72 research outputs found

    Digital Rule of Thumb: A Natural Experiment on Autocomplete in Search Engines

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    Search engines are an essential part of our lives. However, we do not fully understand what affects users\u27 search inputs. One of the most notable features affecting search inputs is autocomplete, an intelligent agent suggesting queries while typing. Understanding the impact of autocomplete helps eCommerce companies retain customers; examining its impact is difficult since all search engines have adopted it, and experiments are risky for firms. We overcome the challenges by leveraging a novel natural experiment of an eCommerce company. Our preliminary results suggest that the deactivation of autocomplete for the incorrect keyword led to a substantial drop in website visits in the PC channel compared to the mobile channel. In addition, website visits substantially shifted from the incorrect keyword to the correct keyword in the mobile channel but not in the PC environment. This short paper is expected to shed new light on our understanding of autocomplete\u27s impact

    Automation in pharmaceutical sector by implementation of artificial intelligence platform: a way forward

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    Worldwide, there are technological advances that swift automation in several aspects of the pharmaceutical industry such as pharmacovigilance, clinical research, medical affairs, and marketing. Innovative technology like artificial intelligence (AI) emphasizes the massive use of the internet for drug development, drug safety, data analytics, communication marketing, and customer engagement to achieve the goal of pharmaceuticals and patient-centric healthcare. Presently, escalating the number of individual case safety reports (ICSRs) necessitate the support of AI in the transformation of drug safety professional. AI can be transformed and evolve the clinical trial process from the conventional method alongside benefited the cutting cost, enhancing the trial quality, and alleviate trial time by almost half. Today, AI may be efficiently implemented to lower the cost of medical information requests, besides the online chatbots to communicate with health care professionals (HCPs) and consumers. There are numerous forthcoming uses of AI which need to be executed for renovation in the field of pharmaceuticals


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    In general, Pesantren are educational institutions that focus on religious knowledge and general knowledge as the focus of learning. But it's different from the Pesantren in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, which implements business education in it. This made the Pesantren the first Pesantren in Yogyakarta based on pre-employment. This is a challenge in itself because in order to market the products in it, various special strategies are needed in an era of intense business competition. In an era that is all internet like now, only with internet, computers and smartphones can be used as a tool to publish promotional activities for Wisata Edukasi Inspirasi Preneurship Al-Mumtaz (WEIPA) products. In making videos on how to make attractive advertisements with just a smartphone and then publishing them on social media, promotional activities can be carried out anywhere and anytime easily. Then create a website, which is about how to use and manage it optimally to support and improve product promotion capabilities. This service has a target of increasing the ability of WEIPA administrators and students in utilizing technology as an efficient medium in driving economic factors and not forgetting religious knowledge as their priority. Keywords: Videograhy, Website, Marketin

    Heterogeneous Rank Effects in Online Marketplace

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    This paper studies the rank effect heterogeneity in the online marketplace and suggests a practical implication for marketing managers to set the optimal digital marketing strategies. Because of the increasing economy of online marketplaces, the position or rank effect is a crucial issue in the marketing literature. The latest literature has focused on the effects of sponsored search results on search engine advertising, though it is known that organic results are more critical than search ads. This research is novel to focus on the effect of organic results in the online marketplace. For analysis on the unit of product level, this paper constructs the rank index through weighted average by keyword search volumes. In the model, the rank effect was specified by the interaction of product-level and category-level averaged variables with the rank index, with the covariates of product-level time-variant variables and two-way fixed effects. Some products were selected randomly to escape the curse of dimensionality. The estimation result suggests that product sales increased in rank and the number of Q&A and reviews. Meanwhile, categories with high price dispersion experienced a lower rank effect, and categories with information asymmetry experienced a lower rank effect. The overall characteristics of the category, such as average price, product attributes, and competition intensity, do not have a significant rank effect. In conclusion, I suggest that marketing managers implement search engine optimization in online marketplaces if their products are in the category with a higher rank effect. This paper finally took a snapshot of the online marketplace by exploiting a vast dataset and extending the marketing literature to the new area. Future research considering hierarchical modeling and endogeneity can investigate more robust and rigorous causality.Chapter 1. Introduction 2 Chapter 2. Literature Review 6 Chapter 3. Data 12 Chapter 4. Model 20 Chapter 5. Results 21 Chapter 6. Discussion 26 Bibliography 30 Abstract in Korean 34Maste

    Descripció i avaluació de tècniques de monetització passiva de llocs web temàtics

