7 research outputs found

    Oracle Complexity Classes and Local Measurements on Physical Hamiltonians

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    The canonical problem for the class Quantum Merlin-Arthur (QMA) is that of estimating ground state energies of local Hamiltonians. Perhaps surprisingly, [Ambainis, CCC 2014] showed that the related, but arguably more natural, problem of simulating local measurements on ground states of local Hamiltonians (APX-SIM) is likely harder than QMA. Indeed, [Ambainis, CCC 2014] showed that APX-SIM is P^QMA[log]-complete, for P^QMA[log] the class of languages decidable by a P machine making a logarithmic number of adaptive queries to a QMA oracle. In this work, we show that APX-SIM is P^QMA[log]-complete even when restricted to more physical Hamiltonians, obtaining as intermediate steps a variety of related complexity-theoretic results. We first give a sequence of results which together yield P^QMA[log]-hardness for APX-SIM on well-motivated Hamiltonians: (1) We show that for NP, StoqMA, and QMA oracles, a logarithmic number of adaptive queries is equivalent to polynomially many parallel queries. These equalities simplify the proofs of our subsequent results. (2) Next, we show that the hardness of APX-SIM is preserved under Hamiltonian simulations (a la [Cubitt, Montanaro, Piddock, 2017]). As a byproduct, we obtain a full complexity classification of APX-SIM, showing it is complete for P, P^||NP, P^||StoqMA, or P^||QMA depending on the Hamiltonians employed. (3) Leveraging the above, we show that APX-SIM is P^QMA[log]-complete for any family of Hamiltonians which can efficiently simulate spatially sparse Hamiltonians, including physically motivated models such as the 2D Heisenberg model. Our second focus considers 1D systems: We show that APX-SIM remains P^QMA[log]-complete even for local Hamiltonians on a 1D line of 8-dimensional qudits. This uses a number of ideas from above, along with replacing the "query Hamiltonian" of [Ambainis, CCC 2014] with a new "sifter" construction.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figure

    Sparse Selfreducible Sets and Nonuniform Lower Bounds

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    It is well-known that the class of sets that can be computed by polynomial size circuits is equal to the class of sets that are polynomial time reducible to a sparse set. It is widely believed, but unfortunately up to now unproven, that there are sets in (Formula presented.), or even in (Formula presented.) that are not computable by polynomial size circuits and hence are not reducible to a sparse set. In this paper we study this question in a more restricted setting: what is the computational complexity of sparse sets that are selfreducible? It follows from earlier work of Lozano and Torán (in: Mathematical systems theory, 1991) that (Formula presented.) does not have sparse selfreducible hard sets. We define a natural version of selfreduction, tree-selfreducibility, and show that (Formula presented.) does not have sparse tree-selfreducible hard sets. We also construct an oracle relative to which all of (Formula presented.) is reducible to a sparse tree-selfreducible set. These lower bounds are corollaries of more general results about the computational complexity of sparse sets that are selfreducible, and can be interpreted as super-polynomial circuit lower bounds for (Formula presented.)

    A novel characterization of the complexity class based on counting and comparison

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    This is the author's accepted versionFinal version available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThe complexity class Θ2P, which is the class of languages recognizable by deterministic Turing machines in polynomial time with at most logarithmic many calls to an NP oracle, received extensive attention in the literature. Its complete problems can be characterized by different specific tasks, such as deciding whether the optimum solution of an NP problem is unique, or whether it is in some sense “odd” (e.g., whether its size is an odd number). In this paper, we introduce a new characterization of this class and its generalization ΘkP to the k-th level of the polynomial hierarchy. We show that problems in ΘkP are also those whose solution involves deciding, for two given sets A and B of instances of two Σk−1P-complete (or Πk−1P-complete) problems, whether the number of “yes”-instances in A is greater than those in B. Moreover, based on this new characterization, we provide a novel sufficient condition for ΘkP-hardness. We also define the general problem Comp-Validk, which is proven here Θk+1P-complete. Comp-Validk is the problem of deciding, given two sets A and B of quantified Boolean formulas with at most k alternating quantifiers, whether the number of valid formulas in A is greater than those in B. Notably, the problem Comp-Sat of deciding whether a set contains more satisfiable Boolean formulas than another set, which is a particular case of Comp-Valid1, demonstrates itself as a very intuitive Θ2P-complete problem. Nonetheless, to our knowledge, it eluded its formal definition to date. In fact, given its strict adherence to the count-and-compare semantics here introduced, Comp-Validk is among the most suitable tools to prove ΘkP-hardness of problems involving the counting and comparison of the number of “yes”-instances in two sets. We support this by showing that the Θ2P-hardness of the Max voting scheme over mCP-nets is easily obtained via the new characterization of ΘkP introduced in this paper.This work was supported by the UK EPSRC grants EP/J008346/1, EP/L012138/1, and EP/M025268/1, and by The Alan Turing Institute under the EPSRC grant EP/N510129/1. We thank Dominik Peters and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on a preliminary version of the paper

    On Polynomially Many Queries to NP or QMA Oracles

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    We study the complexity of problems solvable in deterministic polynomial time with access to an NP or Quantum Merlin-Arthur (QMA)-oracle, such as PNPP^{NP} and PQMAP^{QMA}, respectively. The former allows one to classify problems more finely than the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy (PH), whereas the latter characterizes physically motivated problems such as Approximate Simulation (APX-SIM) [Ambainis, CCC 2014]. In this area, a central role has been played by the classes PNP[log]P^{NP[\log]} and PQMA[log]P^{QMA[\log]}, defined identically to PNPP^{NP} and PQMAP^{QMA}, except that only logarithmically many oracle queries are allowed. Here, [Gottlob, FOCS 1993] showed that if the adaptive queries made by a PNPP^{NP} machine have a "query graph" which is a tree, then this computation can be simulated in PNP[log]P^{NP[\log]}. In this work, we first show that for any verification class C{NP,MA,QCMA,QMA,QMA(2),NEXP,QMAexp}C\in\{NP,MA,QCMA,QMA,QMA(2),NEXP,QMA_{\exp}\}, any PCP^C machine with a query graph of "separator number" ss can be simulated using deterministic time exp(slogn)\exp(s\log n) and slogns\log n queries to a CC-oracle. When sO(1)s\in O(1) (which includes the case of O(1)O(1)-treewidth, and thus also of trees), this gives an upper bound of PC[log]P^{C[\log]}, and when sO(logk(n))s\in O(\log^k(n)), this yields bound QPC[logk+1]QP^{C[\log^{k+1}]} (QP meaning quasi-polynomial time). We next show how to combine Gottlob's "admissible-weighting function" framework with the "flag-qubit" framework of [Watson, Bausch, Gharibian, 2020], obtaining a unified approach for embedding PCP^C computations directly into APX-SIM instances in a black-box fashion. Finally, we formalize a simple no-go statement about polynomials (c.f. [Krentel, STOC 1986]): Given a multi-linear polynomial pp specified via an arithmetic circuit, if one can "weakly compress" pp so that its optimal value requires mm bits to represent, then PNPP^{NP} can be decided with only mm queries to an NP-oracle.Comment: 46 pages pages, 5 figures, to appear in ITCS 202

    Average Dependence and Random Oracles (Preliminary Report)

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    This paper is a technical investigation of issues in computational complexity theory relative to a random oracle. We introduce “average dependence,” an alternative method to Bennett and Gill’s “measure preserving map technique and illustrate our technique by the following results


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