2,004 research outputs found

    Nonlinear tube-fitting for the analysis of anatomical and functional structures

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    We are concerned with the estimation of the exterior surface and interior summaries of tube-shaped anatomical structures. This interest is motivated by two distinct scientific goals, one dealing with the distribution of HIV microbicide in the colon and the other with measuring degradation in white-matter tracts in the brain. Our problem is posed as the estimation of the support of a distribution in three dimensions from a sample from that distribution, possibly measured with error. We propose a novel tube-fitting algorithm to construct such estimators. Further, we conduct a simulation study to aid in the choice of a key parameter of the algorithm, and we test our algorithm with validation study tailored to the motivating data sets. Finally, we apply the tube-fitting algorithm to a colon image produced by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and to a white-matter tract image produced using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS384 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Beyond fractional anisotropy: Extraction of bundle-specific structural metrics from crossing fiber models

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements are used for inferring the microstructural properties of white matter and to reconstruct fiber pathways. Very often voxels contain complex fiber configurations comprising multiple bundles, rendering the simple diffusion tensor model unsuitable. Multi-compartment models deliver a convenient parameterization of the underlying complex fiber architecture, but pose challenges for fitting and model selection. Spherical deconvolution, in contrast, very economically produces a fiber orientation density function (fODF) without any explicit model assumptions. Since, however, the fODF is represented by spherical harmonics, a direct interpretation of the model parameters is impossible. Based on the fact that the fODF can often be interpreted as superposition of multiple peaks, each associated to one relatively coherent fiber population (bundle), we offer a solution that seeks to combine the advantages of both approaches: first the fiber configuration is modeled as fODF represented by spherical harmonics and then each of the peaks is parameterized separately in order to characterize the underlying bundle. In this work, the fODF peaks are approximated by Bingham distributions, capturing first and second-order statistics of the fiber orientations, from which we derive metrics for the parametric quantification of fiber bundles. We propose meaningful relationships between these measures and the underlying microstructural properties. We focus on metrics derived directly from properties of the Bingham distribution, such as peak length, peak direction, peak spread, integral over the peak, as well as a metric derived from the comparison of the largest peaks, which probes the complexity of the underlying microstructure. We compare these metrics to the conventionally used fractional anisotropy (FA) and show how they may help to increase the specificity of the characterization of microstructural properties. While metric relying on the first moments of the Bingham distributions provide relatively robust results, second-order metrics representing the peak spread are only meaningful, if the SNR is very high and no fiber crossings are present in the voxel

    On the Reliability of Diffusion Neuroimaging

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    Over the last years, diffusion imaging techniques like DTI, DSI or Q-Ball received increasin

    Extraction of Structural Metrics from Crossing Fiber Models

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements allow us to infer the microstructural properties of white matter and to reconstruct fiber pathways in-vivo. High angular diffusion imaging (HARDI) allows for the creation of more and more complex local models connecting the microstructure to the measured signal. One of the challenges is the derivation of meaningful metrics describing the underlying structure from the local models. The aim hereby is to increase the specificity of the widely used metric fractional anisotropy (FA) by using the additional information contained within the HARDI data. A local model which is connected directly to the underlying microstructure through the model of a single fiber population is spherical deconvolution. It produces a fiber orientation density function (fODF), which can often be interpreted as superposition of multiple peaks, each associated to one relatively coherent fiber population (bundle). Parameterizing these peaks one is able to disentangle and characterize these bundles. In this work, the fODF peaks are approximated by Bingham distributions, capturing first and second order statistics of the fiber orientations, from which metrics for the parametric quantification of fiber bundles are derived. Meaningful relationships between these measures and the underlying microstructural properties are proposed. The focus lies on metrics derived directly from properties of the Bingham distribution, such as peak length, peak direction, peak spread, integral over the peak, as well as a metric derived from the comparison of the largest peaks, which probes the complexity of the underlying microstructure. These metrics are compared to the conventionally used fractional anisotropy (FA) and it is shown how they may help to increase the specificity of the characterization of microstructural properties. Visualization of the micro-structural arrangement is another application of dMRI. This is done by using tractography to propagate the fiber layout, extracted from the local model, in each voxel. In practice most tractography algorithms use little of the additional information gained from HARDI based local models aside from the reconstructed fiber bundle directions. In this work an approach to tractography based on the Bingham parameterization of the fODF is introduced. For each of the fiber populations present in a voxel the diffusion signal and tensor are computed. Then tensor deflection tractography is performed. This allows incorporating the complete bundle information, performing local interpolation as well as using multiple directions per voxel for generating tracts. Another aspect of this work is the investigation of the spherical harmonic representation which is used most commonly for the fODF by means of the parameters derived from the Bingham distribution fit. Here a strong connection between the approximation errors in the spherical representation of the Dirac delta function and the distribution of crossing angles recovered from the fODF was discovered. The final aspect of this work is the application of the metrics derived from the Bingham fit to a number of fetal datasets for quantifying the brain’s development. This is done by introducing the Gini-coefficient as a metric describing the brain’s age

    Spatial Smoothing for Diffusion Tensor Imaging with low Signal to Noise Ratios

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    Though low signal to noise ratio (SNR) experiments in DTI give key information about tracking and anisotropy, e.g. by measurements with very small voxel sizes, due to the complicated impact of thermal noise such experiments are up to now seldom analysed. In this paper Monte Carlo simulations are presented which investigate the random fields of noise for different DTI variables in low SNR situations. Based on this study a strategy for spatial smoothing, which demands essentially uniform noise, is derived. To construct a convenient filter the weights of the nonlinear Aurich chain are adapted to DTI. This edge preserving three dimensional filter is then validated in different variants via a quasi realistic model and is applied to very new data with isotropic voxels of the size 1x1x1 mm3 which correspond to a spatial mean SNR of approximately 3

    Finsler geometry on higher order tensor fields and applications to high angular resolution diffusion imaging.

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    We study 3D-multidirectional images, using Finsler geometry. The application considered here is in medical image analysis, specifically in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) (Tuch et al. in Magn. Reson. Med. 48(6):1358–1372, 2004) of the brain. The goal is to reveal the architecture of the neural fibers in brain white matter. To the variety of existing techniques, we wish to add novel approaches that exploit differential geometry and tensor calculus. In Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), the diffusion of water is modeled by a symmetric positive definite second order tensor, leading naturally to a Riemannian geometric framework. A limitation is that it is based on the assumption that there exists a single dominant direction of fibers restricting the thermal motion of water molecules. Using HARDI data and higher order tensor models, we can extract multiple relevant directions, and Finsler geometry provides the natural geometric generalization appropriate for multi-fiber analysis. In this paper we provide an exact criterion to determine whether a spherical function satisfies the strong convexity criterion essential for a Finsler norm. We also show a novel fiber tracking method in Finsler setting. Our model incorporates a scale parameter, which can be beneficial in view of the noisy nature of the data. We demonstrate our methods on analytic as well as simulated and real HARDI data
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