7,594 research outputs found

    Maiorana-McFarland class: Degree optimization and algebraic properties

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    On the Fourier Spectra of the Infinite Families of Quadratic APN Functions

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    It is well known that a quadratic function defined on a finite field of odd degree is almost bent (AB) if and only if it is almost perfect nonlinear (APN). For the even degree case there is no apparent relationship between the values in the Fourier spectrum of a function and the APN property. In this article we compute the Fourier spectrum of the new quadranomial family of APN functions. With this result, all known infinite families of APN functions now have their Fourier spectra and hence their nonlinearities computed.Comment: 12 pages, submitted to Adavances in the Mathematics of communicatio

    Optimizing One Million Variable NK Landscapes by Hybridizing Deterministic Recombination and Local Search

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    In gray-box optimization, the search algorithms have access to the variable interaction graph (VIG) of the optimization problem. For Mk Landscapes (and NK Landscapes) we can use the VIG to identify an improving solution in the Hamming neighborhood in constant time. In addition, using the VIG, deterministic Partition Crossover is able to explore an exponential number of solutions in a time that is linear in the size of the problem. Both methods have been used in isolation in previous search algorithms. We present two new gray-box algorithms that combine Partition Crossover with highly efficient local search. The best algorithms are able to locate the global optimum on Adjacent NK Landscape instances with one million variables. The algorithms are compared with a state-of-the-art algorithm for pseudo-Boolean optimization: Gray-Box Parameterless Population Pyramid. The results show that the best algorithm is always one combining Partition Crossover and highly efficient local search. But the results also illustrate that the best optimizer differs on Adjacent and Random NK Landscapes.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Control of complex networks requires both structure and dynamics

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    The study of network structure has uncovered signatures of the organization of complex systems. However, there is also a need to understand how to control them; for example, identifying strategies to revert a diseased cell to a healthy state, or a mature cell to a pluripotent state. Two recent methodologies suggest that the controllability of complex systems can be predicted solely from the graph of interactions between variables, without considering their dynamics: structural controllability and minimum dominating sets. We demonstrate that such structure-only methods fail to characterize controllability when dynamics are introduced. We study Boolean network ensembles of network motifs as well as three models of biochemical regulation: the segment polarity network in Drosophila melanogaster, the cell cycle of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the floral organ arrangement in Arabidopsis thaliana. We demonstrate that structure-only methods both undershoot and overshoot the number and which sets of critical variables best control the dynamics of these models, highlighting the importance of the actual system dynamics in determining control. Our analysis further shows that the logic of automata transition functions, namely how canalizing they are, plays an important role in the extent to which structure predicts dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    A delay differential model of ENSO variability: Parametric instability and the distribution of extremes

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    We consider a delay differential equation (DDE) model for El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variability. The model combines two key mechanisms that participate in ENSO dynamics: delayed negative feedback and seasonal forcing. We perform stability analyses of the model in the three-dimensional space of its physically relevant parameters. Our results illustrate the role of these three parameters: strength of seasonal forcing bb, atmosphere-ocean coupling κ\kappa, and propagation period τ\tau of oceanic waves across the Tropical Pacific. Two regimes of variability, stable and unstable, are separated by a sharp neutral curve in the (b,τ)(b,\tau) plane at constant κ\kappa. The detailed structure of the neutral curve becomes very irregular and possibly fractal, while individual trajectories within the unstable region become highly complex and possibly chaotic, as the atmosphere-ocean coupling κ\kappa increases. In the unstable regime, spontaneous transitions occur in the mean ``temperature'' ({\it i.e.}, thermocline depth), period, and extreme annual values, for purely periodic, seasonal forcing. The model reproduces the Devil's bleachers characterizing other ENSO models, such as nonlinear, coupled systems of partial differential equations; some of the features of this behavior have been documented in general circulation models, as well as in observations. We expect, therefore, similar behavior in much more detailed and realistic models, where it is harder to describe its causes as completely.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure
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