49 research outputs found


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    Creating a multi-factor decision support model for a group of investors for Smart City development. The article describes the method of using of the mathematical decision support model in the evaluation of investment projects. The results are based on the decision of a bilinear multi-step quality game with several terminal surfaces. The model is focused on further software implementation of the decision support system (DSS) or expert system for cross-platform software products. In doing so, players control a dynamic system in multidimensional project spaces. The scientific novelty of the article is that, in contrast to the existing solutions and close to the conceptual focus of research, in the article, for the first time we consider a new class of bilinear multiplayer games. For the first time, we have proposed a solution that allows us to appropriately and correctly describe the investment processes, considering the multifactorial nature of the problem. Computational experiments were performed in MatLab to find sets, investor preferences, and their optimal financial strategies in the analysis of Smart City development projects. The results of the computational experiments confirmed the correctness and capability of the model. In terms of practical importance, the scope of investing in Smart City development projects is considered, given the multifactorial nature of the task and the potential financial strategies of investor groups. The model makes it possible to evaluate the attractiveness for the investor groups (players) of the projects being analyzed.Створення моделі підтримки прийняття рішень групою інвесторів з урахуванням багатофакторності для розвитку Smart City. У статті описана методика використання моделі математичної підтримки рішень у процесі оцінювання інвестиційних проектів. Результати отримані на підставі рішення білінійної багатокрокової гри якості з декількома термінальними поверхнями. Модель орієнтована на подальшу програмну реалізацію в системі підтримки прийняття рішень (СППР) або експертної системи для крос-платформних програмних продуктів. При цьому гравці управляють динамічною системою в багатовимірних просторах проектів. Наукова новизна статті полягає в тому, що на відміну він існуючих рішень і близьких по концептуальної спрямованості досліджень, в статті вперше розглядається новий клас білінійних багатокрокових ігор. Нами вперше запропоновано рішення, що дозволяє адекватно і коректно описувати процеси інвестування, враховуючи багатофакторність в постановці завдання. Виконано обчислювальні експерименти в системі MatLab для пошуку множин, перевагу інвесторів і їх оптимальних фінансових стратегій в ході аналізу проектів розвитку Smart City. Результатами обчислювальних експериментів підтверджена коректність і адекватність моделі. З точки зору практичної значимості розглянуто сферу інвестування в проекти розвитку Smart City з урахуванням багатофакторності завдання і потенційних фінансових стратегій груп інвесторів. Модель дозволяє виконувати оцінку привабливості для груп інвесторів (гравців) проектів, що аналізуються

    Integrating Smart Objects into a Integrated Internet of Things Architecture for Smart Cities

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    Increasing population in urban centers day by day demands for more services and infrastructure in order to meet all the needs of residents and visitors of the city. Due to the increased developments in advanced metering and digital technologies smart cities have been equipped with different electronic devices on the basis of Internet of Things (IOT), The utilization of all the technologies to achieve this objective presents an opportunity for the development of smart cities. This paper focus specifically to an urban IOT system and also to provide a comprehensive review on the concepts of smart cities, technologies of IOT and its applications

    Internet Of Things Based Nashik Smart City

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    IoT (Internet of Things) is an advanced automation and analytics system which exploits networking, sensing, big data, and artificial intelligence technology to deliver complete systems for a product or service. These systems allow greater transparency, control, and performance when applied to any industry or system. IoT systems have applications across industries through their unique flexibility and ability to be suitable in any environment. They enhance data collection, automation, operations, and much more through smart devices and powerful enabling technology. IoT is a technical base behind developing smart city and it acts as a building blocks of the same. IoT helps in improving the quality of life of citizens and transforming cities with the help technological solutions

    A review of the 'smart technology' currently being explored globally and its potential impact upon the construction industry on a micro level

