15 research outputs found

    Unifying Functional Interpretations: Past and Future

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    This article surveys work done in the last six years on the unification of various functional interpretations including G\"odel's dialectica interpretation, its Diller-Nahm variant, Kreisel modified realizability, Stein's family of functional interpretations, functional interpretations "with truth", and bounded functional interpretations. Our goal in the present paper is twofold: (1) to look back and single out the main lessons learnt so far, and (2) to look forward and list several open questions and possible directions for further research.Comment: 18 page

    The Herbrand Topos

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    We define a new topos, the Herbrand topos, inspired by the modified realizability topos and our earlier work on Herbrand realizability. We also introduce the category of Herbrand assemblies and characterise these as the double-negation-separated objects in the Herbrand topos. In addition, we show that the category of sets is included as the category of double-negation-sheaves and prove that the inclusion functor preserves and reflects validity of first-order formulas

    Herbrandized modified realizability

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    Realizability notions in mathematical logic have a long history, which can be tracedback to the work of Stephen Kleene in the 1940s, aimed at exploring the foundations ofintuitionistic logic. Kleene’s initial realizability laid the ground for more sophisticatednotions such as Kreisel’s modified realizability and various modern approaches. Inthis context, our work aligns with the lineage of realizability strategies that emphasizethe accumulation, rather than the propagation of precise witnesses. In this paper, weintroduce a new notion of realizability, namely herbrandized modified realizability.This novel form of (cumulative) realizability, presented within the framework of semi-intuitionistic logic is based on a recently developed star combinatory calculus, whichenables the gathering of witnesses into nonempty finite sets. We also show that theprevious analysis can be extended from logic to (Heyting) arithmetic.The authors are grateful to Fernando Ferreira for interesting discussions on the topic. They extend their gratitude to the anonymous referee for providing valuable suggestions, which inspired the addition of Sect. 4.3 to the manuscript. Both authors acknowledge the support of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the Projects: UIDB/04561/2020, UIDB/00408/2020 and UIDP/00408/2020 and are also grateful to Centro de Matemática, Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional (Universidade de Lisboa). The first author is also grateful to LASIGE - Computer Science and Engineering Research Centre Herbrandized modified realizability (Universidade de Lisboa). The second author also benefitted from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia doctoral Grant 2022.12585.BD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A functional interpretation for nonstandard arithmetic

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    We introduce constructive and classical systems for nonstandard arithmetic and show how variants of the functional interpretations due to Goedel and Shoenfield can be used to rewrite proofs performed in these systems into standard ones. These functional interpretations show in particular that our nonstandard systems are conservative extensions of extensional Heyting and Peano arithmetic in all finite types, strengthening earlier results by Moerdijk, Palmgren, Avigad and Helzner. We will also indicate how our rewriting algorithm can be used for term extraction purposes. To conclude the paper, we will point out some open problems and directions for future research and mention some initial results on saturation principles

    A herbrandized functional interpretation of classical first-order logic

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    We introduce a new typed combinatory calculus with a type constructor that, to each type σ, associates the star type σ^∗ of the nonempty finite subsets of elements of type σ. We prove that this calculus enjoys the properties of strong normalization and confluence. With the aid of this star combinatory calculus, we define a functional interpretation of first-order predicate logic and prove a corresponding soundness theorem. It is seen that each theorem of classical first-order logic is connected with certain formulas which are tautological in character. As a corollary, we reprove Herbrand’s theorem on the extraction of terms from classically provable existential statements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Functional interpretations and applications

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    Functional interpretations are maps of formulas from the language of one theory into the language of another theory, in such a way that provability is preserved. These interpretations typically replace logical relations by functional relations. Functional interpretations have many uses, such as relative consistency results, conservation results, and extraction of computational content from proofs as is the case in the so-called proof mining program. I will present several recent functional interpretations and some results that come from these interpretations. I will also give examples of application of functional interpretations, in the spirit of the proof mining program

    Proceedings of the 8th Scandinavian Logic Symposium

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    Stateful Realizers for Nonstandard Analysis

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    In this paper we propose a new approach to realizability interpretations for nonstandard arithmetic. We deal with nonstandard analysis in the context of (semi)intuitionistic realizability, focusing on the Lightstone-Robinson construction of a model for nonstandard analysis through an ultrapower. In particular, we consider an extension of the λ\lambda-calculus with a memory cell, that contains an integer (the state), in order to indicate in which slice of the ultrapower MN\cal{M}^{\mathbb{N}} the computation is being done. We pay attention to the nonstandard principles (and their computational content) obtainable in this setting. In particular, we give non-trivial realizers to Idealization and a non-standard version of the LLPO principle. We then discuss how to quotient this product to mimic the Lightstone-Robinson construction