74 research outputs found

    Developing a brain-computer interface: principles and techniques

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    Mental state estimation for brain-computer interfaces

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    Mental state estimation is potentially useful for the development of asynchronous brain-computer interfaces. In this study, four mental states have been identified and decoded from the electrocorticograms (ECoGs) of six epileptic patients, engaged in a memory reach task. A novel signal analysis technique has been applied to high-dimensional, statistically sparse ECoGs recorded by a large number of electrodes. The strength of the proposed technique lies in its ability to jointly extract spatial and temporal patterns, responsible for encoding mental state differences. As such, the technique offers a systematic way of analyzing the spatiotemporal aspects of brain information processing and may be applicable to a wide range of spatiotemporal neurophysiological signals

    Combining EEG and Eye Tracking: Using Fixation-Locked Potentials in Visual Search

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    Visual search is a complex task that involves many neural pathways to identify relevant areas of interest within a scene. Humans remain a critical component in visual search tasks, as they can effectively perceive anomalies within complex scenes. However, this task can be challenging, particularly under time pressure. In order to improve visual search training and performance, an objective, process-based measure is needed. Eye tracking technology can be used to drive real-time parsing of EEG recordings, providing an indication of the analysis process. In the current study, eye fixations were used to generate ERPs during a visual search task. Clear differences were observed following performance, suggesting that neurophysiological signatures could be developed to prevent errors in visual search tasks

    A Novel Neural Network Classifier for Brain Computer Interface

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    Brain computer interfaces (BCI) provides a non-muscular channel for controlling a device through electroencephalographic signals to perform different tasks. The BCI system records the Electro-encephalography (EEG) and detects specific patterns that initiate control commands of the device. The efficiency of the BCI depends upon the methods used to process the brain signals and classify various patterns of brain signal accurately to perform different tasks. Due to the presence of artifacts in the raw EEG signal, it is required to preprocess the signals for efficient feature extraction. In this paper it is proposed to implement a BCI system which extracts the EEG features using Discrete Cosine transforms. Also, two stages of filtering with the first stage being a butterworth filter and the second stage consisting of an moving average 15 point spencer filter has been used to remove random noise and at the same time maintaining a sharp step response. The classification of the signals is done using the proposed Semi Partial Recurrent Neural Network. The proposed method has very good classification accuracy compared to conventional neural network classifiers. Keywords: Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Electro Encephalography (EEG), Discrete Cosine transforms(DCT), Butterworth filters, Spencer filters, Semi Partial Recurrent Neural network, laguarre polynomia

    Application of cepstrum analysis and linear predictive coding for motor imaginary task classification

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    In this paper, classification of electroencephalography (EEG) signals of motor imaginary tasks is studied using cepstrum analysis and linear predictive coding (LPC). The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) competition III dataset IVa containing motor imaginary tasks for right hand and foot of five subjects are used. The data was preprocessed by applying whitening and then filtering the signal followed by feature extraction. A random forest classifier is then trained using the cepstrum and LPC features to classify the motor imaginary tasks. The resulting classification accuracy is found to be over 90%. This research shows that concatenating appropriate different types of features such as cepstrum and LPC features hold some promise for the classification of motor imaginary tasks, which can be helpful in the BCI context

    Towards correlation-based time window selection method for motor imagery BCIs

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    The start of the cue is often used to initiate the feature window used to control motor imagery (MI)-based brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. However, the time latency during an MI period varies between trials for each participant. Fixing the starting time point of MI features can lead to decreased system performance in MI-based BCI systems. To address this issue, we propose a novel correlation-based time window selection (CTWS) algorithm for MI-based BCIs. Specifically, the optimized reference signals for each class were selected based on correlation analysis and performance evaluation. Furthermore, the starting points of time windows for both training and testing samples were adjusted using correlation analysis. Finally, the feature extraction and classification algorithms were used to calculate the classification accuracy. With two datasets, the results demonstrate that the CTWS algorithm significantly improved the system performance when compared to directly using feature extraction approaches. Importantly, the average improvement in accuracy of the CTWS algorithm on the datasets of healthy participants and stroke patients was 16.72% and 5.24%, respectively when compared to traditional common spatial pattern (CSP) algorithm. In addition, the average accuracy increased 7.36% and 9.29%, respectively when the CTWS was used in conjunction with Sub-Alpha-Beta Log-Det Divergences (Sub-ABLD) algorithm. These findings suggest that the proposed CTWS algorithm holds promise as a general feature extraction approach for MI-based BCIs

    Comparison of sensorimotor rhythms in EEG signals during simple and combined motor imageries over the contra and ipsilateral hemispheres

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    International audience— Imaginary motor tasks cause brain oscillations that can be detected through the analysis of electroencephalo-graphic (EEG) recordings. This article aims at studying whether or not the characteristics of the brain activity induced by the combined motor imagery (MI) of both hands can be assumed as the superposition of the activity generated during simple hand MIs. After analyzing the sensorimotor rhythms in EEG signals of five healthy subjects, results show that the imagination of both hands movement generates in each brain hemisphere similar activity as the one produced by each simple hand MI in the contralateral side. Furthermore, during simple hand MIs, brain activity over the ipsilateral hemisphere presents similar characteristics as those observed during the rest condition. Thus, it is shown that the proposed scheme is valid and promising for brain-computer interfaces (BCI) control, allowing to easily detect patterns induced by combined MIs
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