas muito pouco exploradas na escola. Os resultados reforçam os de outros estudos e permitem apontar pistas tendo em vista potenciar a integração das TIC em contextos de aprendizagem formal.--Palavras-chave: TIC, utilização pelos alunos, contextos de aprendizagem--ABSTRACT:Research suggests that students immersed in technology-rich learning environments are more enthusiastic about ICT and use technology daily for different purposes, developing a wide range of competencies. These competencies are not always developed in formal learning contexts due to some constrains also reported in the literature. This paper presents a study about students’ use of ICT in and out of school, carried out in two different schools in the region of Aveiro, Portugal. It involved students from the 2nd Cycle of Basic Education (CBE) ranging from X to Y years old and students from Secondary Education (SE), ranging from X to Y years old. This is a multi-case and descriptive study. Data was gathered through two online questionnaires. From the results the authors concluded that the percentage of 2nd CBE students who use ICT at home is similar to the one of the SE students. The most frequent activities that 2nd CBE students perform using ICT in and out of school are similar and related to the ones taking place in formal learning contexts. On the contrary, SE students’ use of ICT in and out of school is diverse. Out of school, they often use Web 2.0 technology, which is hardly used in formal learning contexts. The results confirm others research findings and allow putting forward some insights on how to integrate ICT in formal learning contexts more efficiently.--Keywords:  ICT, students’ use, learning contexts.--Para citar este texto:Loureiro, M. J., Pombo, L., Barbosa, I., & Brito, A. L. (2010). A utilização das TIC dentro e fora da escola: resultados de um estudo envolvendo alunos do concelho de Aveiro. <i>Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, </i>3 (1), 31-40. 'Online, disponível a partir de http://eft.educom.pt.

    Colaboração na formação inicial para a construção de conhecimento didático: um estudo no Ensino Superior

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    A study was developed with students from a professional master’s degree. The aims were: i) to identify their representations of collaborative work (by means of a questionnaire and an individual written assignment); ii) to understand the impact of these representations on the use of collaborative work practices in online forums (through a questionnaire and messages posted in the forum); iii) to understand how the use of collaborative work in online forums contributes to the construction of didactic knowledge when addressing the issue of spelling (through messages posted in the forum and didactic tools designed by the groups); iv) to understand the contribution of this knowledge to the creation of didactic tools when addressing spelling. Results show the relationship between the appreciation of (and failure to appreciate) collaboration and its use in a collaborative environment, which impacts on the knowledge constructed and therefore on the didactic tools designed by the students.O estudo foi desenvolvido com estudantes de um mestrado profissionalizante. Os objetivos eram: i) identificar as suas representações sobre trabalho colaborativo (através de questionário e de reflexões escritas individuais); ii) compreender o impacte dessas representações na assunção de práticas colaborativas em fórum de discussão online (através de questionário e das mensagens publicadas no fórum); iii) compreender como é que as práticas de trabalho colaborativo em fóruns de discussão online contribui para a construção de conhecimento didático em ensino da ortografia (através de mensagens publicadas no fórum e de estratégias didáticas construídas pelos grupos de trabalho); iv) compreender a contribuição deste conhecimento na conceção de estratégias didáticas focadas em ortografia. Os resultados revelam uma relação entre as representações sobre colaboração e a sua adoção efetiva num ambiente promotor desta modalidade de trabalho. Isso tem impacte na construção de estratégias didáticas pelos estudantes

    Exploring university students’ use of technologies beyond the formal learning context: A tale of two online platforms

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    Situated within an informal learning context, this study examines how a group of pre-service teachers in Hong Kong use Facebook and Google Sites on their own initiative to fulfill their academic and socio-emotional needs during their teaching practice. Also included in the study are the motivating and inhibiting factors that influence student online participation. Guided by an informal learning model and the literature relating to online participation and sense of community, this exploratory study generates its findings from questionnaires, individual interviews and online postings. The results show that Google Sites created an avenue for the students to share a range of self-developed teaching resources and ideas. Facebook is a more interactive platform through which the participants seek peer support, exchange teaching ideas, and engage in discussions on a variety of topics. Structure and control provided by Google Sites and immediacy and interactivity afforded by Facebook become complementary to each other.published_or_final_versio

    Social media enhanced boundary crossing: exploring distance students' ecosystems of learning support

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    As the demand for distance learning increases, traditional campus-based universities continue to struggle in supporting working distance students. This has resulted in the increased phenomena of students using social media within their ecosystems of learning support. The use of formal and informal tools such as social media gives rise to boundaries which students need to cross for effective support. How social media facilitates the crossing of boundaries within ecosystems of learning support remains an unfamiliar area of research. This study employed a predominately qualitative research methods, with a small element being a quantitative method to view and investigate postgraduate distance students' ecosystem of learning support holistically. The findings of this study revealed that participants used a combination of formal and informal tools to support their learning, including social media. In particular WhatsApp, which enables the crossing of transitional, formal and informal learning contexts, hierarchical and, time and space boundaries. Recognizing social media as an important part of students' learning support ecosystem, allowed an expanded view on learning support. As such, the study highlighted a range of different learning mechanisms which occur when students cross these boundaries, with coordination being the dominant learning mechanism. In conclusion, social media (such as WhatsApp) does indeed enhance the crossing of various boundaries to support learning. However, some students do not necessarily perceive their interaction on social media as learning, which speaks to the need of legitimising social media as learning tools by institutions. This study then recommends the need for institutions to recognize and nurture the use of social media as one element of a distance learning support ecosystem for cost-effective student support strategies guided by institutional guidelines and policies

