9 research outputs found

    Brain explorer for connectomic analysis

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    Visualization plays a vital role in the analysis of multimodal neuroimaging data. A major challenge in neuroimaging visualization is how to integrate structural, functional, and connectivity data to form a comprehensive visual context for data exploration, quality control, and hypothesis discovery. We develop a new integrated visualization solution for brain imaging data by combining scientific and information visualization techniques within the context of the same anatomical structure. In this paper, new surface texture techniques are developed to map non-spatial attributes onto both 3D brain surfaces and a planar volume map which is generated by the proposed volume rendering technique, spherical volume rendering. Two types of non-spatial information are represented: (1) time series data from resting-state functional MRI measuring brain activation; (2) network properties derived from structural connectivity data for different groups of subjects, which may help guide the detection of differentiation features. Through visual exploration, this integrated solution can help identify brain regions with highly correlated functional activations as well as their activation patterns. Visual detection of differentiation features can also potentially discover image-based phenotypic biomarkers for brain diseases

    Integrated Visualization of Human Brain Connectome Data

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    Visualization plays a vital role in the analysis of multi-modal neuroimaging data. A major challenge in neuroimaging visualization is how to integrate structural, functional and connectivity data to form a comprehensive visual context for data exploration, quality control, and hypothesis discovery. We develop a new integrated visualization solution for brain imaging data by combining scientific and information visualization techniques within the context of the same anatomic structure. New surface texture techniques are developed to map non-spatial attributes onto the brain surfaces from MRI scans. Two types of non-spatial information are represented: (1) time-series data from resting-state functional MRI measuring brain activation; (2) network properties derived from structural connectivity data for different groups of subjects, which may help guide the detection of differentiation features. Through visual exploration, this integrated solution can help identify brain regions with highly correlated functional activations as well as their activation patterns. Visual detection of differentiation features can also potentially discover image based phenotypic biomarkers for brain diseases

    GPU Accelerated Browser for Neuroimaging Genomics

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    Neuroimaging genomics is an emerging field that provides exciting opportunities to understand the genetic basis of brain structure and function. The unprecedented scale and complexity of the imaging and genomics data, however, have presented critical computational bottlenecks. In this work we present our initial efforts towards building an interactive visual exploratory system for mining big data in neuroimaging genomics. A GPU accelerated browsing tool for neuroimaging genomics is created that implements the ANOVA algorithm for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) based analysis and the VEGAS algorithm for gene-based analysis, and executes them at interactive rates. The ANOVA algorithm is 110 times faster than the 4-core OpenMP version, while the VEGAS algorithm is 375 times faster than its 4-core OpenMP counter part. This approach lays a solid foundation for researchers to address the challenges of mining large-scale imaging genomics datasets via interactive visual exploration

    Bayesian pathway analysis over brain network mediators for survival data

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    Technological advancements in noninvasive imaging facilitate the construction of whole brain interconnected networks, known as brain connectivity. Existing approaches to analyze brain connectivity frequently disaggregate the entire network into a vector of unique edges or summary measures, leading to a substantial loss of information. Motivated by the need to explore the effect mechanism among genetic exposure, brain connectivity and time to disease onset, we propose an integrative Bayesian framework to model the effect pathway between each of these components while quantifying the mediating role of brain networks. To accommodate the biological architectures of brain connectivity constructed along white matter fiber tracts, we develop a structural modeling framework that includes a symmetric matrix-variate accelerated failure time model and a symmetric matrix response regression to characterize the effect paths. We further impose within-graph sparsity and between-graph shrinkage to identify informative network configurations and eliminate the interference of noisy components. Extensive simulations confirm the superiority of our method compared with existing alternatives. By applying the proposed method to the landmark Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative study, we obtain neurobiologically plausible insights that may inform future intervention strategies

    Decoding Task-Based fMRI Data Using Graph Neural Networks, Considering Individual Differences

