35 research outputs found

    Breakdown of heteroclinic orbits for some analytic unfoldings of the Hopf-zero singularity

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    In this paper we study the exponentially small splitting of a heteroclinic orbit in some unfoldings of the central singularity also called Hopf-zero singularity. The fields under consideration are of the form: dx dτ = −δxz − y (α + cδz) + δp+1f(δx, δy, δz, δ) dy dτ = −δyz + x (α + cδz) + δp+1g(δx, δy, δz, δ) dz dτ = δ ?−1 + b(x2 + y2) + z2? + δp+1h(δx, δy, δz, δ), where f, g and h are real analytic functions, α, b and c are constants and δ is a small parameter. When f = g = h = 0 the system has a heteroclinic orbit between the critical points (0, 0,±1) given by: {(x, y) = (0, 0) ;−1 < z < 1}. Let ds,u be the distance between the one dimensional stable and unstable manifold of the perturbed system measured at the plane z = 0. We prove that for any f, g such that ˆm(i α) ?= 0, where ˆm is the Borel transform of the function m(u) = u1+i c(f + i g)(0, 0, u, 0) |ds,u| = 2π ecπ/2 | ˆm(i α)|δp e−π|α|/(2δ)(1 + O(δp+2| log δ|)), p>−2

    Exponentially small heteroclinic breakdown in the generic Hopf-zero singularity

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    In this paper we prove the breakdown of an heteroclinic connection in the analytic versal unfoldings of the generic Hopf-Zero singularity in an open set of the parameter space. This heteroclinic orbit appears at any order if one performs the normal form around the origin, therefore it is a phenomenon "beyond all orders". In this paper we provide a formula for the distance between the corresponding stable and unstable one dimensional manifolds which is given by an exponentially small function in the perturbation parameter. Our result applies both for conservative and dissipative unfoldings

    Breakdown of a 2D heteroclinic connection in the hopf-zero singularity (I)

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    In this paper we study a beyond all orders phenomenon which appears in the analytic unfoldings of the Hopf-zero singularity. It consists in the breakdown of a two-dimensional heteroclinic surface which exists in the truncated normal form of this singularity at any order. The results in this paper are twofold: on the one hand, we give results for generic unfoldings which lead to sharp exponentially small upper bounds of the difference between these manifolds. On the other hand, we provide asymptotic formulas for this difference by means of the Melnikov function for some non-generic unfoldings.Postprint (author's final draft

    Breakdown of a 2D heteroclinic connection in the Hopf-zero singularity (II): The generic case

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    In this paper, we prove the breakdown of the two-dimensional stable and unstable manifolds associated to two saddle-focus points which appear in the unfoldings of the Hopf-zero singularity. The method consists in obtaining an asymptotic formula for the difference between these manifolds which turns to be exponentially small respect to the unfolding parameter. The formula obtained is explicit but depends on the so-called Stokes constants, which arise in the study of the original vector field and which corresponds to the so-called inner equation in singular perturbation theory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Breakdown of heteroclinic orbits for analytic unfoldings of the hopf-zero singularity. The singular case

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    In this paper we prove the breakdown of an heteroclinic connection in the analytic versal unfoldings of the generic Hopf-Zero singularity. This heteroclinic orbit appears at any order if one performs the normal form around the origin, therefore it is a phenomenon \beyond all orders". In this paper we provide a formula for the distance between the correspond- ing stable and unstable one dimensional manifolds which is given by an exponentially small function in the perturbation parameter. Our result applies both for conservative unfoldings and for dissipative ones in some open regions of the parameter planePreprin

    Study of invariant manifolds in two different problems : the Hopf-zero singularity and neural synchrony

