65 research outputs found

    Evaluating a breast tumor monitoring vest with flexible UWB antennas and realistic phantoms:a proof-of-concept study

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    Abstract. The introduction provides an overview of the global significance of breast cancer as a health concern and the limitations of existing breast cancer screening methods. It introduces the concept of microwave-based breast cancer monitoring and highlights the promising findings from a previous research paper. The objective of the master thesis is presented, which is to develop and evaluate a self-monitoring vest equipped with UWB antennas and channel analysis to overcome the limitations of current screening methods and enable regular breast cancer monitoring from home. The "Background and Literature Review," provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant topics related to microwave techniques for breast cancer detection. It starts by discussing the anatomy of the female breast, highlighting the importance of understanding its structure for effective tumor detection. The section then delves into the microwave properties of the human breast, elucidating the interactions between microwaves and breast tissue. The basic principle of microwave channel analysis is explained, emphasizing its significance in detecting breast tumors. Furthermore, the advantages of microwave-based tumor detection methods are explored, showcasing their potential for improved breast cancer screening. Various microwave techniques used in breast cancer detection, including microwave tomography and radar-based UWB microwave imaging, are discussed, along with different self-monitoring vests integrated with UWB antennas. This section serves as a foundation for the subsequent chapters of the thesis, providing a comprehensive background and literature review to support the research and development of the practical self-monitoring vest for early detection of small-sized breast tumors. The "Preparation of Tissue Phantoms" section in the master’s thesis explores the comprehensive methodology for creating tissue phantoms that replicate the dielectric properties of various human tissues. While the section primarily focuses on fat tissue, it also acknowledges the existence of other phantom types. The outlined approach involves careful ingredient selection, formulation development, fabrication techniques, and stability evaluation for the creation of skin, muscle, fat, tumor, and gland tissue phantoms. By following these procedures, researchers can successfully produce tissue phantoms that closely mimic the properties of real human tissues. These phantoms serve as essential tools for investigating microwave-based applications in medical diagnostics and provide a reliable and versatile platform for further research in the field. The third section discusses the assembly of heterogeneous breast phantoms used for evaluating the performance of the tumor detection vest. The phantoms consisted of outer and inner molds, with the outer molds resembling the shape of a prone human breast. Two breast density types, representing very dense and less dense breasts, were used. For the dense breast phantoms, liquid fat material was solidified in the outer molds, and a glandular liquid was poured into the inner mold, with tumors inserted and covered with additional glandular liquid. For the less dense breast phantoms, fat liquid was solidified in the outer molds, and cylindrical glandular molds were inserted. A skin layer and muscle layer were added to complete the assembly, accurately simulating the composition and structure of a breast. This realistic breast phantom assembly allowed for accurate measurements and evaluation of the vest’s performance under different breast density conditions, contributing to breast imaging research and development. The "Monitoring Vest" section discusses the antennas used in the tumor detection vest and the design of two different vest versions. Antenna1 is a UWB monopole antenna with a flexible laminate substrate, while Antenna2 is a textile-based version of Antenna1. Antenna3 has a Kapton-based substrate and larger dimensions. The combination of these antennas ensures accurate tumor detection in various breast conditions. The section also highlights the measurement and comparison of the S11 parameter for the PCB antenna in free space and when placed on the skin, emphasizing the impact of the skin on antenna performance. The section concludes by describing the design of the vests, including the arrangement of pockets and the use of RF cables for connection. The careful design and implementation of the vests and antenna placement ensure accurate measurements and reliable performance evaluation. The results section of the study shows that the presence of tumors in breast tissue leads to a noticeable decrease in channel attenuation. The higher dielectric properties of tumors cause additional reflections and diffraction, affecting signal propagation within the breast. These changes in channel characteristics are influenced by factors such as tumor size, breast density, and antenna configuration. The study demonstrates the detectability of tumors and provides valuable insights for developing effective tumor detection systems in different breast tissue scenarios. In this master thesis, a prototype of a breast tumor monitoring vest utilizing UWB flexible antennas was developed and evaluated. The research demonstrated the effectiveness of the vest in detecting breast tumors, even as small as 1cm, by leveraging the distinct characteristics of radio channels among multiple on-body antennas embedded in the vest. Higher frequencies in the 7–8 GHz range showed improved resolution and contrast in relative permittivity, enhancing the accuracy of tumor detection. The development of tissue phantoms played a crucial role, enabling reliable experiments to mimic human tissues. Integration of advanced AI algorithms and 6G technology holds promise for enhancing diagnostic capabilities and revolutionizing healthcare. Overall, the breast tumor monitoring vest shows potential for widespread implementation in breast health checks, home monitoring, and wireless healthcare systems

    Tissue Mimicking Materials for Multi-Modality Breast Phantoms

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    The paper proposes two different Tissue Mimicking Material (TMM) techniques for the development of breast phantoms which are suitable for multi-modality imaging. In particular, the focus is on the behavior of dielectric and acoustic properties when fat, sodium chloride and sugar are added to the mixtures

    Improved Resolution and Reduced Clutter in Ultra-Wideband Microwave Imaging Using Cross-Correlated Back Projection: Experimental and Numerical Results

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    Microwave breast cancer detection is based on the dielectric contrast between healthy and malignant tissue. This radar-based imaging method involves illumination of the breast with an ultra-wideband pulse. Detection of tumors within the breast is achieved by some selected focusing technique. Image formation algorithms are tailored to enhance tumor responses and reduce early-time and late-time clutter associated with skin reflections and heterogeneity of breast tissue. In this contribution, we evaluate the performance of the so-called cross-correlated back projection imaging scheme by using a scanning system in phantom experiments. Supplementary numerical modeling based on commercial software is also presented. The phantom is synthetically scanned with a broadband elliptical antenna in a mono-static configuration. The respective signals are pre-processed by a data-adaptive RLS algorithm in order to remove artifacts caused by antenna reverberations and signal clutter. Successful detection of a 7 mm diameter cylindrical tumor immersed in a low permittivity medium was achieved in all cases. Selecting the widely used delay-and-sum (DAS) beamforming algorithm as a benchmark, we show that correlation based imaging methods improve the signal-to-clutter ratio by at least 10 dB and improves spatial resolution through a reduction of the imaged peak full-width half maximum (FWHM) of about 40–50%

