61 research outputs found

    Subdivision surfaces with creases and truncated multiple knot lines

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    We deal with subdivision schemes based on arbitrary degree B-splines. We focus on extraordinary knots which exhibit various levels of complexity in terms of both valency and multiplicity of knot lines emanating from such knots. The purpose of truncated multiple knot lines is to model creases which fair out. Our construction supports any degree and any knot line multiplicity and provides a modelling framework familiar to users used to B-splines and NURBS systems

    Subdivision surfaces with isogeometric analysis adapted refinement weights

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    Subdivision surfaces provide an elegant isogeometric analysis framework for geometric design and analysis of partial differential equations defined on surfaces. They are already a standard in high-end computer animation and graphics and are becoming available in a number of geometric modelling systems for engineering design. The subdivision refinement rules are usually adapted from knot insertion rules for splines. The quadrilateral Catmull-Clark scheme considered in this work is equivalent to cubic B-splines away from extraordinary, or irregular, vertices with other than four adjacent elements. Around extraordinary vertices the surface consists of a nested sequence of smooth spline patches which join C1C^1 continuously at the point itself. As known from geometric design literature, the subdivision weights can be optimised so that the surface quality is improved by minimising short-wavelength surface oscillations around extraordinary vertices. We use the related techniques to determine weights that minimise finite element discretisation errors as measured in the thin-shell energy norm. The optimisation problem is formulated over a characteristic domain and the errors in approximating cup- and saddle-like quadratic shapes obtained from eigenanalysis of the subdivision matrix are minimised. In finite element analysis the optimised subdivision weights for either cup- or saddle-like shapes are chosen depending on the shape of the solution field around an extraordinary vertex. As our computations confirm, the optimised subdivision weights yield a reduction of 50%50\% and more in discretisation errors in the energy and L2L_2 norms. Although, as to be expected, the convergence rates are the same as for the classical Catmull-Clark weights, the convergence constants are improved.Partial support through Trimble Inc and Cambridge Trust is gratefully acknowledged

    Non-linear subdivision of univariate signals and discrete surfaces

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    During the last 20 years, the joint expansion of computing power, computer graphics, networking capabilities and multiresolution analysis have stimulated several research domains, and developed the need for new types of data such as 3D models, i.e. discrete surfaces. In the intersection between multiresolution analysis and computer graphics, subdivision methods, i.e. iterative refinement procedures of curves or surfaces, have a non-negligible place, since they are a basic component needed to adapt existing multiresolution techniques dedicated to signals and images to more complicated data such as discrete surfaces represented by polygonal meshes. Such representations are of great interest since they make polygonal meshes nearly as exible as higher level 3D model representations, such as piecewise polynomial based surfaces (e.g. NURBS, B-splines...). The generalization of subdivision methods from univariate data to polygonal meshes is relatively simple in case of a regular mesh but becomes less straightforward when handling irregularities. Moreover, in the linear univariate case, obtaining a smoother limit curve is achieved by increasing the size of the support of the subdivision scheme, which is not a trivial operation in the case of a surface subdivision scheme without a priori assumptions on the mesh. While many linear subdivision methods are available, the studies concerning more general non-linear methods are relatively sparse, whereas such techniques could be used to achieve better results without increasing the size support. The goal of this study is to propose and to analyze a binary non-linear interpolatory subdivision method. The proposed technique uses local polar coordinates to compute the positions of the newly inserted points. It is shown that the method converges toward continuous limit functions. The proposed univariate scheme is extended to triangular meshes, possibly with boundaries. In order to evaluate characteristics of the proposed scheme which are not proved analytically, numerical estimates to study convergence, regularity of the limit function and approximation order are studied and validated using known linear schemes of identical support. The convergence criterion is adapted to surface subdivision via a Hausdorff distance-based metric. The evolution of Gaussian and mean curvature of limit surfaces is also studied and compared against theoretical values when available. An application of surface subdivision to build a multiresolution representation of 3D models is also studied. In particular, the efficiency of such a representation for compression and in terms of rate-distortion of such a representation is shown. An alternate to the initial SPIHT-based encoding, based on the JPEG 2000 image compression standard method. This method makes possible partial decoding of the compressed model in both SNR-progressive and level-progressive ways, while adding only a minimal overhead when compared to SPIHT

