989,805 research outputs found

    Narcissus to a Man: Lifelogging, Technology and the Normativity of Truth

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    The growth of the practice of lifelogging, exploiting the capabilities provided by the exponential increase in computer storage, and using technologies such as SenseCam as well as location-based services, Web 2.0, social networking and photo-sharing sites, has led to a growing sense of unease, articulated in books such as Mayer-Schönberger's Delete, that the semi-permanent storage of memories could lead to problematic social consequences. This talk examines the arguments against lifelogging and storage, and argues that they seem less worrying when placed in the context of a wider debate about the nature of mind and memory and their relationship to our environment and the technology we use

    The value of books : the fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore and the social hieroglyphic of reading

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    The late eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of new technologies of subjectivity and of the literary. Most obviously, “the novel as a literary form appeared to embody and turn into an object the experience of life itself” (Park), and the novel genre came to both reflect and shape notions of interiority and subjectivity. In this same period, “A shift was taking place in the way people felt and thought about children and the accoutrements of childhood, including books and toys, were implicated in this change” (Lewis). In seeking to understand the relationships between media (e.g. books and toys), genres (e.g. novels and picture books), and modes of subjectivity, Marx’s influential theory of commodity fetishism, whereby “a definite social relation between men, that assumes, in their eyes, the fantastic form of a relation between things”, has served as a productive tool of analysis. The extent to which Marx’s account of commodity fetishism continues to be of use becomes clear when the corollaries between the late eighteenth-century emergence of novels and pictures books as technologies of subjectivity and the early twenty-first century emergence of e-readers and digital texts as technologies of subjectivity are considered. This paper considers the literary technology of Apple’s iPad (first launched in 2010) as a commodity fetish, and the circulation of “apps” as texts made available by and offered as justifications for, this fetish object. The iPad is both book and toy, but is never “only” either; it is arguably a new technology of subjectivity which incorporates but also destabilises categories of reading and playing such as those made familiar by earlier technologies of literature and the self. The particular focus of this paper is on the multimodal versions (app, film, and picture book) of The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore, which are understood here as a narrativisation of commodity fetishism, subjectivity, and the act of reading itself

    Pengembangan Lendabook Berbasis Jejaring Social Network Menggunakan Cakephp

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    Social network provides outstanding in effect current human life. relationship between human with other peopledo the easy. information about a person shall be easily obtained from the media is social network. this is noapart from the internet and computer technology development is rapidly increasing. reading is a need forcommunity. even reading this time as if being a new lifestyle in the community. this is visible from many visitorsbook stores and exhibition-book exhibition held in periodic. however, the amount of the enthusiastic with theability to buy book, especially for student or students. borrowing books are some of technology adoption forexisting problems. using the concept of social network using technology and internet. lendabook social networksite that is built for the purpose of sharing with facilitate the public in lend to each loan books

    How does technological development and adoption occur In the media? A cultural determinist model

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    The thesis hereby submitted, ‘How Does Technological Development And Adoption Occur In The Media? A Cultural Determinist Model’ was originally published in Media Technology and Society A History: from the telegraph to the Internet (London: Routledge 1998) and Technologies of Seeing: Photography, Cinematography and Television (London: British Film Institute 1996). The argument outlined in those two books is further supported and updated by six other texts published between 1995 and 2005 on the same topic. Media Technology and Society A History: from the telegraph to the Internet deals with the development of electrical and electronic mass media proposing a model for the nature of such developments. It is a final iteration of an approach to this history which has its origins in work first begun in the 1970s. Technologies of Seeing: Photography, Cinematography and Television applies the same model to photographic and cinematographic technologies. The thesis argues that all these media developments can only be understood in a social context; that they are to be understood as examples of what has become known as ‘socially shaped technology’ (or, in terms of the thesis, ‘cultural determinism’). This is contrary to the received dominant view that technology itself is the driver determining social formation – termed the ‘technological determinist’, ‘technicist’ or ‘diffusion theory’ approach. In rejecting technicism, ‘How Does Technological Development And Adoption Occur In The Media? A Cultural Determinist Model’ proposes instead an original, pioneering contribution to a revisionist cultural determinist/SST historiography as well as outlining a model to explicate at a theoretical level how such innovations and adoptions occur