    Ultra-wideband antennas

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    The focus of UWB antenna research activity has matured in recent years and currently mainly concentrates on applications such as biomedicine and security. Early UWB antenna designs were driven by the FCC allocation of spectrum in 2002 and focussed on obtaining wide impedance bandwidths with reasonable group delay characteristics. Many of these were simple planar monopoles antennas with canonical geometries. The emergence of new applications channelled the emphasis towards miniaturisation and integration into devices. This required optimisation of the antenna geometries to ensure that good system performance is achieved from the integrated antenna. Many optimisation techniques are available including the spline technique to generate the outline of the antenna element and ground plane. Simple methods based on genetic algorithms are employed and evolutionary algorithms which are capable of optimising for multiple goals are beneficial when multiple antenna parameters are simultaneously investigated. These techniques have proven advantageous especially when time-domain performance is critical and provide solutions for both single-ended and differential feed arrangements. The main applications using UWB channels in the 3.1 GHz −10.6 GHz spectrum are localization and tracking applications, mainly employing impulse radio UWB imaging, and generally using linear polarization. However circularly-polarized UWB antennas have been developed, both directional and omnidirectional and are being investigated across various systems

    Design of Ultra-Wideband MIMO Antenna for Breast Tumor Detection

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    A MIMO antenna composed by microstrip line-fed circular slot antenna is proposed. This antenna is used in ultra-wideband microwave imaging systems aimed for early breast cancer detection. The antenna is designed to operate across the ultra-wideband frequency band in the air. The mutual coupling between the antenna elements has been investigated to be low enough for MIMO medical imaging applications. Both the simulation and measurement results are shown to illustrate the performances of the proposed antenna

    Metamaterial-inspired antenna array for application in microwave breast imaging systems for tumor detection

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    This paper presents a study of a planar antenna-array inspired by the metamaterial concept where the resonant elements have sub-wavelength dimensions for application in microwave medical imaging systems for detecting tumors in biological tissues. The proposed antenna consists of square-shaped concentric-rings which are connected to a central patch through a common feedline. The array structure comprises several antennas that are arranged to surround the sample breast model. One antenna at a time in the array is used in transmission-mode while others are in receive-mode. The antenna array operates over 2-12 GHz amply covering the frequency range of existing microwave imaging systems. Measured results show that compared to a standard patch antenna array the proposed array with identical dimensions exhibits an average radiation gain and efficiency improvement of 4.8 dBi and 18%, respectively. The average reflection-coefficient of the array over its operating range is better than S-11 <= -20 dB making it highly receptive to weak signals and minimizing the distortion encountered with the transmission of short duration pulse-trains. Moreover, the proposed antenna-array exhibits high-isolation on average of 30dB between radiators. This means that antennas in the array (i) can be closely spaced to accommodate more radiators to achieve higher-resolution imaging scans, and (ii) the imagining scans can be done over a wider frequency range to ascertain better contrast in electrical parameters between malignant tumor-tissue and the surrounding normal breast-tissue to facilitate the detection of breast-tumor. It is found that short wavelength gives better resolution. In this experimental study a standard biomedical breast model that mimics a real-human breast in terms of dielectric and optical properties was used to demonstrate the viability of the proposed antenna over a standard patch antenna in the detection and the localization of tumor. These results are encouraging for clinical trials and further refinement of the antenna-array

    Achieving Accuracy in Early Stage Tumor Identification Systems based on Image Segmentation and 3D Structure Analysis

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    Cancer is a disease which can be removed if early stage tumor identification systems efficiently and accurately work at cancer hospitals. As the accuracy in detection of tumor means to detect exact size of the tumor. Because the best way to beat cancer is early stage tumor diagnosis and quality treatment. In this research article an accuracy module is proposed for computer aided tumor diagnosis system. The ultimate proposed CAD gets image of tumor infected lung and breast images from different state of the art early stage tumor detection methodologies as micrographic and mammographic based imaging systems. For accuracy in detection of early stage tumor, image enhancement and segmentation techniques are applied according to the imaging problems at input image. Also for accurate estimation of tumor the 3D image construction and 3D structure analysis are tried to realized. The realization of the proposed CAD proves that the accuracy module can assist well the computer aided tumor diagnosis systems with almost near to 100% accuracy in early stage tumor detection and size estimation for breast and lung cancer. Keywords: Computer Aided Tumor Detection, Accurate identificatio

    Advances in the 3-D forward-backward time-stepping (FBTS) inverse scattering technique for breast cancer detection.

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    This paper presents recent advances in a 3-D inverse scattering technique, called forward-backward time-stepping (FBTS), applied to the reconstruction of the microwave properties of the breast. The FBTS algorithm is utilized for a numerical-based study of a 3-D breast model based on an MRI. Several illumination schemes, based on different microwave transmitter/receiver configurations, are compared based on the quality of the reconstructed images of the breast model. A combination of cylindrical and planar arrays is shown to provide accurate estimates of the model electrical parameters that delineate the various regions of the breast. Although further analysis with this combination array demonstrates that tumors of reduced size and reduced contrast with the surrounding fibroglandular region are much more difficult (and in some cases not possible) to reconstruct, the study presents some promising initial results of a reconstruction technique for breast imaging and cancer detection