    Geometric Structures on Matrix-valued Subdivision Schemes

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    Surface subdivision schemes are used in computer graphics to generate visually smooth surfaces of arbitrary topology. Applications in computer graphics utilize surface normals and curvature. In this paper, formulas are obtained for the first and second partial derivatives of limit surfaces formed using 1-ring subdivision schemes that have 2 by 2 matrix-valued masks. Consequently, surface normals, and Gaussian and mean curvatures can be derived. Both quadrilateral and triangular schemes are considered and for each scheme both interpolatory and approximating schemes are examined. In each case, we look at both extraordinary and regular vertices. Every 3-D vertex of the refinement polyhedrons also has what is called a corresponding “shape vertex.” The partial derivative formulas consist of linear combinations of surrounding polyhedron vertices as well as their corresponding shape vertices. We are able to derive detailed information on the matrix-valued masks and about the left eigenvectors of the (regular) subdivision matrix. Local parameterizations are done using these left eigenvectors and final formulas for partial derivatives are obtained after we secure detailed information about right eigenvectors of the subdivision matrix. Using specific subdivision schemes, unit normals so obtained are displayed. Also, formulas for initial shape vertices are postulated using discrete unit normals to our original polyhedron. These formulas are tested for reasonableness on surfaces using specific subdivision schemes. Obtaining a specified unit normal at a surface point is examined by changing only these shape vertices. We then describe two applications involving surface normals in the field of computer graphics that can use our results

    Comparing Complex Fitness Surfaces: Among-Population Variation in Mutual Sexual Selection in Drosophila serrata

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    The problem of synchronization of metacommunities is investigated in this article with reference to a rather general model composed of a chaotic environmental compartment driving a biological compartment. Synchronization in the absence of dispersal (i.e., the so-called Moran effect) is first discussed and shown to occur only when there is no biochaos. In other words, if the biological compartment is reinforcing environmental chaos, dispersal must be strictly above a specified threshold in order to synchronize population dynamics. Moreover, this threshold can be easily determined from the model by computing a special Lyapunov exponent. The application to prey-predator metacommunities points out the influence of frequency and coherence of the environmental noise on synchronization and agrees with all experimental studies performed on the subject

    Part decomposition of 3D surfaces

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    This dissertation describes a general algorithm that automatically decomposes realworld scenes and objects into visual parts. The input to the algorithm is a 3 D triangle mesh that approximates the surfaces of a scene or object. This geometric mesh completely specifies the shape of interest. The output of the algorithm is a set of boundary contours that dissect the mesh into parts where these parts agree with human perception. In this algorithm, shape alone defines the location of a bom1dary contour for a part. The algorithm leverages a human vision theory known as the minima rule that states that human visual perception tends to decompose shapes into parts along lines of negative curvature minima. Specifically, the minima rule governs the location of part boundaries, and as a result the algorithm is known as the Minima Rule Algorithm. Previous computer vision methods have attempted to implement this rule but have used pseudo measures of surface curvature. Thus, these prior methods are not true implementations of the rule. The Minima Rule Algorithm is a three step process that consists of curvature estimation, mesh segmentation, and quality evaluation. These steps have led to three novel algorithms known as Normal Vector Voting, Fast Marching Watersheds, and Part Saliency Metric, respectively. For each algorithm, this dissertation presents both the supporting theory and experimental results. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm using both synthetic and real data and include comparisons with previous methods from the research literature. Finally, the dissertation concludes with a summary of the contributions to the state of the art

    Generic Modal Design Variables for Efficient Aerodynamic Optimization

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