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    The main object of study of this thesis are invariant manifolds in the field of dynamical systems. We deal with two different and independent topics, namely, the study of exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds in analytic unfoldings of the Hopf-zero singularity (in Part I) and the applications of dynamical systems in problems inspired by neuroscience (in Part II). In general, this thesis studies both theoretical and applied problems in dynamical systems, using analytical as well as computational tools. In Part I, we consider a certain class of generic unfoldings of the so-called Hopf-zero singularity. One can see that the truncation of the normal form at any finite order of such unfoldings possesses two saddle-focus critical points and, when the parameters lie on a certain curve, they are connected by a one- and a two-dimensional heteroclinic manifolds. However, considering the whole vector field, one expects these heteroclinic connections to be destroyed. This fact can lead to the birth of a homoclinic connection to one of the critical points, producing thus a Shilnikov bifurcation. For the case of C∞C^\infty unfoldings, this was proved by Broer and Vegter during the 80's, but for analytic unfoldings it has remained an open problem. Recently, under some assumptions on the size of the splitting of the heteroclinic connections, Dumortier, Ibáñez, Kokubu and Simó proved the existence of Shilnikov bifurcations in the analytic case. Our study concerns the splitting of the one- and two-dimensional heteroclinic connections. These cannot be detected in the truncation of the normal form at any order, and hence they are exponentially small with respect to one of the perturbation parameters. We give asymptotic formulas of these splittings and, in particular, we prove that under generic conditions the main assumptions made by Dumortier, Ibáñez, Kokubu and Simó hold. In Part II, we deal with tools to provide an accurate prediction of phase variations in an oscillator subject to external stimuli. We construct a method based on the concepts of isochrons, Phase Response Functions (PRF) and Amplitude Response Functions (ARF). In particular, the method can be applied to neurons in a state of repetitive firing. In the special case of a pulse-train periodic stimulus, the application of this theoretical frame leads to a 2D map, one variable controlling phase jumps and the other controlling amplitude jumps. We compare these maps to the classical 1D maps obtained via Phase Response Curves (PRC) and we identify circumstances in which the 2D maps give a more accurate prediction of the synchronization. Moreover, we implement some numerical methods to compute the invariant curves of the 2D maps as well as the dynamics inside these curves. Finally, we compute Arnold tongues of these maps, which allow to determine regions in the parameter space for which the neuron is synchronized to the external input.El principal objecte d'estudi d'aquesta tesi són les varietats invariants en el camp dels sistemes dinàmics. Considerem dos temes diferents i independents, concretament l'estudi de l'escissió exponencialment petita de varietats invariants en desplegaments analí­tics de la singularitat Hopf-zero (a la Part I), i les aplicacions dels sistemes dinàmics en problemes inspirats per la neurociència (a la Part II). A la Part I, considerem una classe de desplegaments genèrics de l'anomenada singularitat Hopf-zero. Es pot veure que el truncament de la forma normal a qualsevol ordre finit d'aquests desplegaments té dos punts crítics de tipus sella-focus i, quan els paràmetres estan sobre una certa corba, estan connectats per dues varietats heteroclí­niques, una d'unidimensional i una de bidimensional. No obstant, si es considera tot el camp vectorial, s'espera que aquestes connexions heteroclí­niques desapareguin. Això pot causar el naixement d'una òrbita homoclí­nica en un dels dos punts crí­tics, produint així­ el que es coneix com una bifurcació de Shilnikov. En el cas de desplegaments C∞C^\infty, això va ser provat per Broer i Vegter durant els anys 80, però el cas de desplegaments analí­tics ha quedat obert. Recentment, sota certes hipòtesis sobre la mida de l'escissió de les connexions heteroclí­niques, Dumortier, Ibáñez, Kokubu i Simó han provat l'existència de bifurcacions de Shilnikov en el cas analític. El nostre estudi consisteix en el càlcul del trencament de les connexions heteroclí­niques. Aquests trencaments no es poden detectar en la forma normal a cap ordre i, per tant, són exponencialment petits en un dels paràmetres de pertorbació. Donem fórmules asimptòtiques d'aquests trencaments i, en particular, provem que sota certes condicions genèriques les principals hipòtesis fetes per Dumortier, Ibàñez, Kokubu i Simó són vàlides. A la Part II, considerem eines per proporcionar una predicció acurada de la variació de fase en un oscil·lador subjecte a estímuls externs. Construïm un mètode basat en els conceptes d'isòcrones, Funcions de Resposta de Fase (PRF, per les seves inicials en anglès) i Funcions de Resposta d'Amplitud (ARF). En particular, el mètode es pot aplicar a neurones en un estat de dispar repetitiu. En el cas especial d'un tren de pulsos periòdic, l'aplicació d'aquest mètode teòric dóna lloc a una aplicació 2D, on una variable controla els canvis de la fase i l'altra els canvis en l'amplitud. Comparem aquestes aplicacions amb les aplicacions 1D clàssiques obtingudes a través de la Corbes de Resposta de Fase (PRC) i identifiquem circumstàncies en què les aplicacions 2D donen una millora substancial de la predicció de sincronització. A més, implementem alguns mètodes numèrics per calcular les corbes invariants de les aplicacions 2D així­ com la dinàmica dins aquestes corbes. Finalment, calculem les llengües d'Arnold corresponents a aquestes aplicacions, que permeten determinar regions en l'espai de paràmetres per a les quals la neurona es sincronitza amb l'estí­mul extern

    The dud canard: Existence of strong canard cycles in R3\mathbb R^3

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    In this paper, we provide a rigorous description of the birth of canard limit cycles in slow-fast systems in R3\mathbb R^3 through the folded saddle-node of type II and the singular Hopf bifurcation. In particular, we prove -- in the analytic case only -- that for all 0<ϵ≪10<\epsilon\ll 1 there is a family of periodic orbits, born in the (singular) Hopf bifurcation and extending to O(1)\mathcal O(1) cycles that follow the strong canard of the folded saddle-node. Our results can be seen as an extension of the canard explosion in R2\mathbb R^2, but in contrast to the planar case, the family of periodic orbits in R3\mathbb R^3 is not explosive. For this reason, we have chosen to call the phenomena in R3\mathbb R^3, the ``dud canard''. The main difficulty of the proof lies in connecting the Hopf cycles with the canard cycles, since these are described in different scalings. As in R2\mathbb R^2, we use blowup to overcome this, but we also have to compensate for the lack of uniformity near the Hopf bifurcation, due to its singular nature; it is a zero-Hopf bifurcation in the limit ϵ=0\epsilon=0. In the present paper, we do so by imposing analyticity of the vector-field. This allows us to prove existence of an invariant slow manifold, that is not normally hyperbolic