    The state-of-the-art in personalized recommender systems for social networking

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    With the explosion of Web 2.0 application such as blogs, social and professional networks, and various other types of social media, the rich online information and various new sources of knowledge flood users and hence pose a great challenge in terms of information overload. It is critical to use intelligent agent software systems to assist users in finding the right information from an abundance of Web data. Recommender systems can help users deal with information overload problem efficiently by suggesting items (e.g., information and products) that match users’ personal interests. The recommender technology has been successfully employed in many applications such as recommending films, music, books, etc. The purpose of this report is to give an overview of existing technologies for building personalized recommender systems in social networking environment, to propose a research direction for addressing user profiling and cold start problems by exploiting user-generated content newly available in Web 2.0

    Elizabeth and the Great Forest (Series 1) Elizabeth and the Strange Island (Series 2)

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    Children literature is one way to deliver important moral values to children all over the world. Therefore, I made Elizabeth and The Great Forest (Series 1) and Elizabeth and The Strange Island (Series 2) as my creative work for the final project. In those two books, I want to bring up some issues which are; technology cannot replace direct interaction between people, fears are not supposed to be avoided but to be faced, and mother-daughter relationship is the most important relationship. The first book will focus on technology that damages a girl's social life and a girl's bravery in overcoming her own fears. The second book will focus on mother-daughter relationship with sub-theme: overcoming the characters' own fears. Through the girl's journeys, she will finally realize that technology cannot replace human interaction, people need to overcome their own fears, and mother-daughter relationship is the most important relationship ever in her life

    Okul öncesi dönemde teknoloji bağımlılığı: Resimli çocuk kitaplarına yönelik bir inceleme

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    In today’s world, technological devices have started to take an important part in human life. Many studies have determined that technological devices have positive and negative effects on individuals' physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and language development. In parallel with the developments in science and technology, tools such as pens, books, notebooks, and erasers, which used to be popular in the past for children, have been replaced by devices such as tablets, phones, and computers. When examined from this aspect, it can be mentioned that many technology-based devices, which are widely used today, have positive and negative effects on people. Especially in early childhood, the misuse of technological devices can cause undesirable and permanent results. For this reason, families and stakeholders in the education process should provide awareness of the prevention of technology addiction. Illustrated children's books are one of the most important tools that parents and educators can use to convey accurate information to children. With the help of illustrated children's books, how and how long technological devices will be benefited, and problems that may arise in their misuse can be conveyed to children in accordance with their developmental levels. This situation reveals the requirement for the content and the way of conveying the content of illustrated children’s books related to technology addiction to be correct. In parallel with this information, the study aimed to examine the content of illustrated children's books on technology addiction for the preschool period. The qualitative research method was used in the research. The study group was determined by the criterion sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods. Accordingly, the study group consisted of 15 illustrated children's books that are still in print and accessible to researchers. Illustrated children's books were examined by document analysis method. The books were analyzed using descriptive analysis technique and content analysis technique. As a result of the study, it was observed that the illustrated children’s books examined did not contain enough content about the dangers that might be encountered in the internet environment which children are frequently exposed to, and some of the suggested solutions for technology addiction are considered appropriate, but not presented sufficiently. As in other books, illustrated children's books on technology addiction should be written according to the child's developmental characteristics, and an information note for families and information about the age group that the book addresses should be included for guidance. Besides, in these children's books, judgments that create anxiety, stress, and fear and blame the family or the child should be avoided

    Building Environmental Awareness based on Science and Technology Society among MI Students

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    This research aimed to know the implementation of social studies learning at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI, Islamic primary school) and to know how to build environmental awareness through social studies learning at MI. This was a library research involving a variety of sources particularly books and journal articles on social studies learning. The journal articles on social studies learning ranging from 2009 to 2018 and books on social studies learning from 2005 to 2009 were analyzed and synthesized. The results showed that social studies learning in MI have been carried out conventionally where teachers teach only by the lecturing method, less use of media oriented towards social problems in students’ daily lives. Meanwhile, environmental awareness character in community technology science-based social studies learning in MI was done by providing a social issue or problem, observing or researching social problems to be discussed as problem exploration, applying the concept by providing solutions to problems, conceptualization and assessment

    Social  reading - the reader on digital margins

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    Electronic books enrich the reading experience through a range of possibilities digital technology offers, such as commenting or adding content at the margin space, marking interesting chapters and sharing the content with other readers. The phenomenon of social reading emerges with the influence of technology in the sphere of reading books and creates interactions for readers with the content and other readers. The great potential of enriching the reading experience is visible in the digital platforms for social reading, where the interaction and the creation of new content encourages the development of new way of reading and creativity. These activities may contribute to better understanding of the text. This enhances the communication about the text thus revitalizing the content and moves the reading itself from private to public sphere. This paper will show how are the activities in the digital margins transformed into a good indicator of the reading behavior, as well as the importance and usefulness of such for publishers to create new publishing products and services
