8 research outputs found

    Constructing a Large-Scale English-Persian Parallel Corpus

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    In recent years the exploitation of large text corpora in solving various kinds of linguistic problems, including those of translation, is commonplace. Yet a large-scale English-Persian corpus is still unavailable, because of certain difficulties and the amount of work required to overcome them.The project reported here is an attempt to constitute an English-Persian parallel corpus composed of digital texts and Web documents containing little or no noise. The Internet is useful because translations of existing texts are often published on the Web. The task is to find parallel pages in English and Persian, to judge their translation quality, and to download and align them. The corpus so created is of course open; that is, more material can be added as the need arises.One of the main activities associated with building such a corpus is to develop software for parallel concordancing, in which a user can enter a search string in one language and see all the citations for that string in it and corresponding sentences in the target language. Our intention is to construct general translation memory software using the present English-Persian parallel corpus.Au cours des dernières années, l’exploitation de grands corpus de textes pour résoudre des problèmes linguistiques, notamment des problèmes de traduction, est devenue une pratique courante. Jusqu’à récemment, aucun corpus bilingue anglais-persan à grande échelle n’avait été constitué, en raison des difficultés qu’implique une telle entreprise.Cet article présente un projet réalisé en vue de colliger des corpus de textes numériques variés, tels que des documents du réseau Internet, avec le moins de bruit possible. L’utilisation d’Internet peut être considérée comme une aide précieuse car, souvent, il existe des traductions antérieures qui sont déjà publiées sur le Web. La tâche consiste à trouver les pages parallèles en anglais et en persan, à évaluer la qualité de leur traduction, à les télécharger et à les aligner. Le corpus ainsi obtenu est un corpus ouvert, soit un corpus auquel de nouvelles données peuvent être ajoutées, selon les besoins.Une des principales conséquences de l’élaboration d’un tel corpus est la mise au point d’un logiciel de concordance parallèle, dans lequel l’utilisateur pourrait introduire une chaîne de caractères dans une langue et afficher toutes les citations concernant cette chaîne dans la langue recherchée ainsi que des phrases correspondantes dans la langue cible. L’étape suivante serait d’utiliser ce corpus parallèle pour construire un logiciel de traduction générale.Le corpus bilingue aligné se trouve être utile dans beaucoup d’autres cas, entre autres pour la traduction par ordinateur, pour lever les ambiguïtés de sens, pour le rétablissement des données interlangues, en lexicographie ainsi que pour l’apprentissage des langues

    Searching to Translate and Translating to Search: When Information Retrieval Meets Machine Translation

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    With the adoption of web services in daily life, people have access to tremendous amounts of information, beyond any human's reading and comprehension capabilities. As a result, search technologies have become a fundamental tool for accessing information. Furthermore, the web contains information in multiple languages, introducing another barrier between people and information. Therefore, search technologies need to handle content written in multiple languages, which requires techniques to account for the linguistic differences. Information Retrieval (IR) is the study of search techniques, in which the task is to find material relevant to a given information need. Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is a special case of IR when the search takes place in a multi-lingual collection. Of course, it is not helpful to retrieve content in languages the user cannot understand. Machine Translation (MT) studies the translation of text from one language into another efficiently (within a reasonable amount of time) and effectively (fluent and retaining the original meaning), which helps people understand what is being written, regardless of the source language. Putting these together, we observe that search and translation technologies are part of an important user application, calling for a better integration of search (IR) and translation (MT), since these two technologies need to work together to produce high-quality output. In this dissertation, the main goal is to build better connections between IR and MT, for which we present solutions to two problems: Searching to translate explores approximate search techniques for extracting bilingual data from multilingual Wikipedia collections to train better translation models. Translating to search explores the integration of a modern statistical MT system into the cross-language search processes. In both cases, our best-performing approach yielded improvements over strong baselines for a variety of language pairs. Finally, we propose a general architecture, in which various components of IR and MT systems can be connected together into a feedback loop, with potential improvements to both search and translation tasks. We hope that the ideas presented in this dissertation will spur more interest in the integration of search and translation technologies