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    Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a non-invasive technology that provides high spatial resolution in determining the human brain\u27s responses and measures regional brain activity through metabolic changes in blood oxygen consumption associated with neural activity. Task fMRI provides an opportunity to analyze the working mechanisms of the human brain during specific task performance. Over the past several years, a variety of computational methods have been proposed to decode task fMRI data that can identify brain regions associated with different task stimulations. Despite the advances made by these methods, several limitations exist due to graph representations and graph embeddings transferred from task fMRI signals. In the present study, we proposed an end-to-end graph convolutional network by combining the convolutional neural network with graph representation, with three convolutional layers to classify task fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project (302 participants, 22–35 years of age). One goal of this dissertation was to improve classification performance. We applied four of the most widely used node embedding algorithms—NetMF, RandNE, Node2Vec, and Walklets—to automatically extract the structural properties of the nodes in the brain functional graph, then evaluated the performance of the classification model. The empirical results indicated that the proposed GCN framework accurately identified the brain\u27s state in task fMRI data and achieved comparable macro F1 scores of 0.978 and 0.976 with the NetMF and RandNE embedding methods, respectively. Another goal of the dissertation was to assess the effects of individual differences (i.e., gender and fluid intelligence) on classification performance. We tested the proposed GCN framework on sub-datasets divided according to gender and fluid intelligence. Experimental results indicated significant differences in the classification predictions of gender, but not high/low fluid intelligence fMRI data. Our experiments yielded promising results and demonstrated the superior ability of our GCN in modeling task fMRI data

    Using brain connectomics to detect functional connectivity differences in Alzheimer's disease

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Prodromal Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has recently been identified as a disease state where pathophysiological changes may progress despite the absence of significant clinical symptoms. Yet, the specific processes of neural dysfunction occurring during this preclinical phase remain unclear. Resting state fMRI (RS-fMRI) in combination with brain connectomic measurements may be able to provide ways to measure subtle connectivity changes in different neurological disease states. For instance, RS-fMRI scans allow us to determine functionally connected yet spatially distinct brain regions that can then be separated into resting-state networks (RSNs). More recently, the exploration of RSNs in disease states have proved promising since they have been reliably altered when compared to a control population. By using brain connectomic approaches to assess functional connectivity we can evaluate the human connectome from a different and more global perspective to help us better understand and detect prodromal neurodegenerative disease states

    Brain explorer for connectomic analysis

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    Visualization plays a vital role in the analysis of multimodal neuroimaging data. A major challenge in neuroimaging visualization is how to integrate structural, functional, and connectivity data to form a comprehensive visual context for data exploration, quality control, and hypothesis discovery. We develop a new integrated visualization solution for brain imaging data by combining scientific and information visualization techniques within the context of the same anatomical structure. In this paper, new surface texture techniques are developed to map non-spatial attributes onto both 3D brain surfaces and a planar volume map which is generated by the proposed volume rendering technique, spherical volume rendering. Two types of non-spatial information are represented: (1) time series data from resting-state functional MRI measuring brain activation; (2) network properties derived from structural connectivity data for different groups of subjects, which may help guide the detection of differentiation features. Through visual exploration, this integrated solution can help identify brain regions with highly correlated functional activations as well as their activation patterns. Visual detection of differentiation features can also potentially discover image-based phenotypic biomarkers for brain diseases


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    <p>Brain connectome network visualization could help the neurologists inspect the brain structure easily and quickly. In the thesis, the model of the brain connectome network is visualized in both three dimensions (3D) environment and two dimensions (2D) environment. One is named “Brain Explorer for Connectomic Analysis” (BECA) developed by the previous research already. It could present the 3D model of brain structure with region of interests (ROIs) in different colors [5]. The other is mainly for the information visualization of brain connectome in 2D. It adopts the force-directed layout to visualize the network. However, the brain network visualization could not bring the user intuitively ideas about brain structure. Sometimes, with the increasing scales of ROIs (nodes), the visualization would bring more visual clutter for readers [3]. So, brain connectome network properties visualization becomes a useful complement to brain network visualization. For a better understanding of the effect of Alzheimer’s disease on the brain nerves, the thesis introduces several methods about the brain graph properties visualization. There are the five selected graph properties discussed in the thesis. The degree and closeness are node properties. The shortest path, maximum flow, and clique are edge properties. Except for clique, the other properties are visualized in both 3D and 2D. The clique is visualized only in 2D. For the clique, a new hypergraph visualization method is proposed with three different algorithms. Instead of using an extra node to present a clique, the thesis uses a “belt” to connect all nodes within the same clique. The methods of node connections are based on the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and Law of cosines. In addition, the thesis also applies the result of the clique to adjust the force-directed layout of brain graph in 2D to dramatically eliminate the visual clutter. Therefore, with the support of the graph properties visualization, the brain connectome network visualization tools become more flexible.</p