10 research outputs found

    Lazy-CSeq-SP: Boosting Sequentialization-Based Verification of Multi-threaded C Programs via Symbolic Pruning of Redundant Schedules

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    Abstract. Sequentialization has been shown to be an effective symbolic verification technique for concurrent C programs using POSIX threads. Lazy-CSeq, a tool that applies a lazy sequentialization scheme, has won the Concurrency division of the last two editions of the Competition on Software Verification. The tool encodes all thread schedules up to a given bound into a single non-deterministic sequential C program and then invokes a C model checker. This paper presents a novel optimized imple-mentation of lazy sequentialization, which integrates symbolic pruning of redundant schedules into the encoding. Experimental evaluation shows that our tool outperforms Lazy-CSeq significantly on many benchmarks

    Bounded model checking of multi-threaded c programs via lazy sequentialization

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    Bounded model checking (BMC) has successfully been used for many practical program verification problems, but concurrency still poses a challenge. Here we describe a new approach to BMC of sequentially consistent C programs using POSIX threads. Our approach first translates a multi-threaded C program into a nondeterministic sequential C program that preserves reachability for all round-robin schedules with a given bound on the number of rounds. It then re-uses existing high-performance BMC tools as backends for the sequential verification problem. Our translation is carefully designed to introduce very small memory overheads and very few sources of nondeterminism, so that it produces tight SAT/SMT formulae, and is thus very effective in practice: our prototype won the concurrency category of SV-COMP14. It solved all verification tasks successfully and was 30x faster than the best tool with native concurrency handling.<br/

    Automatic verification of multi-threaded programs by inference of rely-guarantee specifications

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    Ministry of Education, Singapore under its Academic Research Funding Tier 2; National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapor

    Symbolic Partial-Order Execution for Testing Multi-Threaded Programs

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    We describe a technique for systematic testing of multi-threaded programs. We combine Quasi-Optimal Partial-Order Reduction, a state-of-the-art technique that tackles path explosion due to interleaving non-determinism, with symbolic execution to handle data non-determinism. Our technique iteratively and exhaustively finds all executions of the program. It represents program executions using partial orders and finds the next execution using an underlying unfolding semantics. We avoid the exploration of redundant program traces using cutoff events. We implemented our technique as an extension of KLEE and evaluated it on a set of large multi-threaded C programs. Our experiments found several previously undiscovered bugs and undefined behaviors in memcached and GNU sort, showing that the new method is capable of finding bugs in industrial-size benchmarks.Comment: Extended version of a paper presented at CAV'2

    Testing Non-termination in Multi-threaded programs

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    We study the problem of detecting non - termination in multi - threaded programs due to unwanted race conditions. We claim that the cause of non-termination can be attributed to the presence of at least two loops in two different threads, where the valuations of the loop controlling parameters are inter-dependent, i.e., value of one parameter in one thread depends on the execution sequence in the other thread and vice versa. In this thesis, we propose a testing based technique to analyze finite execution sequences and infer the likelihood of non-termination scenarios. Our technique is a light weight, flexible testing based approach that can be paired with any testing technique. We claim that testing based methods are likely to be scalable to large programs as opposed to static analysis methods. We present an outline of our implementation and prove the feasibility of our approach by presenting case studies on tailored sample programs. We discuss the applicability of our approach to real world larger programs through experimental results. We conclude by discussing the limitations of our approach and future avenues of research along this line of work

    Verification and Enforcement of Safe Schedules for Concurrent Programs

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    Automated software verification can prove the correctness of a program with respect to a given specification and may be a valuable support in the difficult task of ensuring the quality of large software systems. However, the automated verification of concurrent software can be particularly challenging due to the vast complexity that non-deterministic scheduling causes. This thesis is concerned with techniques that reduce the complexity of concurrent programs in order to ease the verification task. We approach this problem from two orthogonal directions: state space reduction and reduction of non-determinism in executions of concurrent programs. Following the former direction, we present an algorithm for dynamic partial-order reduction, a state space reduction technique that avoids the verification of redundant executions. Our algorithm, EPOR, eagerly creates schedules for program fragments. In comparison to other dynamic partial-order reduction algorithms, it avoids redundant race and dependency checks. Our experiments show that EPOR runs considerably faster than a state-of-the-art algorithm, which allows in several cases to analyze programs with a higher number of threads within a given timeout. In the latter direction, we present a formal framework for using incomplete verification results to extract safe schedulers. As incomplete verification results do not need to proof the correctness of all possible executions of a program, their complexity can be significantly lower than complete verification results. Hence, they can be faster obtained. We constrain the scheduling of programs but not their inputs in order to preserve their full functionality. In our framework, executions under the scheduling constraints of an incomplete verification result are safe, deadlock-free, and fair. We instantiate our framework with the Impact model checking algorithm and find in our evaluation that it can be used to model check programs that are intractable for monolithic model checkers, synthesize synchronization via assume statements, and guarantee fair executions. In order to safely execute a program within the set of executions covered by an incomplete verification, scheduling needs to be constrained. We discuss how to extract and encode schedules from incomplete verification results, for both finite and infinite executions, and how to efficiently enforce scheduling constraints, both in terms of reducing the time to look up permission of executing the next event and executing independent events concurrently (by applying partial-order reduction). A drawback of enforcing scheduling constraints is a potential overhead in the execution time. However, in several cases, constrained executions turned out to be even faster than unconstrained executions. Our experimental results show that iteratively relaxing a schedule can significantly reduce this overhead. Hence, it is possible to adjust the incurred execution time overhead in order to find a sweet spot with respect to the amount of effort for creating schedules (i.e., the duration of verification). Interestingly, we found cases in which a much earlier reduction of execution time overhead is obtained by choosing favorable scheduling constraints, which suggests that execution time performance does not simply rely on the number of scheduling constraints but to a large extend also on their structure