126 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of minimal blow up solutions to an inhomogeneous mass critical NLS

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    We consider the 2-dimensional focusing mass critical NLS with an inhomogeneous nonlinearity: itu+Δu+k(x)u2u=0i\partial_tu+\Delta u+k(x)|u|^{2}u=0. From standard argument, there exists a threshold Mk>0M_k>0 such that H1H^1 solutions with uL2<Mk\|u\|_{L^2}<M_k are global in time while a finite time blow up singularity formation may occur for uL2>Mk\|u\|_{L^2}>M_k. In this paper, we consider the dynamics at threshold u0L2=Mk\|u_0\|_{L^2}=M_k and give a necessary and sufficient condition on kk to ensure the existence of critical mass finite time blow up elements. Moreover, we give a complete classification in the energy class of the minimal finite time blow up elements at a non degenerate point, hence extending the pioneering work by Merle who treated the pseudo conformal invariant case k1k\equiv 1

    Blow up for the critical gKdV equation III: exotic regimes

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    We consider the blow up problem in the energy space for the critical (gKdV) equation in the continuation of part I and part II. We know from part I that the unique and stable blow up rate for solutions close to the solitons with strong decay on the right is 1/t1/t. In this paper, we construct non-generic blow up regimes in the energy space by considering initial data with explicit slow decay on the right in space. We obtain finite time blow up solutions with speed tνt^{-\nu} where ν>11/13, \nu>11/13, as well as global in time growing up solutions with both exponential growth or power growth. These solutions can be taken with initial data arbitrarily close to the ground state solitary wave

    Construction of type II blow-up solutions for the energy-critical wave equation in dimension 5

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    We consider the semilinear wave equation with focusing energy-critical nonlinearity in space dimension 5 with radial data. It is known that a solution (u,tu)(u, \partial_t u) which blows up at t=0t = 0 in a neighborhood (in the energy norm) of the family of solitons WλW_\lambda, asymptotically decomposes in the energy space as a sum of a bubble WλW_\lambda and an asymptotic profile (u0,u1)(u_0^*, u_1^*), where limt0λ(t)/t=0\lim_{t\to 0}\lambda(t)/t = 0 and (u0,u1)H˙1×L2(u^*_0, u^*_1) \in \dot H^1\times L^2. We construct a blow-up solution of this type such that (u0,u1)(u^*_0, u^*_1) is any pair of sufficiently regular functions with u0(0)>0u_0^*(0) > 0. For these solutions the concentration rate is λ(t)t4\lambda(t) \sim t^4. We also provide examples of solutions with concentration rate λ(t)tν+1\lambda(t) \sim t^{\nu + 1} for ν>8\nu > 8, related to the behaviour of the asymptotic profile near the origin.Comment: 39 pages; the new version takes into account the remarks of the referee

    Blow up for the critical gKdV equation II: minimal mass dynamics

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    We fully revisit the near soliton dynamics for the mass critical (gKdV) equation. In Part I, for a class of initial data close to the soliton, we prove that only three scenario can occur: (BLOW UP) the solution blows up in finite time TT in a universal regime with speed 1/(Tt)1/(T-t); (SOLITON) the solution is global and converges to a soliton in large time; (EXIT) the solution leaves any small neighborhood of the modulated family of solitons in the scale invariant L2L^2 norm. Regimes (BLOW UP) and (EXIT) are proved to be stable. We also show in this class that any nonpositive energy initial data (except solitons) yields finite time blow up, thus obtaining the classification of the solitary wave at zero energy. In Part II, we classify minimal mass blow up by proving existence and uniqueness (up to invariances of the equation) of a minimal mass blow up solution S(t)S(t). We also completely describe the blow up behavior of S(t)S(t). Second, we prove that S(t)S(t) is the universal attractor in the (EXIT) case, i.e. any solution as above in the (EXIT) case is close to SS (up to invariances) in L2L^2 at the exit time. In particular, assuming scattering for S(t)S(t) (in large positive time), we obtain that any solution in the (EXIT) scenario also scatters, thus achieving the description of the near soliton dynamics


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    CONTENTS J. Bona Derivation and some fundamental properties of nonlinear dispersive waves equations F. Planchon Schr\"odinger equations with variable coecients P. Rapha\"el On the blow up phenomenon for the L^2 critical non linear Schrodinger Equatio

    Blow up dynamics for smooth equivariant solutions to the energy critical Schr\"odinger map

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    We consider the energy critical Schr\"odinger map problem with the 2-sphere target for equivariant initial data of homotopy index k=1k=1. We show the existence of a codimension one set of smooth well localized initial data arbitrarily close to the ground state harmonic map in the energy critical norm, which generates finite time blow up solutions. We give a sharp description of the corresponding singularity formation which occurs by concentration of a universal bubble of energy