    Os recursos das redes sociais e suas potencialidades para a aprendizagem

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    The Social Networks (SN) are a phenomenon between different student profiles. To study the potential use of social networks as a educational environments, provides an opportunity to analyze their different characteristics that may facilitate the process of designing learning strategies. This research has as general objective, to identify resources in social networks, with potential for learning and the integration of these networks on Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), and as the specific objectives: identify the availability of social networks in the virtual environments of learning: analyze the availability of popular Social Networking Sites (SNS) resources, that can be used in the school environment, teaching resources as promoters of learning; up, based on literature, indicators of how research used the social network Facebook in the construction process of learning. The results showed that 54% of software used as VLE by 110 surveyed educational institutions, allow integration with social networks, whether external or internal, however, the majority of educational institutions still opt for not integrating to the SNS because institutional constraints, lack demand or interest. Analyses made on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, show that Facebook and Google+ have five of the teaching resources considered important for learning, not having only the teacher assessment feature. In the case of Facebook, the review of 26 studies showed that 71% of researchers use questionnaires built in other tools to conduct assessments or investigations on the network, and that 50% use similar groups to a learning environment.As redes sociais (RS) são um fenômeno entre os diversos perfis de estudantes. Estudar o potencial de uso das redes sociais, como ambientes educacionais, oferece uma oportunidade de análise de suas diferentes características, podendo facilitar o processo de concepção de estratégias de aprendizagem. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral, identificar recursos nas redes sociais, com potencialidades para a aprendizagem e a integração destas redes, aos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA), e como objetivos específicos: identificar a disponibilidade de redes sociais nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagens; analisar a disponibilidade de recursos em sites de redes sociais (RS) populares, que podem ser utilizados no ambiente escolar, como recursos pedagógicos fomentadores da aprendizagem; levantar, à luz da literatura, indicadores sobre a forma como pesquisas utilizaram a rede social Facebook, no processo de construção da aprendizagem. Os resultados mostraram que 54% dos softwares utilizados como AVA pelas 110 instituições de ensino pesquisadas, permitem a integração às redes sociais, sejam externas ou internas, porém, a maioria das instituições de ensino pesquisada ainda opta pela não integração às RS por restrições institucionais, falta de demanda ou de interesse. As análises feitas no Facebook, Google+ e Twitter, mostram que o Facebook e Google+ apresentam cinco dos recursos pedagógicos considerados importantes para a aprendizagem, não tendo apenas o recurso de avaliação docente. No caso do Facebook, a revisão de 26 estudos mostrou que 71% dos pesquisadores utilizam questionários construídos em outras ferramentas para realizar avaliações ou investigações na rede, e que 50% utilizam grupos para similar um ambiente de aprendizagem

    The role of organization-level factors on informal learning process

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    This study discusses the nature of informal learning process in business organizations, and the importance of different organization-level factors in this process. The purpose of this study is to understand the role of organization-level factors on informal learning process with three subquestions: how informal learning process takes place in business organizations, what organization-level factors affects informal learning process, and how informal learning process is affected by organizational-level factors. The theoretical background of this study includes literatures on the concept of informal learning, its process, and organization-level factors that can affect informal learning process. The empirical research has been conducted in this study by face-to-face interviews. The interviews were conducted between June and August 2015 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Thirteen interviews were made with the employees from different hierarchical levels from four freight forwarding MNCs in Bangladesh. Constant comparative analysis has been used to process the collected data until reaching a level of saturation. The empirical research found that all the phases in an informal learning process are not linear and sequential, and the role of organization-level factors on each phase varies with the degree and nature of each factor. In addition, the results also revealed that all the organization-level factors do not interact with each other while playing their role on informal learning process. The findings of this study considerably extend our understanding of the important role of HRD, manager, colleague, culture, and work structure on informal learning process in the workplace. However, future research in different organizational contexts is required to generalize the findings of this study.siirretty Doriast

    Self-Directed Learning in the Age of Digital Networks: The Learning Patterns of Knowledge Workers in the Knowledge Economy

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    This dissertation presents a qualitative analysis of the self-directed learning patterns of knowledge workers within the context of digital networks. The study seeks to address some tensions that exist among educational perspectives on the use of digital networks for learning. Namely that digital networks provide more ‘authentic’ learning experiences by virtue of its quasi immediate access to information for problem solving as well as its more tailored information gathering affordances. On the opposite spectrum, digital networks are said to be diluting critical instincts, ‘herding’ users into like-minded groups and even impairing certain crucial cognitive features. In order to shed light on the debate, this study interviewed eight individuals of the knowledge working community who perform an occupation for which they have no formally recognized certification—therefore creating a natural context for self-directed learning. The assumption was that these individuals may possess tacit skills to harness and/or mediate the features of digital learning. The participants of the study were asked to provide a ‘recipe’ or a list of ‘ingredients’ for effective self-teaching as well as describe, in general, their learning journeys. The interviews were then analyzed using a qualitative methodology to let emerge a dialectal account of the themes that surrounded this experience. These themes were classified using Bouchard’s (2009) four-dimensional framework of learning autonomy. The model aims to characterize the elements of autonomy through the conative (motivational), algorithmic (mechanic), semantic (interpretive) and economic dimensions. While recognizing that motivation and mechanics have been the main focus of most educational research of a learning account, the Bouchard model also includes the role of “meaning making” or the new interpretive implications of rich media as well as the mediating role of economics as a new dimensions that emerged due to digital networks. The results yielded a more comprehensive portrait of the issues that surround learner autonomy as well as a nuanced characterization of the notion of ‘value’ of learning