104 research outputs found

    URDP: General Framework for Direct CCA2 Security from any Lattice-Based PKE Scheme

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    Design efficient lattice-based cryptosystem secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attack (IND-CCA2) is a challenge problem. To the date, full CCA2-security of all proposed lattice-based PKE schemes achieved by using a generic transformations such as either strongly unforgeable one-time signature schemes (SU-OT-SS), or a message authentication code (MAC) and weak form of commitment. The drawback of these schemes is that encryption requires "separate encryption". Therefore, the resulting encryption scheme is not sufficiently efficient to be used in practice and it is inappropriate for many applications such as small ubiquitous computing devices with limited resources such as smart cards, active RFID tags, wireless sensor networks and other embedded devices. In this work, for the first time, we introduce an efficient universal random data padding (URDP) scheme, and show how it can be used to construct a "direct" CCA2-secure encryption scheme from "any" worst-case hardness problems in (ideal) lattice in the standard model, resolving a problem that has remained open till date. This novel approach is a "black-box" construction and leads to the elimination of separate encryption, as it avoids using general transformation from CPA-secure scheme to a CCA2-secure one. IND-CCA2 security of this scheme can be tightly reduced in the standard model to the assumption that the underlying primitive is an one-way trapdoor function.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1302.0347, arXiv:1211.6984; and with arXiv:1205.5224 by other author

    Learning with Errors is easy with quantum samples

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    Learning with Errors is one of the fundamental problems in computational learning theory and has in the last years become the cornerstone of post-quantum cryptography. In this work, we study the quantum sample complexity of Learning with Errors and show that there exists an efficient quantum learning algorithm (with polynomial sample and time complexity) for the Learning with Errors problem where the error distribution is the one used in cryptography. While our quantum learning algorithm does not break the LWE-based encryption schemes proposed in the cryptography literature, it does have some interesting implications for cryptography: first, when building an LWE-based scheme, one needs to be careful about the access to the public-key generation algorithm that is given to the adversary; second, our algorithm shows a possible way for attacking LWE-based encryption by using classical samples to approximate the quantum sample state, since then using our quantum learning algorithm would solve LWE

    Making Existential-Unforgeable Signatures Strongly Unforgeable in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    Strongly unforgeable signature schemes provide a more stringent security guarantee than the standard existential unforgeability. It requires that not only forging a signature on a new message is hard, it is infeasible as well to produce a new signature on a message for which the adversary has seen valid signatures before. Strongly unforgeable signatures are useful both in practice and as a building block in many cryptographic constructions. This work investigates a generic transformation that compiles any existential-unforgeable scheme into a strongly unforgeable one, which was proposed by Teranishi et al. and was proven in the classical random-oracle model. Our main contribution is showing that the transformation also works against quantum adversaries in the quantum random-oracle model. We develop proof techniques such as adaptively programming a quantum random-oracle in a new setting, which could be of independent interest. Applying the transformation to an existential-unforgeable signature scheme due to Cash et al., which can be shown to be quantum-secure assuming certain lattice problems are hard for quantum computers, we get an efficient quantum-secure strongly unforgeable signature scheme in the quantum random-oracle model.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in Proceedings TQC 201

    Bounded-Collusion IBE from Key Homomorphism

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    In this work, we show how to construct IBE schemes that are secure against a bounded number of collusions, starting with underlying PKE schemes which possess linear homomorphisms over their keys. In particular, this enables us to exhibit a new (bounded-collusion) IBE construction based on the quadratic residuosity assumption, without any need to assume the existence of random oracles. The new IBE’s public parameters are of size O(tλlogI) where I is the total number of identities which can be supported by the system, t is the number of collusions which the system is secure against, and λ is a security parameter. While the number of collusions is bounded, we note that an exponential number of total identities can be supported. More generally, we give a transformation that takes any PKE satisfying Linear Key Homomorphism, Identity Map Compatibility, and the Linear Hash Proof Property and translates it into an IBE secure against bounded collusions. We demonstrate that these properties are more general than our quadratic residuosity-based scheme by showing how a simple PKE based on the DDH assumption also satisfies these properties.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CCF-0729011)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF CCF-1018064)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA FA8750-11-2-0225
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