5 research outputs found

    Final Report: Efficient Databases for MPC Microdata

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    The purpose of this grant was to develop the theory and practice of high-performance databases for massive streamed datasets. Over the last three years, we have developed fast indexing technology, that is, technology for rapidly ingesting data and storing that data so that it can be efficiently queried and analyzed. During this project we developed the technology so that high-bandwidth data streams can be indexed and queried efficiently. Our technology has been proven to work data sets composed of tens of billions of rows when the data streams arrives at over 40,000 rows per second. We achieved these numbers even on a single disk driven by two cores. Our work comprised (1) new write-optimized data structures with better asymptotic complexity than traditional structures, (2) implementation, and (3) benchmarking. We furthermore developed a prototype of TokuFS, a middleware layer that can handle microdata I/O packaged up in an MPI-IO abstraction

    An Early-stopping Protocol for Computing Aggregate Functions in Sensor Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study algebraic aggregate com- putations in Sensor Networks. The main contribution is the presentation of an early-stopping protocol that computes the average function under a harsh model of the conditions under which sensor nodes operate. This protocol is shown to be time-optimal in presence of unfrequent failures. The approach followed saves time and energy by relying the computation on a small network of delegate nodes that can be rebuilt fast in case of node failures and communicate using a collision- free schedule. Delegate nodes run simultaneously two protocols, namely, a collection/dissemination tree-based algorithm, which is shown to be optimal, and a mass-distribution algorithm. Both algorithms are analyzed under a model where the frequency of failures is a parameter. Other aggregate computation algo- rithms can be easily derived from this protocol. To the best of our knowledge, this is the ïŹrst optimal early-stopping algorithm for aggregate computations in Sensor Networks

    Bootstrapping a Hop-optimal Network in the Weak Sensor Model

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    Sensor nodes are very weak computers that get distributed at random on a surface. Once deployed, they must wake up and form a radio network. Sensor network bootstrapping research thus has three parts: one must model the restrictions on sensor nodes; one must prove that the connectivity graph of the sensors has a subgraph that would make a good network; and one must give a distributed protocol for finding such a network subgraph that can be implemented on sensor nodes