11,562 research outputs found

    Recognition of handwritten music scores

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    The recognition of handwritten music scores still remains an open problem. The existing approaches can only deal with very simple handwritten scores mainly because of the variability in the handwriting style and the variability in the composition of groups of music notes (i.e. compound music notes). In this work on the one hand I study the isolated symbols (i.e half-note, quarter-note, clefs, sharps) and on the other hand the compound music notes. Firstly, I will separate the isolated symbols (i.e half-notes, quarter-notes, clefs, sharps) to the compounds and I will study each one separately. The isolated symbols will be recognized with symbol recognition methods and compounds with a primitive hierarchy and syntactic rules. The method has been tested using several handwritten music scores of the CVC-MUSCIMA database and compared with a commercial Optical Music Recognition software. Given that my method is learning-free, the obtained results are promising.El reconeixement de partitures musicals manuscrites segueix sent un problema obert. Els enfocaments existents només poden reconéixer partitures manuscrites molt simples, principalment a causa de la variabilitat en l'estil d'escriptura i la variabilitat en la composició dels grups de notes musicals (p.e. els símbols musicals compostos). En aquest treball, per començar, se separaran els símbols simples (p.e blanques, negres, claus, sostinguts) dels compostos i els estudiaré per separat. Els símbols simples mitjançant mètodes de reconeixement de símbols i els compostos a partir d'una jerarquia de primitives i regles sintàctiques. El meu mètode ha estat provat utilitzant diferents partitures de música escrita a mà de la base de dades CVC-MUSCIMA i comparat amb un programari de reconeixement òptic musical comercial. Tenint en compte que el meu mètode és d'aprenentatge lliure, els resultats obtinguts són prometedors.El reconocimiento de partituras musicales manuscritas sigue siendo un problema abierto. Los enfoques existentes sólo pueden reconocer partituras manuscritas muy simples, principalmente debido a la variabilidad en el estilo de escritura y la variabilidad en la composición de los grupos de notas musicales (p.e. los símbolos musicales compuestos). En este trabajo, para empezar, se separarán los símbolos simples (p.e blancas, negras, llaves, sostenidos) de los compuestos y los estudiaré por separado. Los símbolos simples mediante métodos de reconocimiento de símbolos y los compuestos a partir de una jerarquía de primitivas y reglas sintácticas. Mi método ha sido probado utilizando diferentes partituras de música escrita a mano de la base de datos CVC-MUSCIMA y comparado con un software de reconocimiento óptico musical comercial. Teniendo en cuenta que mi método es de aprendizaje libre, los resultados obtenidos son prometedores

    "Blurred Shape Model" : innovador reconeixement automàtic d'objectes

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    Una de les dificultats que trobem al reconeixement automàtic d'imatges prové de les alteracions que sofreixen els objectes en la seva representació. El fonament dels actuals sistemes intel·ligents consisteix a extraure informació rellevant de l'objecte, com podria ser el seu contorn, i aprendre que certes combinacions d'informació corresponen a objectes determinats. Investigadors del Centre de Visió per Computador, han proposat una nova metodologia per a la descripció d'objectes i el seu aprenentatge: el premiat descriptor "Blurred Shape Model" (BSM) considera la relació entre el nivell de difuminació del contorn i la facilitat per ser après com a un objecte determinat. Els usos d'aquesta nova metodologia van des de l'anàlisi de textos per ser processats, fins a la robòtica, passant per l'anàlisi de contingut d'imatges a internet.Una de las dificultades que encontramos en el reconocimiento automático de imágenes proviene de las alteraciones que sufren los objetos en su representación. El fundamento de los actuales sistemas inteligentes consiste en extraer información relevante del objeto, como podría ser su contorno, y aprender que ciertas combinaciones de información corresponden a objetos determinados. Investigadores del Centre de Visió per Computador han propuesto una nueva metodología para la descripción de objetos y su aprendizaje: el premiado descriptor "Blurred Shape Model" (BSM) considera la relación entre el nivel de difuminación del contorno y la facilidad para ser aprendido como un objeto determinado. Los usos de esta nueva metodología van desde el análisis de textos para ser procesados, hasta la robótica, pasando por el análisis de contenido de imágenes en internet

    Improving Information Retrieval in Multiwriter Scenario by Exploiting the Similarity Graph of Document Terms

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordInformation Retrieval (IR) is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to a questioned information. It usually retrieves a set of objects ranked according to the relevancy to the needed fact. In document analysis, information retrieval receives a lot of attention in terms of symbol and word spotting. However, through decades the community mostly focused either on printed or on single writer scenario, where the state-of-The-art results have achieved reasonable performance on the available datasets. Nevertheless, the existing algorithms do not perform accordingly on multiwriter scenario. A graph representing relations between a set of objects is a structure where each node delineates an individual element and the similarity between them is represented as a weight on the connecting edge. In this paper, we explore different analytics of graphs constructed from words or graphical symbols, such as diffusion, shortest path, etc. to improve the performance of information retrieval methods in multiwriter scenario.European Union Horizon 2020Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, SpainFPUCERCA Programme/Generalitat de Cataluny

    On the design of an ECOC-compliant genetic algorithm

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    Genetic Algorithms (GA) have been previously applied to Error-Correcting Output Codes (ECOC) in state-of-the-art works in order to find a suitable coding matrix. Nevertheless, none of the presented techniques directly take into account the properties of the ECOC matrix. As a result the considered search space is unnecessarily large. In this paper, a novel Genetic strategy to optimize the ECOC coding step is presented. This novel strategy redefines the usual crossover and mutation operators in order to take into account the theoretical properties of the ECOC framework. Thus, it reduces the search space and lets the algorithm to converge faster. In addition, a novel operator that is able to enlarge the code in a smart way is introduced. The novel methodology is tested on several UCI datasets and four challenging computer vision problems. Furthermore, the analysis of the results done in terms of performance, code length and number of Support Vectors shows that the optimization process is able to find very efficient codes, in terms of the trade-off between classification performance and the number of classifiers. Finally, classification performance per dichotomizer results shows that the novel proposal is able to obtain similar or even better results while defining a more compact number of dichotomies and SVs compared to state-of-the-art approaches

    Signature Verification Approach using Fusion of Hybrid Texture Features

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    In this paper, a writer-dependent signature verification method is proposed. Two different types of texture features, namely Wavelet and Local Quantized Patterns (LQP) features, are employed to extract two kinds of transform and statistical based information from signature images. For each writer two separate one-class support vector machines (SVMs) corresponding to each set of LQP and Wavelet features are trained to obtain two different authenticity scores for a given signature. Finally, a score level classifier fusion method is used to integrate the scores obtained from the two one-class SVMs to achieve the verification score. In the proposed method only genuine signatures are used to train the one-class SVMs. The proposed signature verification method has been tested using four different publicly available datasets and the results demonstrate the generality of the proposed method. The proposed system outperforms other existing systems in the literature.Comment: Neural Computing and Applicatio