4 research outputs found

    Bounds for the mm-Eternal Domination Number of a Graph

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    Mobile guards on the vertices of a graph are used to defend the graph against an infinite sequence of attacks on vertices. A guard must move from a neighboring vertex to an attacked vertex (we assume attacks happen only at vertices containing no guard and that each vertex contains at most one guard). More than one guard is allowed to move in response to an attack. The mm-eternaldomination number, \edom(G), of a graph GG is the minimum number of guards needed to defend GG against any such sequence. We show that if GG is a connected graph with minimum degree at least~22 and of order~n≥5n \ge 5, then \edom(G) \le \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor, and this bound is tight. We also prove that if GG is a cubic bipartite graph of order~nn, then \edom(G) \le \frac{7n}{16}

    Perpetually Dominating Large Grids

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    In the Eternal Domination game, a team of guard tokens initially occupies a dominating set on a graph G. A rioter then picks a node without a guard on it and attacks it. The guards defend against the attack: one of them has to move to the attacked node, while each remaining one can choose to move to one of his neighboring nodes. The new guards' placement must again be dominating. This attack-defend procedure continues perpetually. The guards win if they can eternally maintain a dominating set against any sequence of attacks, otherwise the rioter wins. We study rectangular grids and provide the first known general upper bound for these graphs. Our novel strategy implements a square rotation principle and eternally dominates m x n grids by using approximately (mn)/5 guards, which is asymptotically optimal even for ordinary domination

    Bounds for the mm-Eternal Domination Number of a Graph

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    Mobile guards on the vertices of a graph are used to defend the graph against an infinite sequence of attacks on vertices. A guard must move from a neighboring vertex to an attacked vertex (we assume attacks happen only at vertices containing no guard and that each vertex contains at most one guard). More than one guard is allowed to move in response to an attack. The mm-eternaldomination number, \edom(G), of a graph GG is the minimum number of guards needed to defend GG against any such sequence. We show that if GG is a connected graph with minimum degree at least~22 and of order~n≥5n \ge 5, then \edom(G) \le \left\lfloor \frac{n-1}{2} \right\rfloor, and this bound is tight. We also prove that if GG is a cubic bipartite graph of order~nn, then \edom(G) \le \frac{7n}{16}