    Resource Generation from Structured Documents for Low-density Languages

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    The availability and use of electronic resources for both manual and automated language related processing has increased tremendously in recent years. Nevertheless, many resources still exist only in printed form, restricting their availability and use. This especially holds true in low density languages or languages with limited electronic resources. For these documents, automated conversion into electronic resources is highly desirable. This thesis focuses on the semi-automated conversion of printed structured documents (dictionaries in particular) to usable electronic representations. In the first part we present an entry tagging system that recognizes, parses, and tags the entries of a printed dictionary to reproduce the representation. The system uses the consistent layout and structure of the dictionaries, and the features that impose this structure, to capture and recover lexicographic information. We accomplish this by adapting two methods: rule-based and HMM-based. The system is designed to produce results quickly with minimal human assistance and reasonable accuracy. The use of an adaptive transformation-based learning as a post-processor at two points in the system yields significant improvements, even with an extremely small amount of user provided training data. The second part of this thesis presents Morphology Induction from Noisy Data (MIND), a natural language morphology discovery framework that operates on information from limited, noisy data obtained from the conversion process. To use the resulting resources effectively, however, users must be able to search for them using the root form of morphologically deformed variant found in the text. Stemming and data driven methods are not suitable when data are sparse. The approach is based on the novel application of string searching algorithms. The evaluations show that MIND can segment words into roots and affixes from the noisy, limited data contained in a dictionary, and it can extract prefixes, suffixes, circumfixes, and infixes. MIND can also identify morphophonemic changes, i.e., phonemic variations between allomorphs of a morpheme, specifically point-of-affixation stem changes. This, in turn, allows non-native speakers to perform multilingual tasks for applications where response must be rapid, and they have limited knowledge. In addition, this analysis can feed other natural language processing tools requiring lexicons

    Statistical machine translation system and computational domain adaptation

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    Statističko strojno prevođenje temeljeno na frazama jedan je od mogućih pristupa automatskom strojnom prevođenju. U radu su predložene metode za poboljšanje kvalitete strojnog prijevoda prilagodbom određenih parametara u modelu sustava za statističko strojno prevođenje. Ideja rada bila jest izgraditi sustave za statističko strojno prevođenje temeljeno na frazama za hrvatski i engleski jezik. Sustavi su trenirani za dva jezična smjera, na dvije domene, na paralelnim korpusima različitih veličina i obilježja za hrvatsko-engleski i englesko-hrvatski jezični par, nakon čega proveden postupak ugađanja sustava. Istraženi su hibridni sustavi koji objedinjuju značajke obiju domena. Time je ispitan izravan utjecaj adaptacije domene na kvalitetu automatskog strojnog prijevoda hrvatskog jezika, a nova saznanja mogu koristiti pri izgradnji novih sustava. Provedena je automatska i ljudska evaluacija (vrednovanje) strojnih prijevoda, a dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s rezultatima strojnih prijevoda dobivenih primjenom postojećih web servisa za statističko strojno prevođenje.Phrase-based statistical machine translation is one of possible automatic machine translation approaches. This work proposes methods for increasing the quality of machine translation by adapting certain parameters in the statistical machine translation model. The idea was to build phrase-based statistical machine translation systems for Croatian and English language. The systems were be trained for two directions, on two domains, on parallel corpora of different sizes and characteristics for Croatian-English and English-Croatian language pair, after which the tuning procedure was conducted. Afterwards, hybrid systems which combine features of both domains were investigated. Thereby the direct impact of domain adaptation on the quality of automatic machine translation of Croatian language was explored, whereas new findings can be utilised for building new systems. Automatic and human evaluation of machine translations were carried out, while obtained results were compared with results obtained from applying existing statistical machine translation web services

    Bootstrapping Parallel Corpora

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    We present two methods for the automatic creation of parallel corpora. Whereas previous work into the automatic construction of parallel corpora has focused on harvesting them from the web, we examine the use of existing parallel corpora to bootstrap data for new language pairs. First, we extend existing parallel corpora using co-training, wherein machine translations are selectively added to training corpora with multiple source texts. Retraining translation models yields modest improvements. Second, we simulate the creation of training data for a language pair for which a parallel corpus is not available. Starting with no human translations from German to English we produce a German to English translation model with 45% accuracy using parallel corpora in other languages