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    El SEM (Search Engine Marketing) es un conjunto de acciones, estrategias y técnicas orientadas a aumentar la visibilidad y el tráfico de usuarios hacia determinados sitios web gracias a los motores de búsqueda, especialmente a las herramientas que éstos ponen a disposición de los webmasters para elaborar campañas de marketing a través de la publicidad basada en clics. Este hecho ha propiciado el florecimiento de un sector profesional orientado a la monetización de sitios web de forma pasiva, a través de los contratos de publicidad concertados entre los webmasters y los buscadores, especialmente Google. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es identificar y categorizar un conjunto exhaustivo de buenas y malas prácticas en la monetización pasiva de sitios web. Para ello se evaluarán un conjunto de casos de estudio (sitios web temáticos) caracterizados por trabajar en nichos potenciales de mercado. El trabajo partirá de una descripción pormenorizada del SEM y la aparición de prácticas profesionales centradas en la monetización de sitios web, destacando su surgimiento en el mercado de la Web, sus principales características, las disciplinas que lo conforman, los profesionales que lo abordan, así como distintos casos de éxito. Posteriormente se seleccionará un conjunto de casos reales de sitios web temáticos y se analizarán de forma externa (sin ser los webmasters) las prácticas de monetización llevadas a cabo. Finalmente se realizará una propuesta de categorización de buenas y malas prácticas, que puedan ser utilizadas como guías de trabajo para los futuros profesionales. BIBLIOGRAFÍA Cristóbal, J. (2012). Nichos de mercado: Posicionamiento SEO mediante palabras clave. Javier Cristóbal. Dou, W., Lim, K. H., Su, C., Zhou, N., & Cui, N. (2010). Brand positioning strategy using search engine marketing. Mis Quarterly, 261-279. Roca, G. (2008). Modelos de negocio en las redes sociales. TELOS 76: Redes Sociales, 76, 85. Martínez, Manuel Goyanes. "Monetizar el periodismo digital. La hoja de ruta en la que el lector es el eslabón fundamental." Razón y palabra 81 (2012): 49-9. Sen, R. (2005). Optimal search engine marketing strategy. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(1), 9-25.SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is a set of actions, strategies and techniques aimed at increasing the visibility and traffic of users to certain websites through search engines, especially the tools that these engines make available to webmasters to develope marketing campaigns through click-based advertising. This fact has led to the flourishing of a professional sector aimed at the passive monetization of websites, through advertising contracts concluded between webmasters and search engines, especially Google. The main objective of this work is to identify and categorize an exhaustive set of good and bad practices in the websites' passive monetization. For this, a set of case studies (thematic websites) characterized by working in potential market niches will be evaluated. The work will start from a detailed description of the SEM and the emergence of professional practices focused on the monetization of websites, highlighting its emergence in the Web market, its main features, the disciplines that comprise it, the professionals that address it, as well as as different success stories. Subsequently, a set of real cases of thematic websites will be selected and the monetization practices carried out will be analyzed externally (without being the webmasters). Finally, a proposal of categorization of good and bad practices will be made, which can be used as work guides for future professionals. REFERENCES Cristóbal, J. (2012). Nichos de mercado: Posicionamiento SEO mediante palabras clave. Javier Cristóbal. Dou, W., Lim, K. H., Su, C., Zhou, N., & Cui, N. (2010). Brand positioning strategy using search engine marketing. Mis Quarterly, 261-279. Roca, G. (2008). Modelos de negocio en las redes sociales. TELOS 76: Redes Sociales, 76, 85. Martínez, Manuel Goyanes. "Monetizar el periodismo digital. La hoja de ruta en la que el lector es el eslabón fundamental." Razón y palabra 81 (2012): 49-9. Sen, R. (2005). Optimal search engine marketing strategy. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(1), 9-25.Tomás Villagrasa, L. (2018). Descripció i avaluació de tècniques de monetització passiva de llocs web temàtics. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/110857TFG

    Keyword Search Patterns in Sponsored Link Advertisements

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    Over time, an online user searching for information about an idea or product may enter multiple search engine queries, thus creating a keyword search pattern from which the user’s intent may be inferable. Our research seeks to establish the relationship between these patterns and user actions, specifically their purchase behavior. To test our hypotheses, we examine a unique dataset from a large Asian travel agency; the dataset includes search engine and on-site behavior from over a million users during a one year span. We have developed a typology for the coding of search queries used and determining the level of specificity and breadth as well as content type for each of well over two million unique searches. Once coded, our analysis will allow us to identify types of patterns and test our hypotheses, thus providing important findings regarding the relationship between search patterns and behavior

    Foraging Online: Understanding How Search Features Influence the Development of Information Search Tactics and Strategies

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    Online information search behaviour are increasingly pervasive and important in the current era of big data. The design of search features that accommodate to information search behaviour relies on an extensive understanding of how searchers develop search tactics and search strategies. Through the lens of foraging theory, I argue the each type of search features enables a specific search tactic, that is, how searchers advance their search with their minds and actions in accord to the inherent constraints posed by a certain search feature. Furthermore, I hypothesize that the search tactics adopted by a searcher influence his/her search strategy, meaning the planning of the whole search process, and ultimately determines the search outcome. To empirically validate the hypothesis posited in this proposal, I developed an experimental restaurant review website with four contemporary search features implemented. Real information of 1079 restaurants in San Franciscon along with about 268k reviews for these restaurants written by nearly 91k dinners are scraped to populate this website. Future experiment is planned to collect participants’ objective search behavioural data as well as their quantitative and qualitative feedback regarding the search process in order to triangulate my hypotheses

    The effects of digital media buying on advertisers

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    Although the Internet has become the essence of communication, from an advertiser’s perspective digital advertising remains underexplored. This paper examines the effects of digital media buying efforts on advertisers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while looking into the methodology of digital media usage behind the actual effects. A combination of secondary research analysis and qualitative research techniques was used. The empirical part is based on in-depth interviews with advertisers and representatives from the digital advertising industry.Perceptions and knowledge of digital advertising are the key drivers for a successful implementation of digital media buying, and advertisers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are aware of its most distinctive qualities. The success of the media buying campaigns relies on brand objectives and choosing the means suited for fulfilling the given goals, which in turn leads to the findings that the focus of companies’ strategies is directed towards the cost-efficient medium usage, rather than solely performance-oriented ones. Measurement of the effects and return on the investment depends on the success of setting up a goal and isolating digital from other marketing efforts