6 research outputs found

    Um ambiente para desevonvoimento de algoritmos de amostragem e remoção de ruído

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    In the context of Monte Carlo rendering, although many sampling and denoising techniques have been proposed in the last few years, the case for which one should be used for a specific scene is still to be made. Moreover, developing a new technique has required selecting a particular rendering system, which makes the technique tightly coupled to the chosen renderer and limits the amount of scenes it can be tested on. In this work, we propose a renderer-agnostic framework for developing and benchmarking sampling and denoising techniques for Monte Carlo rendering. It decouples techniques from rendering systems by hiding the renderer details behind a general API. This improves productivity and allows for direct comparisons among techniques using scenes from different rendering systems. The proposed framework contains two main parts: a software development kit that helps users to develop and and test their techniques locally, and an online system that allows users to submit their techniques and have them automatically benchmarked on our servers. We demonstrate its effectiveness by using our API to instrument four rendering systems and a variety of Monte Carlo denoising techniques — including recent learning-based ones — and performing a benchmark across different rendering systems.No contexto de Monte Carlo rendering, apesar de diversas técnicas de amostragem e remoção de ruído tenham sido propostas nos últimos anos, aportar qual técnica deve ser usada para uma cena específica ainda é uma tarefa difícil. Além disso, desenvolver uma nova técnica requer escolher um renderizador em particular, o que torna a técnica dependente do renderizador escolhido e limita a quantidade de cenas disponíveis para testar a técnica. Neste trabalho, um framework para desenvolvimento e avaliação de técnicas de amostragem e remoção de ruído para Monte Carlo rendering é proposto. Ele permite desacoplar as técnicas dos renderizadores por meio de uma API genérica, promovendo a reprodutibilidade e permitindo comparações entre técnicas utilizando-se cenas de diferentes renderizadores. O sistema proposto contém duas partes principais: um kit de desenvolvimento de software que ajuda os usuários a desenvolver e testar suas técnicas localmente, e um sistema online que permite que usuários submetam técnicas para que as mesmas sejam automaticamente avaliadas no nosso servidor. Para demonstramos a efetividade do ambiante proposto, modificamos quatro renderizadores e várias técnicas de remoção de ruído — incluindo técnicas recentes baseadas em aprendizado de máquina — e efetuamos uma avaliação utilizando cenas de diferentes renderizadores

    Fortgeschrittene Entrauschungs-Verfahren und speicherlose Beschleunigungstechniken fĂĽr realistische Bildsynthese

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    Stochastic ray tracing methods have become the industry's standard for today's realistic image synthesis thanks to their ability to achieve a supreme degree of realism by physically simulating various natural phenomena of light and cameras (e.g. global illumination, depth-of-field, or motion blur). Unfortunately, high computational cost for more complex scenes and image noise from insufficient simulations are major issues of these methods and, hence, acceleration and denoising are key components in stochastic ray tracing systems. In this thesis, we introduce two new filtering methods for advanced lighting and camera effects, as well as a novel approach for memoryless acceleration. In particular, we present an interactive filter for global illumination in the presence of depth-of-field, and a general and robust adaptive reconstruction framework for high-quality images with a wide range of rendering effects. To address complex scene geometry, we propose a novel concept which models the acceleration structure completely implicit, i.e. without any additional memory cost at all, while still allowing for interactive performance. Our contributions advance the state-of-the-art of denoising techniques for realistic image synthesis as well as the field of memoryless acceleration for ray tracing systems.Stochastische Ray-Tracing Methoden sind heutzutage der Industriestandard für realistische Bildsynthese, da sie einen hohen Grad an Realismus erzeugen können, indem sie verschiedene natürliche Phänomene (z.B. globale Beleuchtung, Tiefenunschärfe oder Bewegungsunschärfe) physikalisch korrekt simulieren. Offene Probleme dieser Verfahren sind hohe Rechenzeit für komplexere Szenen sowie Bildrauschen durch unzulängliche Simulationen. Demzufolge sind Beschleunigungstechniken und Entrauschungsverfahren essentielle Komponenten in stochastischen Ray-Tracing-Systemen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir zwei neue Filter-Methoden für erweiterte Beleuchungs- und Kamera-Effekte sowie ein neuartiges Verfahren für eine speicherlose Beschleunigungsstruktur vor. Im Detail präsentieren wir einen interaktiven Filter für globale Beleuchtung in Kombination mit Tiefenunschärfe und einen generischen, robusten Ansatz für die adaptive Rekonstruktion von hoch-qualitativen Bildern mit einer großen Auswahl an Rendering-Effekten. Für das Problem hoher geometrischer Szenen-Komplexität demonstrieren wir ein neuartiges Konzept für die implizierte Modellierung der Beschleunigungsstruktur, welches keinen zusätzlichen Speicher verbraucht, aber weiterhin interaktive Laufzeiten ermöglicht. Unsere Beiträge verbessern sowohl den aktuellen Stand von Entrauschungs-Verfahren in der realistischen Bildsynthese als auch das Feld der speicherlosen Beschleunigungsstrukturen für Ray-Tracing-Systeme

    Accelerating Monte Carlo Renderers by Ray Histogram Fusion

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    This paper details the recently introduced Ray Histogram Fusion (RHF) filter for accelerating Monte Carlo renderers [M. Delbracio et al., Boosting Monte Carlo Rendering by Ray Histogram Fusion, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 33 (2014)]. In this filter, each pixel in the image is characterized by the colors of the rays that reach its surface. Pixels are compared using a statistical distance on the associated ray color distributions. Based on this distance, it decides whether two pixels can share their rays or not. The RHF filter is consistent: as the number of samples increases, more evidence is required to average two pixels. The algorithm provides a significant gain in PSNR, or equivalently accelerates the rendering process by using many fewer Monte Carlo samples without observable bias. Since the RHF filter depends only on the Monte Carlo samples color values, it can be naturally combined with all rendering effects