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    The following paper will review literature that covers the use of ‘Smart Technology’ and ‘Big Data’ in the context of Smart Cities currently being explored globally. By investigating into the perceived benefits of implementing the digital economy in to essential infrastructure the paper will look at how the construction industry can benefit. The literature covered found that through the adoption of Smart Technology within a Smart City framework there are benefits available for all industries; such as greater efficiencies and forecasting ability, resulting in savings. However the integration of real time data on-site could possess great potential for construction managers as they look to make more informed and accurate decisions. However the extents of the benefits are unclear as many pieces of literature state that the potential use of Big Data is almost unimaginable currently. Urbanisation is forcing city authorities to adopt more strategic approaches to their decision making processes which has resulted in the emergence of ‘Smart Cities’. Case studies around the globe have shown promising and innovative potential for a range of stakeholders. These are promising signs for the industry as it still seeks considerable investment and testing before it can be scaled up. However further work should look to investigate first-hand how construction managers could benefit from open source ‘Big Data’ collected by city authorities. This would add evidence to the many theoretical benefits that are possible

    Service Oriented Smart Sustainable City Architecture

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    In present world development of a country is measured in terms of the communication technology infrastructure of that Country. Information communication technology(ICT) is not  limited to internet usage and mere interconnection of  connecting devices now .but has advanced deep into the major transaction  of our day-to-day operations almost in every aspect of  livelihood be it a health care, personnel, economic transaction, Industry, monitoring ,environment protection or automation process. This has given rise to apt number of concepts and disciplines in the field of ICT. The concept of smart city is one of the outcome of our endeavour to use ICT to its full. Smart cities, which will lead to smart nations and ultimately smart world is the discipline which needs due attention from the researchers, engineering and policy makers. Architecture of the Smart city forms the basis of this concept, which is yet to get the final standard. In this paper an Architecture is proposed which is generic and almost covers most of issues to achieve the goal of smart cities. Keywords: Smart sustainable city, Internet of Things (IOT), Security, Information Communication Technology (ICT

    Pemeringkatan E-government Indonesia (Pegi) Dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Di DKI Jakarta

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    DKI Jakarta had the vision to create a modern and innovative city, capable of managing city resources effectively, efficiently and sustainably by optimizing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in participatory governance in order to achieve a prosperous and cultured society. That called a smart city. DKI Jakarta provincial government has using ICT to provide information and public services. E-government performance can be assessed by some standards, which one is the e-government rankings Indonesia (PeGI). PeGI consists of five dimensions, there are two dimensions relating to ICTs, infrastructures and applications. The development of the wireless internet technology impacted on increase of a mobile device / smartphone user. The internet users in Jakarta in the majority used the telephone / mobile smartphone to access the Internet and government\u27s mobile applications, such as Waze which widely use to monitoring traffic and help to searching alternatif way on traffic congestion. Utilization of information technology increases the provincial government\u27s performance, as proved by the survey results and previous studies. For three consecutive years, 2012 until 2015, the performance of DKI Jakarta has increased, from the third ranking to the first ranking, and achieved a good performance appraisal. This achievement is inseparable from good IT governance

    Location Intelligence Application in Digital Data Activity Dimensioning in Smart Cities

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    AbstractCities around the globe are now following the “smart” trend. Smart cities are complex systems of systems that rely on IT to improve their efficiency in terms of economics or sustainability. Many of the activities involved in this context require data to be transferred via communication networks. However, due to the heterogeneity of the applications involved, different nature traffic patterns and number of connected elements (humans or machines), these data traffic flows become extremely complex to model. This work focuses on the application of location intelligence to simplify the modeling of data networks’ activity in such complex systems. It is essential to describe and understand when and where data is generated to effectively design, plan and manage communication networks. We introduce a model based on traffic generation rules and patterns to be applied over Geographic Information Systems data to create “dynamic data activity heat maps”. These heat maps provide a spatial-temporal overview of the behavior of network data in cities as a whole. In addition, we illustrate the model's application to a specific geographic area of relevance